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Finally: Part 1

Posted on 24 Jun 2010 @ 12:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Captain's Office


New crew was coming out of the wood work. Da`nal was never so pleased to be as busy as he was right now. His Marine CO had just left when he was called from the Transporter room that a Lt Meru was standing by to beam over from the USS Ares.

Checking his roster he saw that she was due to report as their Chief Science Officer. "Finally", he said aloud.

=^= Sir? =^=

"Sorry. Permission granted. Send her to the bridge as soon as she's aboard."

=^= Aye, sir. =^= With that he closed the channel and reopened the one on hold. =^= Ares, we are ready for transport. =^=

Anara arrived holding the hand of her four year old son, Edom. He was holding a small green teddy bear in his other hand and wearing a miniature teal colored Star Fleet uniform. Marissa had sewed it together specifically for him.

Anara helped Edom down the stairs. The transporter chief told her that she was to see the Captain as soon as she arrived. She squeezed Edom's hand, "Come on, sweety- it looks as if you're going to be seeing the Captain with me."

Edom looked up at her, "I am!? I hope he's a nice man."

She smiled fondling at him before leading the way down the corridor, "I'm sure he will be.."

Internally, Anara worried about what the Captain would think of meeting her son and her at the same time. She didn't usually have such meetings until after she felt comfortable with the Captain. Still- orders were orders and if the Captain wished to see her right away- she would oblige.

They made their way onto the turbo lift to the right deck. She stood outside of the Captain's office. She lifted Edom so that he could press the chime. She waited, holding her child on her hip.

Da`nal had just downed the last of his ra'taj and had gotten another. He was returning to his desk as the chime sounded. "Enter" he said as he stopped midway. The door opened to reveal his new officer officer, and she wasn't alone. Setting his tankard on his desk he looked to the little boy on her hip then back to her. "Lieutenant...?"

Anara smiled at the Captain, "Yes, I am Lt. Meru Anara. Captain- it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my son, Edom. I would have dropped him off, but I was told that you wanted to meet me right away. I can take him to the nursery and then come back if you would prefer, sir."

Edom looked curiously at the Captain, his eyes starring at the ridges on his forehead. He gave a small wave, "Did you hit your head?" he asked in a curious voice.

Anara turned toward Edom and whispered softly in his ear, reminding him to be quiet while adults were talking. The boy simply gave a light nod.

"That's alright Lieutenant, come in." He looked to the child, dressed in a miniature uniform and he decided to treat him as any other member of the crew. "Mr. Meru, an officer doesn't speak out of turn, especially one out of uniform." Removing a pip from his collar he stepped up the boy and pinned it in place. "There, I will not tolerate a member of my crew not being dressed properly. Is that clear?"

Anara let go of Edom, so that the pip could be moved to his uniform. Edom stood at attention and gave the Captain a salute, "Understood, sir!" He spoke in a soft voice.

"Very good. Now as your question showed concern for your Captain, a VERY Honorable trait, I will answer. No I have not hit my head. Why do you think I did?"

Edom looked at his mother as if asking permission, and then he turned back to the Captain, "It looks as if you have many bumps on your head. Have you been to sickbay?" His eyes were innocent and wide.

Anara covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

Da`nal remained silent for a moment, then clearing his throat he kneeled in front of Edom.

"These 'bumps' are the ridges of a warrior...a Klingon." Touching the bridge of Edom's nose. "Just as the Bajoran people have the ridges on their noses; Klingon's have ridges on their head."

Edom nodded in understanding as he touched Da'nal's ridges, "Yours are harder than mine." He observed. He then moved back to stand beside his mom.

"It looks as if you are great with kids, Captain. I hope he didn't insult you," she spoke with admiration in her voice. She was happy to see that the Captain wasn't upset over Edom's comments.

"Not at all Lieutenant. There is no shame in curiousity. I have two children of my own, a boy and a girl, both about your size young man. As a matter of fact I believe both of them are in the holodeck with their ghojmog and my mate. Edom, would you like to meet them while your mother and I discuss her duties?"

Edom had a excited look on his face. On most of the ships he was on, he was the only child. So far his only real socialization with children his age have been holodeck interactions. He nodded and looked up at Anara, "Can I, mommy?"

She rubbed his back, "Of course." She looked back to the Captain, "Shall we head there now?"

"If you like or I can have..." He stopped himself. Knowing a mother would not want to leave her child with a stanger, shipmate or not, without meeting them first. Standing he waved to the door, "lets go."

Anara's brow furrowed as she wondered what he might have been thinking of. She nodded and followed him out of the office to the holodeck. Edom smiled at the Captain, "Thank you for the pip, sir."


Captain Da`nal


Lt. Meru Anara
Chief Science Officer


Mini Ensign Meru Edom


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