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Captain's Log

Posted on 09 Jun 2010 @ 12:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

652 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: USS Freedom

Captain's Log Stardate: 65043.24

“The human formerly known as Commander Grayson, having been incorporated into the biological collective discovered on Planet 583176-D has accepted Star Fleets terms as the physical representative of the planets group mind.

“Unfortunately there is no chance of recovering the vast majority of the crew of the USS Weatherbey so the crew was beamed to the surface. The crew will the colonists that the Weatherbey was clearing the way for and will be allowed to populate the planet. A colonization team are assisting the Weatherbey's crew with establishing their community and given time, a great deal of time, they too may need to venture out into the stars. If and when that time comes they will be allowed to colonize the third planet in the system as it is the only other M Class planet in the system and has no inhabitance of its own, but they will be limited to impulse craft only.

“As a part of the terms of the treaty; the Federation acknowledges the sentients of the organism and will let it develop on its own. Even though this biological collective is going to be allowed to grow it will be doing so under tight security. The system will be under permanent quarantine, with warning markers place outside the solar system. Additionally, orbital platforms will be placed around the planet, no unauthorized vessel will be allowed to even come within transporter range of the planet, and the inhabitants will be limited to only Impulse vessels.

“Obviously Starfleet will have to maintain a permanent presence here in this system. Plans are calling for the construction of an research facility to not only study this new life form but to act as a headquarters for possible mining operations of the other planets and moons in the area. However in the mean time Three addition starship have arrive ensure security.

“As the Freedom is still under quarantine herself we have not been allowed to leave the system until decontamination protocols for this organism are established. Until then we are assisting with the mining survey and marker deployment efforts.

“On a positive note Commander Montoya and Lieutenant Jake Rosenthal from the Weatherbey are recovering in sickbay.â€

Closing his log entry he stood from his command chair and walked the bridge, pausing at the rail above his seat looking at the monitor as they approached a ringed gas giant in the outer reaches of the system.

“Sir I’m detecting deposits of several minerals as well a heavy metals and even some dilithium in the rings and moons in the area.â€

“Relay your scans to the Xavier for future reference once the mining operations begin.â€

“Aye sir.â€

[Captain’s Quarters -several hours later]

Da`nal was spending some much needed time with his children. The three of them were wrestling about on the floor as his two little warriors tried to subdue the father. He was thoroughly enjoying himself as they grappled together.

During the commotion the comm sounded, “Bridge to Captain Da`nal.â€

Tossing Garath to the couch, “What is it Bridge?â€

The sounds of the frolicking could be heard on the bridge and several smile appeared as the children continued there assault. “Sorry to interrupt sir, but our order have just come in. We are to proceed to Starbase 515 for decontamination, refit and…reassignment.â€

The decontamination was to be expected, but refit and reassignment were a complete surprise. “WHAT?!......AGGGHHHHâ€

A flash of concern showed in Jessica’s voice, “Are you alright Captain?â€

Garath had seen his fathers distraction and taken advantage of it. As his father had replied to the orders they had received he had charge and caught his dad at full speed, crashing into his chest.

Pulling his son off he stood. “I’m fine Ensign. Set a course and engage at warp 7.â€

“Aye sir. Bridge out.â€

Da`nal looking down at his son. “Well done.â€


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