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The secret life of the XO

Posted on 06 Jul 2010 @ 1:04pm by

493 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: The bar
Timeline: MD 1: Backpost - Lunch

When Don walked into the mess hall, he watched Rhys for a while before
approaching the counter. He casually sat there, not giving her
particular attention, but looked over the crew gathered there.

"You want something or you here for the view?" her voice came from
behind the counter as casual as his own demeanor. A little game they
played. Not pre-arranged, not planned, just an instant mutual

His nonchalant attitude belied the intensity in his eyes when they did
lock with hers briefly. Volumes passed between them in a split second.

She liked to keep a distance from everyone, except on a professional
level, clouding herself with a sense of mystery. No one knew or really
cared where she actually went to when off duty. She met regular
advances with her free spirited sensual distance.

He preferred no one to know who he was sleeping with.

"Club soda and a whole wheat smoked salmon sandwich, jalapeño's on the
side," he ordered. He was addicted to two things. Anything hot and...

"Can't believe you never get tired of the same old thing but got it
coming up anyway," she said as if he was just another
customer...although one she knew just a bit better than she may most.
As if, he were a regular...

Don dismissed her comment as if he had heard that a thousand times and

while he waited he watched the crowd, seemingly bored, but yet took in

everything. The odd crew member greeted, but assumed he was off duty,

since he had a track suit on. When the food came he turned to face

her, forcing himself not to unclothe her with his eyes in front of the
whole crew. "Thank you", he grinned and stuck a jelopeno in his mouth.
"Anything else in the menu, today?" he asked as many other flirting
hopefuls tried.

"Don't know yet," she grinned wickedly, "Come back after hours and
maybe you'll find out."

"Oh.. You tease, hun," he said playfully while eating, though the
message had a familiarity only they would understand. She moved away
to serve another. He watched her again, her movements, the slope of
her throat as it fell towards her breats. He tore his eyes away and
ate his food. As he got up to leave, he said a polite thank you and
walked leisurely away, greeting people. On his padd he sent her a
message. "Now..."

Her eyes lifted, just barely, a wicked glint in their depths even as
the corners of her mouth curled. She called to her backup who was
cleaning off tables and told him she would be back in a few. Of
course, when she said that he never knew if it would be a few minutes
for a few hours but she wasn't hardnosed like some so he simply gave a
silent nod and watched as she strode off.


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Bar tender


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