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Copping a Feel, or Feeling a Cop?

Posted on 12 Jun 2010 @ 5:21pm by

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Lounge

Wandella sashayed into the lounge at the end of her shift, scanning the room for potential companions when her eyes settled on a dark haired beauty in a yellow uniform, ~Cute, very cute. Can't believe I'm going to go hit on a ship cop. Maybe I'll get lucky and she's actually an engineer. Yeah, a hot brainy engineer girl.~ Walking over to the woman's table she took a seat across from her and smiled, "Hi, I'm Wandella, I fly the ship." ~Yep, definitely a cop. Oh, well, maybe this will buy me get out of brig free card.~

Hannah looked up as the other woman slid into the seat opposite her, slightly startled. Not many people chose to socialise with her normally, not that that bothered her most of the time. Hannah smiled briefly at her. "Hannah Dawson."

"Nice to meet you, Hannah Dawson." Wandella smiled sexily, "Would you like a drink?"

"Uhh... sure," Hannah replied, still a little off balance by her friendliness.

"Bartender, vodka and another of whatever she's having." Wandella ordered, "So, tell me more about Hannah Dawson."

She shrugged and started to relax. "What is it you want to know?"

"You decide where we start." Wandella smiled, tipping the waiter when he brought their drinks, "I mean, it's your party after all."

"There's not really much to tell," Hannah admitted after taking a sip of her drink. "I'm a security officer, I'm 24 and as you've probably noticed by now, not the most social person in the quadrant."

"Can't understand why not." Wandella raised an eyebrow, "Maybe you just need brought out of shell. Shell is no good for you."

"Hmm maybe," Hannah replied. She took another sip of her drink and glanced at her. "So what about you?"

"Well, I already told you I fly the ship, I'm best pilot in quadrant." Wandella boasted, "I used to fly Aerowing before Lt. DeHavilland left, but I'm rated for everything from fighters to console. I like to go fast, it's my passion. Well, one of my passions."

Hannah couldn't help but be amused by her enthusiasm. "I never got the hang of flying, I barely passed those classes at the Academy."

"If it makes you feel better, Hannah, flight classes were all Wandella was good at in Academy." Wandella replied, totally honest, she was what she was, "I graduated like 170th in my class, but I was leader of Nova Squadron twice."

"Impressive. I pretty much blended into the background," she replied with a small laugh.

"I was never good at blending." Wandella laughed, "For some reason I could never keep head down."

"I believe you," Hannah replied giggling again. "How long ago did you graduate?"

"Just a little over two years ago." Wandella answered, wondering if she she tell her the funny story about being on the five year plan, ~She might know already.~

"Me too, we must have been in the same year," Hannah noted. Although she should have graduated the year before... but she didn't want to think about that right now.

"Hmmmm, don't see how I missed you." Wandella grinned devilishly, "Another drink?"

"I shouldn't..." Hannah trailed off reluctantly. Alcohol tended to affect her very quickly and she'd already had two drinks.

"Oh, loosen up." Wandella playfully prodded her, before adding, "If you really don't want to, I understand."

She smiled tentatively. "Alright then, I'll have another one." After all, what was the worst that could happen?

"Hey, another round." Wandella called to the bartender, who quickly obliged, "There we go. To us, no?" Wandella smiled as she raised her glass.

"To us," Hannah echoed raising her glass as well.

"That's the spirit!" Wandella smiled, "What you think we finish our drinks, then we dance? Wandella would like very much to dance with you."

Normally, Hannah would have backed out immediately but she found herself agreeing. She looked down into her glass to see most of it gone already.

"Good." Wandella winked, finishing her drink and extending her hand to Hannah as she finished hers, "Let's go."

Hannah grinned and stood up, quickly finishing what was left of her own drink. "Alright."

Finding their way to the empty space that some of the younger crew had turned into a makeshift dance floor Wandella began to grind and pulsate to the beat of the music, close, sometimes touching, Hannah in a rhythmic and sensual way, "Just feel the music, Hannah."

Hannah became aware that some of the people in the lounge were watching them but instead of being embarrassed she just laughed. "This is the most fun I've had for a while."

"Then that shows I was right." Wandella laughed, "You need to have more fun." Reaching over and pushing Hannah's hair away from her face, Wandella leaned forward and kissed her gently, "Just let yourself go, Hannah."

"I..." she trailed off again, unsure what to do. She had never been attracted to women before but there was something about Wandella... the fact that she was bordering on being drunk probably helped. Hannah kissed her shyly.

"There you go." Wandella cooed, "We're having fun now. You want to maybe go someplace else with Wandella? Holodeck, maybe?"

"Alright. Do you want to go now?" Hannah asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I think we should." Wandella smiled sexily, "We come back later for food or something."

"Let's go then," Hannah said with a laugh. "You seem to have this all worked out..."

"Not my first time, Hannah." Wandella laughed, "But, you never know, may be the best."

She smiled in response. "In that case, what are you waiting for?"

"Only you." Wandella smiled, taking Hannah's hand.

"I'm coming," she replied laughing. "What sort of holoprogram do you have in mind?"

"Moonlit beach, swimming." Wandella offered, "How does that sound?"

"It sounds like fun," Hannah answered smiling again.

"Then let's go." Wandella grinned, practically pulling Hannah behind her, "By the way, this is a clothing optional beach."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Hannah said with a grin as she walked out behind her.



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