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One night wonders

Posted on 23 Jun 2010 @ 12:30am by

1,502 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Starbase 515
Timeline: 24 hours before reporting to Achilles


John arrived at Star Base 515 early in the morning, he spent most of his morning working out before heading back to his temporary quarters to shower and clean up. He decided to eat lunch in one of the many restaurants. He made his way to a very nice restaurant known as the Galaxy. He went inside and was seated by the waitress.

Jess had just finished a long double shift and was wanting to grab some food before she crashed for a couple of hours. Walking into a restaurant she sighed when she saw it was full with only one seat free and turned around to leave when she was waved over by the gentleman seated there. Walking over she smiled shyly "Hi."

John had been watching the cute redhead for a minute, the place had gotten packed since he had sat down and the waitress was having a hard time finding her a seat. She hadn't found a table and looked like she was ready to bolt. John decided to invite her over to join him, what harm would there be in that? He waved to get her attention. She began walking over and he stood as she came close. "Excuse me Miss, would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner? As you can see, I am alone and can always use some company of a beautiful woman."

Smiling greatfully Jess sat down opposite "Thanks for the rescue ... I'm Jessica."

"You are very welcome, thanks for rescuing me from a boring meal alone, I'm John and lunch is on me." He smiled back at her.

The waitress smiled at the pair, "You two make a nice couple, now....what can I get you to drink?"

Smiling at the compliment Jess asked "An Orange juice thanks ... I just came off a double ... I'll never sleep if I have anything else to drink." She looked over at John and raised an eyebrow in question.

"I would like an ice tea, please." John requested as he winked at Jess.

"Very good, I will be right back with those." She said as she handed they electronic menus.

Grinning back at John, Jess asked curiously "Here on business or pleasure?" She looked over the menu before making a choice of lasagna and salad.

John decided the less she knew about him the better, if this came to be a romantic interlude, he didn't want any strings attached. "At this moment in time....pleasure."

Nodding Jess could understand him not wanting to get too in depth. She was eying him up surreptitiously thinking that he was hot but she wasn't going to tell him that.

"And you, why have I been blessed with your presence?" John asked.

"I work as an engineer on station ... had some last minute patches to repair on ships coming in and leaving and half the staff is down sick so I ended up pulling a double."

"Ah, an engineer, I am a soldier. How long have you been in that line of work?" John asked, wanting to know something about the attractive young woman that sat across from him.

"Ever since I was little ... my dad was an engineer for Starfleet and I grew up learning to love ships from him." Jess smiled fondly at the memories.

John smiled at her smile, "You really have a very lovely sm....." John was interrupted by the waitress coming back with their drinks.

"Here you go." The waitress said as she put the drinks down in front of them, "Have you decided on what you would like to order?" The waitress looked to Jess first.

"Lasagna for me please ... with the fries and tomato sauce." Jess shrugged at his look "I figure I may as well." She laughed softly "I eat irregularly enough that it doesn't seem to add much in weight."

John leaned as if he could look at her body, "You do look like you take good care of yourself." John looked up at the waitress, I will have Lasagna too, but steamed vegetables on the side."

The waitress tapped a few commands in her PADD, "Okay, I will be back with those in a bit." The waitress quickly departed.

Jess sat back and eyed John from under her lashes as she licked her lips "SO how long are you here for John?"

"Just till in the morning, then I ship off." John looked down at the table for a moment, "So what are your plans after lunch?"

"I have a free diary .... and an empty room if your interested?" Jess figured it would be pretty safe to have a fling with him given they would both be gone in the next 24 hours probably in different directions.

"You are direct aren't you" John smiled, "I am definitely interested."

Jess shrugged and blushed a little "I always have been a little blunt."

John reached up and gently stroked her cheek, "It's okay by me, I could really use the companionship today and tonight."

Leaning into the caress she closed her eyes on a swallow of emotion telling herself not to get too attached. "Me too ..."

The waitress returned with their food, two plates of steaming hot lasagna and the sides they asked for. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

John dropped his hand quickly and looked at the food, "This looks and smells delicious."

Nodding Jess asked "A bottle of Chardonnay please .." She looked at John to make sure.

"That sounds fine to me." John smiled as the waitress went to retrieve the drink. John lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

Jess smiled and dropped her head shyly as he played with her hand. "The lasagna is pretty good here ... so are the chips."

"Please dig in." John said as he released her hand after a long moment. He began to dig in himself, enjoying the taste, "It is good, nice choice.

Taking a mouthful she hummed happily and smiled when the waitress came back and poured the wine. "Thanks ..." taking a sip she toasted him "To new friends in strange skies."

John lifted his glass to her's "To new friends and new loves." He said before taking a drink.

Nodding Jess smiled "Pity we only have 24 hours ... I guess we'll just have to make the most of it."

"That is exactly what I was thinking, we should do everything we can, I think it will be very fun." John admitted.

Eating and drinking they talked their way through two bottles of wine and Jess was feeling the effects when she stood up with John and weaved slightly.

John steadied Jess by taking her into an embrace. Being that close to her he was able to see how beautiful her eyes were and how wonderful she smelled. He stood there for a moment taking her in. "I should get you out of here and into your bed." John smiled at how that sounded.

"Mmmm ... " Jess smiled "That invitation include you in it?"

John chuckled, "I would be taking advantage of you if I did that." John kept an arm around Jess to help steady her. He was drunk to and began to feel the effects. Together they made their way down the corridor to her room, "At least you know where you're going." John teased.

Chuckling she managed to swipe the door after several tries. "Done this trip a few times ... " Heading in she turned and gave him a cute look "Can i tempt you with a nightcap?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me?" John chuckled back.

She fluttered her lashes "Why Mr Cole ... would I do something that devious?"

"My dear, I don't know you that well to have all the facts by I am willing to make that assumption." John waved his hand, "Whatever you are drinking is fine with me."

Grabbing them both a shot of a concoction of chocolate and brandy she smiled at him and said "Bottoms up ..." Tossing it down she swayed slightly and moving to steady herself found her lips gravitating to his.

John reached out to grab her with the intent just to steady her when the next thing he knew, he had pulled her in to a tight embrace and they lips were locked into a passionate kiss. He could feel the warmth emanating from her touch and it caused him to relax and deepen the kiss.

Leaning into the kiss she pulled back slightly and asked "Will you still respect me in the morning?"

"I will always respect you, you almost hold your liquor well and I have to respect you for that." John teased. "Now that I am here, what are you going to do with me?"

Chuckling she took his hands and tugged him into her bedroom with him "Show you just why engineers do it so much better?"

Major John PsYchO Cole
Marine CO
USS Achilles

Lieutenant Jessica Coombs
USS Achilles


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