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The Morning After

Posted on 20 Jun 2010 @ 1:34pm by

548 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M5: Transitions
Location: Wandella's Bedroom
Timeline: after "Copping..."

Wandella was sleeping pretty soundly, knowing even in her unconscious state that Hannah was still there. She was amazed that someone so unassuming was in security, ~She didn't even question all the extra toothbrushes.~

Hannah stirred in her sleep and rubbed her eyes as she tried to sit up. "What... ow..." Her head was pounding, she hadn't thought she drank that much last night... Hannah soon realised she was not alone and closed her eyes in embarrassment as she remembered the events of the night before. Quietly slipping out of bed she got dressed rapidly.

Wandella felt the bed beside her move, which stirred her awake. Propping herself up on an elbow she looked over at Hannah, who was getting dressed like she was afraid Wandella's husband was coming home, "Why you in such a rush, Hannah Dawson?"

Hannah tensed up as she realised Wandella was awake. "I... I'm late for my shift," she lied as she finished dressing.

"Really?" Wandella laughed, "So I take it you want to leave then, okay. Hope you enjoyed last night."

Hannah turned to face her angrily. "Look, last night never happened! I had too much to drink and did something stupid, end of story!"

"Okay, keep telling yourself that." Wandella laughed at her, these type of women never ceased to amuse her with their generally pathetic attempts at denial: whether it was blaming the alcohol or some sort of drug or calling it an experiment, one had even accused Wandella of rape, it was all the same in the end, someone found out something about themselves and freaked out.

Hannah's temper flared and she clenched her fists. "What, is this such a regular occurrence for you that you automatically know what the person is going to feel like the next morning?"

"Wait, is that what this is about?" Wandella laughed, "Jealousy? You're angry because you're not the only one? Hannah Dawson, you have wrong impression of Wandella. I saw you, thought you were cute, nature took it's course. I mean, don't get me wrong I like you and all, but it's not like I'm planning on proposing or anything."

"It's nothing to do with jealousy!" Hannah replied, nearly shouting at her in frustration. "And I sure as hell don't want you to propose to me!"

Taking a moment to try and regain her composure, she ran a hand through her hair and glared at Wandella. "You are so frustrating!"

"You'll forgive if I don't see what I've done so wrong." Wandella sighed, "I showed you good time, made you feel good, what is sin there?"

Because I don't want to feel like that, Hannah admitted silently. Out loud she said nothing for a moment then said quietly, "I need to get going."

"Okay, fine, go." Wandella replied, "I'm not going to stop you and I promise I will never bother you again. If I see you in corridors I will say nothing, just keep right going."

"Fine," Hannah replied shortly. She turned and made her way out of Wandella's quarters then made a dash for her own quarters.

"Crazy bitch." Wandella shook her head, "Time for me to get the frack off of this ship."


Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


Lt.JG Wandella Kristere
CFCO/Wondering What's Up Hannah's Butt


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