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To Honor a friend

Posted on 20 Jun 2010 @ 7:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,215 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Captain's Quarters

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal Would not miss this final match for anything. It was a good thing they were sitting quietly at a starbase while the final match of this year Bat'leth tournament.

"Ayren, hurry it's about to begin."

Ayren was very excited to hear that Charg did make it to the finals, not that she could doubt with X'ae having given her updates throughout the last year or preparations. She took a seat next to Charg popcorn and all. She was trained to use this magnificent blade herself when her father was stationed on Qonos as a diplomat. An ald master liked her and trained her, so she knew enough to appreciate the art.

His children sat at their feet ready to watch the man their father had told them of. Leaning down between each of them. "Watch them men carefully, both are skilled warriors.... ah it's beginning."

[Bat'leth tournament - being transmitted from Ogat]

The arena had been prepared for the final match and was packed with spectators. The room was hazy from the fire poles and the sounds of drums and chanting Klingons. The Commandant of the Ogat Academy stood, his arms outstretched to quiet the audience.

“This is the final match of this years tournament. The victor shall be awarded CHAMPION STANDING!†Wearing the Red Flag, Charghwl’IH Son of Soval, Decorated Warrior of the Klingon Defense Forces currently serving as an Officer in the Federation; his Opponent, wearing the Green flag, Mardak, currently a Master Instructor at the il'waHq Military academy." The assemblage shouted and cheered for both combatants and while each had their individual favorite they were accorded equal honor and respect.

“Let us honor these men and those who have fought and bled with Honor over the past several days.†The cadance of the drums set the tone as voice after voice was raise in a song of victory from ages past.

Bagh Da tuH mogh
ChojaH Duh rHo
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH

majaq. 'o' tugh
iDaq. majun.
pa'Daq jagh baH!
ou' lo' tlhuHQo'!

tep lagh negh 'uH
mughato' tu'
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH

wo' naj, cha' DIch
Do' chIj, wa'DIch
'ejDo' 'el Da'
Qib'a' bopar

yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH

As the roar subsided the Commandant spoke again, this time addressing the combatant directly. "Let the match BEGIN!â€

Mardak called to Charg. "Two warm up forms each?" Charg nodded recognizing the challenge and motioned for Mardak to go first. Nodding, he stepped out to the center of the arena without his bat’leth and took several minutes going through a complex mok'bara form.

Charg stepped out and went through a different, but equally complex mok'bara form.

Now Mardak removed his bat’leth from its stand, taking center stage once more. Charg was impressed with Mardak 's skills. ~He knows his stuff, that's for sure. But forms weren't combat~, he reminded himself. Mardak may have experience on his side, but Charg had youth, and his experience from his years in the KDF. He also had the added strength and stamina from his Klingon/Vulcan heritage.

Charg's bat’leth form was tight and precise, combining both Klingon and Vulcan martial forms. Mardak watched Charg's fluid movements. ~He truly would be a deadly enemy.~ The fact that he was an expert swordsman was obvious. However his finish was shocking. Charg, through his form, made his way back toward his corner. He then sent his bat’leth arching up into the air, turning with a sweeping motion, only to catch it firmly as he took his place.

As the crowd’s reaction began to ebb the pIn’a’ stepped forward, waving the two men to the center to explain the rules (no blows to the head or neck with the blade) as well ensure each bat’leth was properly equipped with tip guards. After the rules were explained each took several steps back, assuming a starting position.

The Marshall looked from one warrior to the other. "Tagh (begin)"!

And the battle was on.

Mardak and Charg began to circle, spiraling in towards one another. But it was Mardak that attached first. However his initial combination was blocked. Their blades engaged and disengaged. As the two fought, Mardak was able to score the first blow. While blocking a blow from Charg, he deflected to the right then spun quickly to the left catching Charg's side and back unprotected. Mardak blow landed and he called out, "Qapla!!"

The pIn'a' saw the blow, it was a clean hit

Mardak and Charg continued the match. In combat you continued until your opponent was dead. They once again faced each other and this time Char came out swinging. Swinging his blade from side to side, moving faster and faster. Mardak watch, trying to anticipate were the blow would come from. Charg tactic would allow for several angles of attack. When Charg committed it was from above. Mardak quickly moved to block, but when the blades touched there was hardly any power behind it. He knew immediately what had happened and there was nothing he could do.

Charg’s rouse had worked. Mardak lifted his blade to block and as he did Charg's blow had momentum but not strength. As soon as he made contact Charg thrust up with the lower half of his bat’leth and ripped the blade from Mardak’s hands. Charg continued his arch, spinning around in one fluid motion, taking Mardak in the ribs and shouted "Qapla!"

Now Mardak was in trouble and he knew it. He was unarmed and had what he was sure were broken ribs. He tried to circle around but Charg would have none of that. He was effectively keeping himself between Mardak and his bat’leth.

Charg's mind was moving fast. It was possible to score twice rapidly and end the match, before Mardak had the opportunity to retrieve his weapon. But even unarmed Mardak could score as well. His plan was for Mardak to move first but he wasn't taking the bait. Moving closer he moved in for a diagonal attack.

Instead of trying to evade the blow Mardak rushed in. In time to get underneath and use Charg’s momentum against him, sending him flying. As Charg landed, Mardak had managed to retrieve his weapon.

Charg landed and rolled coming up quickly, his advantage gone. They both move in attacking and blocking again and again. They fought there in the center for what seemed like forever. Their blades in constant motion neither giving ground to the other. Both were covered in sweat. They circled and dodged, thrusting and blocking. Everything seemed to go into slow motion. The cheers faded into a dull roar while they fought. Then each made a move that would stun everyone.

They had both attacked their blades sliding off of each other. Their hand movements were the same. Their blades seem to mirror each other. Each man’s swing with force and they both made contact, both striking under the left arm of the other.

The crowd fell silent. The blows had staggered both men and as they regained their footing they looked to each other, then to the pIn'a', all three not believing what had just happened. In unison they call out, "Qapla."

The pIn'a' look at each combatant for a brief moment. "Point Each!"

The match remained tied and the next to score would win the match. They slowly circled each other, both knew they had broken ribs and all the tips guards prevented was impaling wounds. Each stared at the other, planning. They charged one another their blades impacting, one to the other. Charg spread his arms wide egging him on, "AAHHhhhhhh......come now surely you can do better. Tiring are you?"

Shaking his head, "Not in the least....I'm just getting warmed up!" No sooner had he finished then he attacked furiously. He wanted this to be the final attack. And Charg was instantly on the defensive. The fought on for several more engagements. Charg's blade was low and Mardak came in with a broad thrust meant to stagger him. But the blade slid upwards striking Charg across the chin, splitting open and knocking Charg from his feet.

The crowd erupted with objections, while those non-Klingons not familiar with the rules thought the match was over. However Mardak stood there, saying nothing as the pIn'a' rushed in, moving between the two warriors. Charg stood as he regained his footing, shaking off the ringing blow.

"NO POINT!!" The pIn'a' shouted. Speaking to Charg, "You may see to your wound."

Blood was flowing freely from his chin, but Charg shook his head. Instead he picked up his bat’leth, and with his sleeve wiped his chin down its length.

The pIn'a' nodded and stepped back. "Tagh!"

They both moved together each trying to win. They fought on and on each man not giving anything to the other. Whatever advantage Mardak had had in experience, Charg compensated for with breeding. Now it was Charg's Vulcan ancestry that was now giving him the edge. Both were sweating, but Charg had the greater endurance. He could tell from the lessening firmness in Mardak's blocks.

Sensing the opportunity Charg pressed his opponent harder and harder. He went after Mardak with blow after blow; driving him. Blood still flowed freely from his chin onto his chest, but he ignored it.

Mardak was tiring. What made it worse was he could tell Charg knew it to. He had to move back on the offensive....he had to! He deflected another blow off to the side. Charg's side was open and Mardak swung for it.

Mardak had taken the bait and as he swung his blade Charg ducked low, hearing the blade swing over him.

Cursing to himself as he saw Charg duck. It had been a rouse; and he fell for it. As soon as his bat’leth had cleared Charg, Charg rose and spun, his bat’leth sweeping Mardak's leg. The next thing Mardak knew was that he was on his back with the tip of Charg's bat’leth touching his chest and Charg was shouting "Qapla".

The match was over. Charg stood victorious. Cradling his bat’leth and extended a hand to Mardak, helping him to his feet.

Mardak got up, taking the hand of his opponent. "I lost to a man worthy of winning," he said and dipped his head in acknowlegment, his eyes gleaming though. "But I bet you cannot hold your bloodwine like me!" he bellowed in good humor, taking the wrist of the winner and lifting it to the crowd.

As they stood together Charg spoke without turning his head. "I would not have wish to meet anyone else in this match."

The roars of the crown only grew louder as the defeated honored the victor as it was well known that there was no dishonor in defeat to a superior foe.

The pIn'a', as he carried the trophies, escorted the Ogat Academy Commandant on the the arena floor.

"Congratulation to you both. You battle was well fought and I would be honored to have either of you teach my young warriors." Turning to the pIn'a' he took the second place trophy. "Mardak, it is my honor to present you with this award."

As graceful as a Klingon could, MArtak lifted the award high, dipping his head. "This is on honor of the hardest championship battle I had yet fought!"

Taking the Champions Trophie he turned the Charg. "Charghwl'IH, you have honored us with your skill and ability. Let us now honor you with this...It is my great honor to award you Champion Standing!"

Chrag took the trophy and looked it over, a large polished shere holding the three blades of the teek googk [Heart of Virture], the symbol first used by Kahless for his House and later became the symbol of the Empire. Each blade held its own meaning. The first represented DUTY - which was both the beginning and the end of any warriors path. The longest blade represented HONOR - The most difficult to master. Honor was the fire that illuminates a Klingon's path and was the difference between an armed savage and a true warrior. The last blade representing LOYALTY, without which a warrior was nothing.

There was no words to describe the elation Xaedell felt for her husband. Her eyes shone with unashamed pride at his accomplishment. Her voice roared with the crowd in honoring both warriors as the greater the battle, the greater the victory. The shock and turmoil of the day before forgotten for the moment.

Lifting the trophy high Charg roared to match that of the crowd around him.

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal was howling as well, as those who passed by his quarters looked to the door in surprise.

Ayren was on her feet and jumped shouting as if she was part of the crowd. Somehow the popcorn was long forgotten and ended up on the floor.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Mardak of the house of Mo'q
Master Instructor at the il'waHq Military academy

Lt Charghwl'IH
CIO and Bat'leth Champion of 2387
USS Merlin

Ayren Kelan
USS Acilles
PNPC by Sharon


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