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Mission to the edge

Posted on 15 Jun 2010 @ 7:58pm by

303 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Intel office
Timeline: Current

Silonez was sitting in his office, for what he thought was going to be the last time aboard freedom, the intel staff were packing everything, the work shop, the weapons storage, the safe and the desks. The cartaris incident was behind him and the rest of the crew, his files along with the mountains of log entries and other data were going to the archives the Freedom was going through a decontamination and scheduled refit, or was it.

Silonez had gotten word that the ship was going to be mothballed and the crew were going to be spit up, or reassigned, he hadn't gotten orders either way but the packing and removal of the armaments and sensitive computer equipment were the only confirmation he needed.

He started to pack up the collection of intelligence "x-files" that had accumulated over the last couple of months, and the other effects that he had in his office. He reached into his desk and pulled out his sidearm and tricorder, he placed them into the packing box.

He looked up at the few of his staff that were left, Lita was packing her tools up, Janis was putting the last of her gear away when an jump-suited operations crew came in to collect the last of the equipment. The two women followed and Silonez sat alone at his desk for one final time, it seemed kind of weird that he was moving on again, but that was his life for the last three years.

He stood up lifting the storage box and putting it on the waiting cart then turned out the lights. He walked down the corridor briefcase in hand and started to make his way to the airlock for disembarkation from the Freedom for the last time.

Silonez Ericson
Former CIO USS Freedom


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