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Visit to the Intelligence hole in Security

Posted on 24 Jun 2010 @ 4:32pm by

630 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Intelligence ofiice
Timeline: Current

The list on his Padd was getting shorter as DOn managed to meet with departments heads and other key staff. "Computer, locate Lieutenant Silonez," he said as he exited his office and crossed the bridge.

"Lieutenant Silonez is on Deck 7 in Security Office 5 Alpha," said the monotone voice of the ship's computer.

"Security Office?" Don asked surprised.


"Is there not a designated Intelligence Department on this ship?" he asked perplexed but at that moment not even considering that Silonez might be visiting someone in security


"What?" It was such a big ship and no Intel Department....

"There is not desig

"Right!" Don cut the computer off and made his way to Deck 7, office 5 Alpha.

Arriving there, he knocked at the side of the door finding it open and the intel chief unpacking.

Silonez was not having a good day, all of his staff had been reassigned, and he was shoe horned into an office that wasn't much larger than his quarters, he looked up at the door after hearing the knock, "Commander, welcome to my pigeon hole." Silonez said with some disgust.

"That bad, huh," Don said looking at the small office. There was hardly a chair for him to sit on. The one that was their had containers on it. "Let's get out of your cosy hole and grab a bite or something in the mess hall The food is really good," he said as he realized that he had not eaten. "I have your orders and new security clearance codes for the ship with me, want to take care of the formalities now?"

"I'll have to pass, some genius in personel reassigned all of my staff so I'm working alone at the moment, and now I've got Admiral Morgan breathing down my neck over the Cartarus mess." Silonez said trying to hide the exasperation he was feeling.

"Ok, well pass on the "get you out of your hole thing"," Don said good-heartedly. He knew the feeling of being overwhelmed, barely knowing what to do first and what to leave for later. He had one priority though. "BUt we have to do the formalities now," he said. "Your old codes will become invalid shortly," he said. "It won't take long" he said and tapped the Padd, pressing his thumb on it, before handing it to the CIO.

Silonez pressed his thumb on the PADD and passed it back the the XO, "Before you leave, someone from archival studies sent me a stack of files from the early twenty second century, Three are from Kzinti encounters from that time, and one is from some bizarre nebula on the far side of klingon space called the Wyn Cluster, they have some historical value but I'm not sure why they're here."

A small frown formed between Don's eyes as he listened. "The Kzinti.... I haven't heard about them since the academy and frankly I didn't like what I heard. Keep the information close by, until further notice," he said thoughtfully. "I will inform the Captain." It if had been another race he would not have taken it serious, but the Kzinti, now that disturbed him. He moved towards the door after taking the padd. "I will see what I can do about some proper office space. It might take time though."

"Theres' no rush, I've got time to spare." Silonez said

Don nodded, a bit confused as the man seemed overwhelmed a minute ago. He guessed he was talking about the office space. "I won't keep you any longer and I still have a few crew to meet. I hope you get through all that soon enough," he said motioning towards the boxes and left the man to his work.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lt Silonez Ericson


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