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A lesson learnt

Posted on 23 Jun 2010 @ 5:39pm by

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Current.


Dressed in a track suit, Don jogged the still relatively empty corridors to main engineering. He was not getting to know the ship, not getting lost so often anymore. He had been past main engineering, so it was easy to find. Slowing down, he walked at a respectable pace through the door, but then stopped and whistled as he breathed out when he looked around. "My my... what have we here?" he said half to himself, admiring the layout and of course the warp engine.

Jess looked up from where she was working with a cadet "Morning sir ..."

"Morning Lieutenant," Don said stepping towards her. "Do you have a few minutes?" He watched her, having received the report on what had happened earlier of what had transpired. ~What a way to start.....~

Nodding Jess smiled reassuringly at the Cadet beside her and patted the young boy on the shoulder. "You'll be fine ... the diagnostic runs itself and I shouldn't be long." Turning to the Commander she said "I'm all yours sir."

Don grinned at her comment, but then sobered. He extended his hand to her. "First things first, Lieutenant. Let me welcome you on board before I reprimand you.." he said, his expression not revealing whether he was serious or not.

Gulping slightly Jess tried to stand slightly taller inspite of the ribs "Thank you sir ... uh ... my apologies for the need to call security yesterday when I came on board."

"That is not the reason for your being in trouble," he said sternly, still letting her suffer for a but. He was not really as serous as he wanted to seem, but the matter did carry weight with him.

Jess's eyes widened and then she face palmed "Oh my god ... I am soooo sorry sir. I was supposed to report to you when I came on board yesterday." She couldnt believe it had slipped her mind and she had made such a rookie mistake after what had happened.

Don opened and closed his mouth as he had another idea how to bring across the importance of following all orders, even ones to go to sickbay and take a day's leave. "Lieutenant, I am up for a bit of sparring, we can talk while we fight..." he said. "Come with me..." he said and turned to leave.

Nodding she followed him out indicating to one of her more experienced guys that he was in charge.

He proceeded in the direction of the turbo lift. "We are going to the the gym, saucer section, deck 3," he informed her and said nothing further. As they reached it, she walked to the turbo lift, as one would. "Nope, not the lift..." he said as he opened the jeffreys tube hatch right next to it. "This way, Lieutenant.. after you," he grinned and stretched his hand galantly towards the small opening.

Jess looked at him and then at the Jeffries tube and opened her mouth and then shut it again. Looking at the tube she ducked down and in, hiding the wince as her ribs grated together although a tiny whimper escaped. Every movement was painful but she refused to say anything. Pausing when she came to the ladder she placed her feet on the rungs and leant her head against the wall as she breathed painfully before gritting her teeth and starting to climb. She only got three rungs up before the pain got too bad and she sagged half conscious onto the Commander just below her.

Don was ready for her and caught her carefully. "Ready to go to sickbay now, Lieutenant?" he asked without sarcasm, simply reminding her that she had disobeyed an order. "Good thing we are not in an emergency situation," he said quietly.

Barely conscious she nodded "Yes sir ... message received loud and clear ... when someone says go to sickbay don't just see the duty doctor then scarper without telling them everything. I promise to behave." She sagged into him fully trusting him to hold her up as she just breathed through the waves of pain.

"Computer, Commence site to site transport to sickbay, authorization Killian Alpha 2929 Charlie, he said and disappeared with her as they were transported directly to sickbay. A nurse was there immediately and when Don saw a doc approached he smiled at the engineer and left her in the medical staff's capable hands.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lt Jessica Coombs


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