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Another grease monkey...

Posted on 22 Jun 2010 @ 6:51am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,485 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions

Jessica watched her new home as the shuttle she was in came closer and closer to the ship's docking bay. She had been working as the Assistant Chief Engineer on the repair station and had been told multiple times in the last 6 months that her talents were wasted there, but she had wanted to do her time as she didnt want people to think she was getting favours from daddy.

Once the shuttle docked with the Achilles she headed off into the ship, she was torn between reporting to her new CO and checking to see what state the Engine Rooms were in and the second won out. Walking swiftly down the corridors she made her way into the main engine room only to see the big burly shape of a Klingon in command red in there looking over what the staff were doing and she guessed correctly that it must be her new CO. "Captain .... Lt Combs reporting for duty sir."

Da`nal grinned at the voice behind him, he hadn't had to wait long. Turning to face the individual, sure that the engineers were glad to have teh captain focused on something othe than themselves. "Hello Lieutenant, I had been informed you were due to arrive, I figured this would be your first stop after docking."

"Yes sir." Jess gave an embarrassed grin "I know Im supposed to report to your office but I just couldnt resist checking out the work ..."

"You'll have plenty of time for to make sure the construction crews put this ship together properly. As with any ship I'm sure he'll his fair share of bugs to work out. For now let's step into your office and talk."

Nodding Jess indicated politely for the Captain to lead the way as the ranking officer. "After you sir."

As he entered the CEO's office he stopped to allow her to take her seat. She was a petite little thing, but he had learned long ago that size was no measure of a person. Once eveyone had seated themselves he began.

"I looked over your record and while you are, as they say, a Starfleet brat; with parent's in positions to....assist you in your career. This fact does not not concern me. Bad blood and division on my ship does. It is a facy that Lt. Flaherty is not certified to hold the Chief Engineers post on this class of vessel, but it is also a fact that those people out there have served with him in both the day to day and in battle. And while I have every confidence in their abilities and professionalism, there still may be some....resentment."

"I understand sir ... I expected there to be some *ahem* issues with this, I dont plan on taking anything siad personally." Jess nodded at him. "I work my people hard ... but I work myself harder and I dont intend to use my parents positions as leverage."

"Of that I had no doubt. You wouldn't be here it you weren't qualified; and if you were the would be evident soon enough," he said with a grin. "I understand this will be your first assignment as a Chief Engineer."

"Yes sir ... I spent the last 2 years as Assistant Chief ... the last 6 months on the starbase here. I was happy there but I'm ready for a new challenge." Jess was vibrating with excitement at the thought.

"Did you have a hand in the ships construction?"

Nodding Jess admitted "I helped the engineering corp with some of the design as well ... She's a good ship Captain ... eager to please and has a lot of extra grunt to her."

"So I take it if we hit any snags during her shakedown I can hold you responsible?" He asked with an edge of humor.

Grinning she told him "If something goes wrong during the shakedown and I'm not already aware and working on it you can ream me a new one sir. As Chief its my responsibility to know every inch of the ship and make sure its running smoothly ... if me or my team stuff up I'm ultimately responsible as I should ensure they know what they're doing."

The corner of his mouth curled, "Excellent. We are due to recieve final crew arrives within the next 36 hours. That gives you that long to get acquainted with your staff and get this ship ready for departure."

"Thank you sir ... If we're not ready by then with a brand new ship ... well I dont deserve to be chief." Jess nodded.

"Good to hear. Then I will leave you to it." Standing he added, "If you should have any issues let me know...that is unless you would prefer to handle things 'in house'."

Nodding Jess said "I would sir ... permission to deal with things my way as long as no one is permanently injured? It never looks good to have a Chief running to the CO or XO unless it is something that needs their attention ... you have more important issues to worry about sir."

"Permission granted. I did things similarly as a CSEC. As long a my people kept that guerilla with the 4 pips off my back I stayed off their's."

Chuckling Jess nodded again "No problem on that sir."

"Very well. Oh, one other thing. I noticed that you are coming due for promotion."

Nodding Jess answered "I was informed that while I met time in grade due to who my father was it would be seen as nepotism for them to promote me. When I queried it I was told to shut up if I wanted to stay a Lt as I could just as easily be demoted."

He wrinkled his brow for a moment. ~What did her father ahve to do with personnel issues on the starbase? No matter.~ "Well I will look into it."

"Thank you sir ... " She saw the confused look and realised he hadn't know who exactly her dad was just that she was a 'Fleet brat'. "It's Admiral Jacob Coombs sir ... He's the Chief of Engineering for Starfleet." She looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

He took a step forward. "Never be embarrassed by your father's do so is to dishonor your father. If your record warrents a promotion you will recieve it."

Looking greatful she nodded again. "Thank you. I'm proud of both my parents ... they love my brothers and sister and I .... but they also do the best job they can for starfleet and belive in what we do and taught us to do the same."

"And in doing so you Honor them both. Like I said I will look into the matter once we are underway." He was sure he was in for a fight, what could keep a Vulcan Commodore from promoting an officer that was clearly due.

Nodding Jess idicated that she should go sort out the commotion outside.

Da'nal's head turned at the sound. "A 'bug' needing to be fixed already? And here we haven't even left Starbase."

"Sounds more like a human bug sir ... A rather angry one." Jess sighed. "Now I know why dad asked if I wouldn't like to be a kindy teacher instead."

He had to agree. the tone being heared had a familiar scotish accent. With a wave towards the door, " 'in house' after all."

With another sigh Jess opened the door to be confronted with an irate ex chief. Ducking two seconds before she would have been punched in the face she rolled backwards to give herself some room but didnt punch back. Seeing him come in again she moved to the side as a punch smacked into her ribs and she heard a small cracking sound and this time she used his momentum to push him beyond her as she gasped in a breath.

As he came back for a third go she made a decision and taking a grazing punch to the cheek she got close enough to vulcan nerve pinch him and he went down like a ton of bricks. Tapping her comm badge she sent out a call =A= Security to Engineering=A=

=A=On our way ma'am.=A=

Looking at her CO she leant against the wall holding her ribs gingerly "Sorry sir."

Stepping out into main engineering, he breathed deeply. Looking down to the semi-conscious engineer only to look up as a security detail arrived. "Report to sick bay Lieutenant, and welcome aboard."

"Yes sir ... and thank you sir ... It was certainly an interesting welcome." She grinned a little before grimacing as her lip stung.

Waving the security team over. "Him too, have the Doc check him then take him to the brig."

The team leader nodded "Yes sir. Should we have a suicide watch on him?"

"No, just have Dr. Romehl sober him up."

Lieutenant Jessica Coombs
Chief Engineer
USS Achilles

Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer


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