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Afternoon Excursion

Posted on 26 Jun 2010 @ 10:21am by

2,058 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: SB 515
Timeline: Current


It was late afternoon when John woke up, his arm was around the cute redhead as she continued to sleep. They had been sleeping for a couple of hours after getting drunk midday and the noontime workout they enjoyed just left him spent. He slowly eased out of bed and quietly began looking for his clothes. His clothes and her clothes were scattered about the room so he had to walk all over to pick them up. As he began to get dress, his partner started to stir.

Rolling over in bed she reached out for her partner. Opening an eye she looked over at John and smiled sleepily "Morning ... "

John smiled back warmly, "Its actually afternoon and we have been sleeping for only a couple of hours. John wanted to bolt before she had awaken. It wasn't like him to just to find someone and sleep with them. He needed something though, he had not been with a woman in nearly a year. He needed to be satisfied and now he had been, very much so by an attractive redhead, but it was time for him to leave. With her awake he couldn't. "Well, I guess I should be going, you probably have plans for the evening and I have intruded enough."

Jess shook her head then rolled onto her back as the sheet dropped lower. "You could come back to bed and keep me company John ..." She stretched subconsciously.

The sheet exposed her upper torso, causing John to sigh. Dropping his clothes into a pile on the floor, he jumped back into bed, kissing all of her that was exposed. "I tell you what. lets romp in the sheets one more time then you can show me some sights here on the station."

Kissing him back she grinned at him "Mmmmm .. how would a picnic sound?"

John nodded, "That sounds fine to me."

"I know the perfect place ... vegetation ... stars ... and not another soul going there." Jess teased John by arching against him.

John pulled her in letting her know he was a man. "That sounds wonderful, when would you like to go?"

"Mmmmm .... I think we should ... explore ... this a little first ... Give me half an hour and I'll be happy to go." She kissed down his shoulder and nibbled at the joints.

John nodded, "I may need another nap by then." He began to caress her.

"That's ok ... we have all night if you want ... " She moved into his caresses as they began to loose themselves in exploring each other again.


John lay their holding her in his arms as he breathing began to slow. They had been at it for about thirty minutes. John kissed her shoulder lightly as his eyelids closed slowly.

Sighing Jess watched him dozing next to her with her heart in her eyes. Running a hand down his cheek gently she whispered nearly silently "I think I could easily love you given the chance."

After what was about twenty minutes, John slowly opened his eyes, "Hey, how long was I asleep?"

Smiling at him gently she said "Only about 20 minutes .. you looked like you needed it." Looking round she asked "Hungry? I seem to remember promising you a picnic."

John nodded, "Yes, I'm ready when you are."

Sitting up she grabbed clean clothes and quickly put them on before asking "You want to replicate something to wear?"

"Sure, I could always use some clean clothes, you can even pick them out if you want." John lay there still naked while she was getting dressed.

Grinning she eyed him as she went to the replicator and ordered some tightish fitting jeans and a t shirt for him. "I figured we could go casual seeing as its a picnic?"

John smiled, "That's totally fine with me. What are you taking for us to snack on?"

"I was thinking we could take some cold pies and savories and that ... finger foods ... no more wine for me though." She smiled impishly.

"We can have drinks tonight if you want. The food and snacks sound fine right now, besides if my mouth gets bored I know where it will go."

Jess smiled at him "I can think of a few places as well ..." She gave him an impish grin.

John knew that grin and what was implied by it. He nodded and smiled back. This was just the thing he needed a little 24 hour romance. He jumped out of bed and walked over to her as she held the clothes for him. Taking the clothes, he leaned in and gently kissed her.

Kissing him back she tried to guard her heart against falling for him but had a feeling she was fighting a loosing battle. Leaning back a bit she asked "Any food in particular you like or shall I get a whole lot of samples?"

"The samples sound fine with me. I never know what I'm in the mood for till I'm hungry."

Nodding she walked away reluctantly to input their requests into the replicator which then gave them an already filled hamper. "Ready when you are .."

John finished getting dress as she got the snacks ready, "Okay that's it, How do I look?"

Looking at him she grinned licking her lips "Good enough to eat." She grabbed the picnic basket and sashayed to the door.

Grinning, he followed her to the door, "I just might take you up on that." He quipped.

She chuckled as they walked along and she started pointing places out to him. "Over there they hold a Jazz night every month ... really good music and food. Then down there they have children's entertainment twice a week .... This place really is a good place for families." She looked into space wistfully and then shook her head refocusing on him. "I miss starships though .... the feel of the warp core humming under my feet."

John studied her reactions and tone as she talked about each place. "So.. have you ever been married or have any kids?"

"I was engaged once .... he turned out to be a cad ... " She shrugged a little defensively. She should have realized he had a way closer relationship with his XO than was normal but she was too emotionally involved to see it.

"What about children.... and a boy friend. Surely there is someone waiting for you? Perhaps back home?" John asked curiously.

Shaking her head she smiled a little "No ... I scare most people ... It's ok ... I have my engines and ships."

John nodded, "I see, well for today, you have me and I have you."

She smiled more widely "I like the sound of that." Looking round she ushered him into an out of the way alcove and then into a secluded park about 10 meters down. "Welcome to my sanctuary."

John looked around the area, "Very nice and very secluded, I like it."

"If you lay back ... you can hear a waterfall and birds in the distance. It's where I go when I need to meditate."

"Yeah, I can see why, its very pleasant. I'm sure you can relax quite well here."

"How about you? What do you do to relax?" She sat down on a soft area and patted the floor next to her invitingly.

John sat down beside her with a sigh, "I practice martial arts form to relax, it helps quite a bit."

"What sort? Hard or soft form?" Jess was curious.

John shook his head, "Neither, I am normally alone. When I am teaching the troops, I tend to use both, soft in the beginning and then some pretty good sparing when they are experienced."

Nodding Jess said quietly "Maybe if you ever come this way again we could spar some time."

"Are you into martial arts?" John asked.

Jess nodded "Taekwondo and Tai Chi mainly ... but anything that will help me stay alive in a fight."

"I think I would like that. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two." John teased.

"I'm sure I could ..." She looked at him with a suggestive grin "Im all for having you in less clothes."

"I'm sure you could think of a way to do that right here." John said with a grin. Jess was a very sweet girl.

"Mmmmm .... " Jess eyed him and then grinned as she pulled something out from the hamper before nudging him out of his shirt. "Well I am in need of a table seeing as we forgot to bring plates .... you look like you would make a good one..."

John grinned and slipped his shirt off. Laying back on the ground he sighed, "As long as I can return the favor."

Dabbing some chocolate on him she licked it off and grinned impishly "I'd like that ..."

John groaned at the feeling of her tongue on his skin.

Smiling she pulled out a device that would ensure they had privacy from the outside world and then fell into his arms as naturally as breathing.

John seemed to loose himself to this woman, forgetting about all his problems and his least for the moment.


Lying there sleepily feeling his chest move under her she fed him little bites of food and giggled when he took them between his teeth.

John was very content to lay there and let a beautiful woman feed him. His mind was on how much he enjoyed his time with her at that moment in time. They really didn't have to do much to have a good time. He thought it was very cute for her to feed him, he enjoyed the attention and couldn't wait to return the favor.

Jess smiled at him "This is nice ..."

"It is very pleasant, thanks for bringing me here. Now...what can I do for you?" John chuckled as he asked her.

Giving him a mischievous look she quipped "Hmmm I could think of a few things ..."

"I think you would make a very beautiful table...."

"mmmm Why don't we find out?" Smiling shyly she took her top off and laid back on the ground watching him.

John poured some chocolate on her and commenced to cleaning it with his tongue.

Sighing in pleasure Jess made happy whimpering sounds letting herself enjoy the moments she had with John.

Once he finished cleaning her off, he put a little chocolate on one of his fingers and put it in front of her lips enticing her.

Lifting her head slightly she reached out her tongue and licked it off of his finger as she moaned "Mmmmmm yum ..."

John groaned when she cleaned his finger. "That was amazing."

Nodding she lay there bonelessly with a smile as she ran a hand over his face "It was incredible ..."

John reached into the basket and pulled out a small piece of carrot and gently put it between her lips.

Nibbling at it she smiled letting him look after her "Thank you for this ... I haven't had anyone to share with in a long time."

"It was your idea, I'm glad you came up with it, it fun." John smiled.

"You looked like you were the picnic type." She teasingly licked his fingers with her tongue when he fed her the next bit of food.

Groaning he left his finger there for her to do as she wanted.

Nibbling on it she looked up at him from under her lashes "Maybe we should take this back to my room?"

"I think you're right, we may need to replicate more chocolate too." John grinned.

"Mmmmm ...." She grinned "Why limit ourselves to just chocolate ... "

"Because I can pour it all over you and lick it all up, but I am open to other things too."

Shivering at the thoughts running through her mind she let out a moan. Chuckling she quipped "Should we move this party somewhere more private ... with access to a replicator and chocolate?"

"I do think we need to take this back to your quarters, where we can be secure and have our supplies available." The thoughts sent a shiver up and down Johns spine.

Nodding Jess shivered and stood up "I'm ready when you are...."

John stood as well and the couple began to walk back to her quarters, eager to play.


Major John PsYchO Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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