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Welcome aboard

Posted on 20 Jun 2010 @ 5:36pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

646 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Ready Room - USS Achilles
Timeline: Docked at SB 515

Everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, they were all staying together. As everyone settled into their new home, Da`nal had a few loose ends still to tie up. Lance was there, of course, making sure all the paperwork associated with the transfer of an entire crew to a new ship, aand addition crew transfers were in from of him for his endorsement.

"You would think that with all this wonderfull technology they would have found a way to eliminate paperwork."

Lance ginned. "The burdens of command. Oh and congratulations on your bonding sir."

Da`nal looked up. "Does everyone know? Not that it was a secret really."

"Pretty much... Oh here is the request fro the Marine detachment."

Da`nal looked it over nd as usual everything was in order. He endorced the form and handed the PADD back. "While on the subject of the crew. Have that Ensign we pulled off the Weatherbey report to me."

"Ensign Mythyis...ok." Lance head out to process the PADDs in hand and the Captain order when Da`nal stopped him.

"Oh one more thing chief."


"I don't want to see another PADD for the rest of the day."

He grinned again. "I can't make any promises."

Da`nal waved his hand, "Agghhh..." There had always been a good nature banter between them, it was what made Lance such a good Yoeman.


The young Ensign nervously walked into the captions ready room "Captain Da`nal it's an honor to meet you" Zachary Mythyis walked over outstretched his arm to shake hands.

Da`nal looked the young man over. Obviously nervous and that must have been the reason for the lacks in formality.

Standing he ingnored the extended hand. "Have you forgotten proper reporting procedures when summoned by a command officer Ensign?"

The Ensign's eyes widened he then put his hand to his side stood up straighter "no sir" he paused thinking what he should say, if anything "I apologize sir."

"Good, I'm sure you won't let it happen again. Have a seat."

Zach nervously sat down on the chair opposite of the Captain

As he sat he asked, "How have you been coping with the loss of Weatherbey's crew...your friends?"

The memory of the events on board the Weatherbey were still fresh in his mind "There is not a day I do not think of the crew of the Weatherbey Sir, but I plan on moving forward none the less."

"Good. Do you have any plans, have you recieved a new assignment?"

"Actually Sir I was hoping I could talk to you about that. I am suppose to go to the Star base to get my next assignment" Zach looked down for a second then looked back at the captain "I was wondering if you have an open position."

It would appear that the two of them had the same idea. But was going to tell him least not yet. "Really? Do you thing you're capable of serving on a Prometheus Class ship?"

"I was fascinated by the Prometheus Class all throughout starfleet I even wrote a report on its warp core design. I actually tried to get on a Prometheus Class ship when I finished Starfleet Acedemy but I was assigned to the Weatherbey instead."

Da'nal planned on offering both the Ensign and the Doctor positons here. Ther assignment to the sam vessel would help them deal with the loss of there comrads as well. "Very well Ensign, welcome to the Achilles. Besure to reprot to the Fist officer and Cheif Engineer. I will contact Starbase concerning any pending ordrs they may have for you."

Zachary Mythyis looked at the Captain in disbelieve "ok, yeah I will report to them immediately thank you sir."

"Very good. Dismissed Ensign.....and welcome aboard."


Capt. Da`nal

Ensign Zachary Mythyis
Engineering Officer


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