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I Gotta Know

Posted on 15 Jun 2010 @ 2:26pm by

344 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Lounge
Timeline: While En Route to SB 515

Wandella had been in the lounge looking over the new Ops Chief for a while, seeing if there was anything there she might like. He was tall, well built, and had a strong face, all things she liked. He also acted like he had a tritanium rod up his ass, something she hated. And there was one other thing, one thing about him that was burning up her mind, ~So I ask him.~ She decided, letting her hair down and giving it a slow, sensuous flip before walking to his table, "Hi." She said, smiling sexily.

"Greetings lieutenant." Lawrence responded

"There is something I wish to ask you, Lt. Sir Oaksey." Wandella began, totally mangling his title, "What is weeth the fracking wig?"

"It is not only traditional for British naval officers as well as for my station as a British lord." Lawrence replied.

"Oh, is that what it is?" Wandella replied, thoroughly unimpressed by his title or the British navy. But, for some reason this guy just intrigued her, "So tell me, do you ever take off wig?"

"When I shower and on occasions when my head gets hot." Lawrence replied with half smiling expression.

Wandella leaned over and whispered in Lawrence's ear, "Wandella knows how to get you out of wig. And your head will not be all that is hot for Wandella, I promise you this." He was so not her type and probably was as much fun as ice bores in her panties would be, but for some reason Wandella wanted this guy, ~I figure out why later.~

"Well I do like a woman who knows what she want will see if your assessment is correct latter tonight." Lawrence replied in a whispering voice.

"Yes, we will." Wandella winked, then turned and sauntered back over to her station, ~I make him flip his wig.~

She is very foward and direct Lawrence thought to himself before heading back to work.


Lieuteant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Operations Officer
USS Freedom


Lt. JG Wandella Kristere
USS Freedom


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