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Refit & Reassignment - What...already?

Posted on 16 Jun 2010 @ 4:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,412 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: SB 515

The Freedom had arrived at Starbase 515 and had immediately been isolated and the slow process of medically clearing the crew had begun. Once Da`nal was cleared he waited as on his XO, as soon as he was available he was going to find out just what these new orders meant. While he waited the words echoed in his mind ‘…refit and reassignment’.

The fact that he could get no information concerning the vague and puzzling instructions was unnerving. Sitting in the Starbase's medical facility, he worked on a PADD to finalize his formal report on the event off the past week. A smile crossed his face, he would have to contact his parent too. His mother would be able to preform her first wedding as the wife to the head of their House. He almost chuckled wondering if she would actually have Ayren perform all the various rituals.

"I am here...." Don chuckled, calling Da'nal back from his thoughts, obviously a million miles away. "That can only be women... or let me rather say.... a woman," he commented grinning. Not often that the Klingon Captain was seen with *that* kind of smile on his face.

Da`nal bobbed his head as he chuckled slightly. "Very perseptive, and you are correct. I just took the Oath with Miss Kelan.

That surprised Don. They seemed close, but not THAT close. The professional distance they kept in public was very... well Professional. "Congratulations, Captain. She is a very beautiful woman," he said. She seemed so delicate against this warrior. Inwardly he shook his head. There were no rules to love. His thoughts drifted to a love he once had, but he pushed it aside quickly.

"Thank you, but now we have business to attent to. We need to fin out what the hell is going on with my ship."

Don frowned. "Captain? What the hell do you mean?" Repairs were on schedule as far as he know. "Where are we headed?"

Stepping into the nearest lift Da`nal announced their destination. "Station Ops."

"Do you have any information?" Don asked half confused.

Shaking his head. "No I couldn't find out anything. But we will," he added with deternimation.

They arrived in the stations massive Operations center. The settingreminded him of his time on DS5 as he looked around he head towards the Command office.

"Excuse me Sirs," a Lieutenant said stopping them. "Commodore Soran is out at the moment, can I help you?"

"I'm Captain Da`nal and this is Commander Killian," he said not too firmly, from the USS Freedom...""

"Ah yes sir the Commodore said you would be coming eventually."


"Yes sir. He said it was only logical that you would be...curious as to the situation."

Da`nal looked to his XO with a slightly raise eyebrow.

Don's expression was incredulous, but he pursed his lips to prevent a retort. "Where can we wait?" he asked with obvious restraint.

"You can both wait in the Commodore's officee if you like and I will inform him that you have been cleared medically and are waiting."

"Thank you Lieutenant," he said with a slight nod as they were shown into the office.

[A short time later]

They didn't have long to wait and the doors parted. They both stood as the superior officer entered. Da`nal raised his hand in a Vulcan salute. "Greeting Commodore."

Returning the salute. "I am honored Captain."

"This is my first officer, Lieutenant Commander Donovan Killian."

Don raised his hand in the customary greeting, hiding his impatience well. . "It seemed that you have been expecting us?" he ventured, before he burst.

Gesturing the two men to retake there seats as he took his. "Yes Commander. Given the fact that those in command of a Starship were being kept in the dark concerning the future of their vessel; that repeated inquiries went unanswered," he said with a nod to the Captain"; and the emotional nature of both your was only logical that your Captain would either arrive here with or with out yourself after being cleared medically."

"Of course," Don said, hiding his slight irritation at his comment about the *emotional nature*. "I can assure you, tehre is nothing emotional about wanting to know why one is kept in the dark," Don commented coolly.

Turning to Captain Da`nal. "Captain, I apologize for the secrecy but there was good reason to keep you in the dark."

"There was no assurance that were weren't contaminated....thus compromised," Da`nal stated.

"That is correct, but not the only reason. The entire Majestic Class is being recalled and scheduled for refit. That particular class of vessel is being better armed and will also have 5 addition decks added. Among other modifications." He handed Captain Da`nal a PADD listing the upcoming modifications.

Da`nal didn't need to look at the PADD to know that it was going to be a long time before they were completed. "Commodore, that isn't a refit that is a redesign. Altering the Freedom's space frame will take a great deal of time."

"Correct Captain. That is why the 'reassignment' in the orders you received. As Starfleet can't have an entire crew of people sitting around, you are to receive a new command and the crew of your vessel will each receive new orders."

"What orders?" Don asked, verbalizing the first of a few questions racing through his mind.

Glancing back at his XO, then back at the Commodore. ~First things first,~ he thought. "What Command?"

"There is a Prometheus Class vessel in the final stages of construction in our fleet yard. You will take command of that vessel."

Da`nal saw an opening and took it. "Has a crew been assigned?"

~Prometheus class!? That is like the ultimate!~ Don thought, but kept his thoughts to himself. For all he knew he would be assigned to a Nova class somewhere near a cluster or something.

Soran saw where this Captain was going and shook his head. "Captain the Prometheus Class is a unique class of vessel. You crew..."

"Is a battle hardened, cohesive unit. And are as Capable as any crew I have ever served with....Sir."

Soran thought for a moment. "Very well. As you could use Command privilege to select your crew members anyway I will authorized a transfer en mass. As soon as the Freedom has completed its barion sweep they may return to collect their belongings."

"Thank you sir. The Ship's name?"

"Your vessel hasn't been named yet. So you are in the unique position to has a voice in the naming of your vessel."

"A rare privilege indeed. What are my options?"

The names available have all been pulled from Earth Greek Mythology...given the name of the vessel's class it was not surprising. The name are the USS Hera, the USS Poseidon, or the USS Achilles."

~Achilles!~ Don thought, but once again, said nothing, but couldn't help rolling the name silently over his tongue.

Da`nal wrinkled his brow slightly has he thought, and a moment later he spoke. "If I remember correctly the first two were gods and the later was a warlord?"

"You are correct Captin. Achilles, according to the mythos, was the greatest human warrior ever. Unbeatable and immortal, with only one vulnerability, his heel."

Da`nal paused again as he considered his options.

Soran remained silent as well, calculating the odds as to which name would be chosen.

Don looked at Da'nal hoping he would choose the last name, but remained quiet. He could always voice his opinion if he disagreed.

Removing the hand from his chin, he looked at the Vulcan across from him. "As the first Klingons destroyed their gods....I chose Achilles.

The tinyest hint of a smile showed on the Commodores face as his calculations had been correct. "As you wish. I will make the necessary arrangements."

"Thank sir."

Da`nal nodded to his XO and the departed.

"That name was my choice too," Don grinned and looked back. "Should have told the Commondore to keep his satisfaction at your choice *suppressed*" he remarked. "So we have a Prometheus..... neat..." Don grinned, looking at Da'nal, expecting his next order.

Don was right, he HAD past at the opportunity to point out a Vulcan's 'emotional' reaction. So be it. "Inform the crew, then we will beam over an check out our new ship."


Captain Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Don Killian


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