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Swept off her feet

Posted on 11 Jun 2010 @ 9:12pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Ayren's quarters

Ayren's smile broadened as she shook her head with with a knowing look. "I am so glad I caught you," she said, not revealing that she was nearly prevented to do so by Ashara. It was important for Rianni to have a support system in place, and she wasn't going to say anything the stir anything. "I have to go," she said as she heard the chime of her door.

"Yeah, I figured." Rianni sighed sadly, "t'Khellian out."

The screen went blank, before Ayren could open her mouth to speak. "Enter," she said absent-mindedly.

"Please repeat the instruction," said the monotone voice of the ship's computer.

"Enter!" she said more loudly and got up to receive her visitor, the very man she left Rianni for.

The ship was on its way. Having sent the wheels in motion of future of this system, what amounted to a new sentient species and a perminent Federation presents to secure the area. Da`nal had had the unpleasant task of informing the Montoya's of the 'loss' of there son. Loss... but he was still alive. He forced himself to push that aside as their orders echoed in his mind; 'Decontamination, refit and reassignment'. The ship wasn't due for refit for an number of years so what was goin on? Where were they being reassigned to? He had alot of things on his mind as he entered Ayren's quarters but he needed to set rank and duty aside for at least a short while.

Ayren had prepared some of D'anal's favourite dishes with the help of the mess hall chef, but with a difference, She had always enjoyed cooking and entertaining and some Klingon dishes were a challenge to say the least. But tonight she used a combination of Terran, Betazoid and Klingon cooking. On the table were fire skins, Ilingta meat, but prepared as one would steak, medium rare, marinated with Bloodwine and strong spices, (will think up more things LOL)

As the doors opened the aromas filled his nostrils and he breathed deeply and he smiled. She had been busy during the last few hours while he had been in conference with Starfleet and the other starships that had arrived. Taking another deep breath he actually began to relax... "I see you've been busy."

She smiled at him and walked towards him. "Sort of..." she grinned. "When my duty shift ended, I was hungry," she joked and circled his neck loosely with her arms. "The kids are with Akhil, so it's me and you, " she continued, making it sound like a warning. She pushed her previous conversation with her ex lover from her mind, it only left a hint of sadness in her soulful eyes.

As she reached up and around his neck he returned her smile as he looked down at her. "Just the two of us huh. Well, in that case.... He leaned in to give her a kiss.

Ayren could his tenseness and understood that he needed to relax. Leaning in slightly to the kiss, she grinned against his lips. "I didn't cook for nothing...go eat.." she said and stepped aside, extending her hand.

Da'nal walked over to the table and plucked a Fire Skin from the bowl letting it drip a moment before lighting it on the candle. He popped the flaming morsel into his mouth appreciatively savoring the sensation.

He suddenly realized how hungry he was. Removing his jacket he sat and prepared himself a plate in typical Klingon fashion...grabbing items from the various platters. Then he poured himself a large portion of blood wine from the flagon on the table.

Ayren watched him for a few moments devour the food, before she herself sat down to eat. Also not using utensils, she ate, but as X'aedell could never figure out, without messing and managing to keep her fingers seemingly clean. Her appitite was not nearly as big as D'anal's so after she had her fill, she leaned back a glass of dry red wine in her hands. "More fire skins?" she asked.

He looked up from his plate with a grin. He must have looked...oh who cares he didn't have anyone to impress. "Absolutely."

Ayren got up, and fetched some more of his favorite snacks and placed it next to him, her hand momentarily resting on his shoulder, as if she confirrned that she accepted him for who he was. For herself she had a bowl of vanilla ice cream and blue berry sauce, into which she dug.

Over the rim of his glass he watched her as she enjoyed her ice cream. In that instance a decision was made. He grabbed a cloth wiping his hands and mouth, dropping it to the table as he stood.

Walking over to her he took her hand and pulled he to her feet. As he did he breathed deeply of her scent from the inside of her wrist. As she stood before him he grip a handfull of her hair near the nape of her neck and a low growl could be heard as it rumbled in his throat.

The rumble ended and he lifted his chin slightly...."jIH dok!"

That took Ayren completely by surprise, even if she did sense a change in his demeanor. She had never really expected this, being a consort of lover would have been enough. However, she had followed her heart when she got on the Hed'not and left DS5. She had no doubt of her love for him. Raising her eyes to meet his, she lifted her chin. "maj dok," she said, softly, though with perfect Klingon intonation.

Pulling her to him he lifting her off he feet as their mouth joined. As the parted he tossed her just enough to slip an arm under her as he carried her bask towards the bedroom. He wanted to loose himself in the moment and forget the frustrations of the past few days....after all he was no diplomat, he was a warrior.


Captain Da'nal of the House of Varal

Ayren Kelan
(PNPC by Sharon)


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