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XO doing rounds

Posted on 23 Jun 2010 @ 5:14pm by

705 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Sec office
Timeline: Current, beginnging of Alpha shift

Don had a few PaDD's in his hand as he walked the corridors of the much larger Prometheus class ship. In fact he almost got lost on his way to the security office. reading a PaDD he nearly walked into hurried security officer.

"I am sorry!" he apologized with a smile grabbing her elbow to steady her.

Hannah stumbled slightly, nearly losing her balance. She gave a half hearted smile up at him before realising who he was. "Oh, sorry, sir, I wasn't looking where I was going," she said quickly.

Don grinned. "It was me reading your file, Ensign. I came see you," he informed her. he could see she was disturbed, but said nothing for now. "Shall we drink coffee and talk?" he suggested as she looked as if she needed one.

She was slightly alarmed at that information but nodded slowly. "Yes, sir..."

Leading her into the security office, he walked to the, watching her. "How do you drink yours?" he asked

"Milk and two sugars, please," she answered. She was starting to get a little nervous, had she done something wrong?

After replicating his as well he took the warm mug and handed it to her, setting himself down an a chair next to her. "What is troubling you?" he asked warmly.

She accepted the coffee with a quiet, "Thanks". After a few sips of the coffee, she replied, "Nothing serious."

"Tell me anyway," he encouraged quietly in a way that didn't exert pressure on her, but rather a sense of confidentiality. He leaned back to allow her the sense that he gave her room and sipped his own coffee.

"A matter with another member of the crew is bothering me slightly," she answered after a moments consideration.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

"It's... personal, sir," Hannah replied hesitantly.

Don didn't want to push her, but the crew was his concern. "You can tell me anything, and I want you to know that, but if you would feel more comfortable to speak to a woman and someone who is not your superior, speak to Miss Kelan, she is a counselor," he said. Don was a people person and genuinly cared for the people he served with. As regards to personal relationships, well that was another story entirely.

"Thank you," she replied with a tentative smile. "It's just that something happened last night with another member of the crew... and I'm not sure how to feel about it."

"Did you have a disagreement?" he asked worried now.

"Well, yes but I know how I feel about that part," Hannah replied with a wry smile, taking another sip of her coffee. "It's what happened before the 'disagreement' that's worrying me."

"Maybe give it a bit of time and you will figure it out," he suggested, sipping more coffee. "If you still feel the same in a few hours, then I suggest Ayren. She is a bit more qualified in the area I think it is...." he said smiling.

She smiled back. "Yes, sir. You said you were reading my file earlier, is something wrong?"

"Wrong?" he asked surprised. "Hell no, it is my jpb to read personnel files.. all of them," he smiled. "One way to get to know the crew, but face to face is better. The one reason I came," he said. "Secondly to see how you are doing, if you have any needs, and thirdly to hand you your new orders personally," he continued.

Every file? She didn't envy him that task... "New orders?" she asked with some interest, taking another sip of her coffee.

"Well, it is simply to formalize your commission to this vessel, and hand you your new clearance codes for this ships. Your old codes will in invalid within the hour," he said handing her the PaDD.

"Thank you," she replied, accepting the PADD.

He waited for her to place her thumb in the designated block to activate her codes. "Now you will go see Me Kelan?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she said, not really sure if she would or not. She wasn't comfortable around people, counselors more so. But then, it couldn't hurt...


Lt Cmdr *Counselor* Don Killian

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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