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Diplomacy...the first step

Posted on 08 Jun 2010 @ 11:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: USS Freedom


Da'nal stood on in the center of his bridge. The invation of his ship had failed and the Weatherby floated in space; her main power barely operational due to a very precise bit of weapons targeting by the officer currently at tactical. As the Freedom had lowered her shields to transport so had the Weatherbey an dthey had taken advantage of that.

During the engagment the Libertor had returned with one of the rogue shuttlesamd was maintaining postion off the Freedoms port side. The medical staff was examining the captives they now held and with any luck would discover how to restore the crew of the Weatherbey; as well as the member of the Freedom's crew that had been lost.

Da`nal was torn, he now understood what the Captain of the Aldeberan must have gone through, but he had to keep things from going any further.

"Open a channel."


"Your attack has failed and as you now know, from the member of my crew your species has taken, there more starships are in the area. Waiting on a signal from me. The first time your species was encountered a grave mistake was made. But those responcible have been punished and as you know a member of my species nearly had his career ruined for trying to defend you kind....."

"A career is nothing compared to what was done to our kind!"

"Agreed. So what do you sugget; that we keep fighting? In such a battle you and would be destroyed."

Da'nal paused. "There is no honor in blatant destruction, and no dishonor in yielding to save a species."

For the first time their was hesitation in the group mind. From the memories of one of their kind they knew first hand that a Klingon had fought for them in the past. Now a Klingon was offering them what amounted to an offer of coexistance. "You can guarantee our survival?"

"I can. You have my work of Honor, the Federation wishes a peaceful resolution to this situation. But your species is similar to another...enemy."

"The Borg."

"Yes, so you understand our need for...caution, and to free those of our people from your control."

"Well Captian Da`nal as you can see we have no implant to remove...

"But that attempt will be made none the less."

"Make your attempt, but before the crew of the ship arrived we knew nothing of the world beyond. We acted on a collectivd instict to maintain the balance of life on the planet below. But now we have sentients, and we will NOT give that up...."


Given what had occurred Star Fleet had placed the Freedom under quarantine and all negotiation would be handled there...since the damage was already done.

Da'nal sat in his ready room looking over the medical report on the results of the infection and the posibility of recovering those contaminated. They likened the fungus to the organism encounter by the Enterprise on Surata IV on Stardate 42976.3. However in that case the 'contaminant' attacked the nervous system in order to kill it's victim. Here the fungus acted like a retro virus to rewrite the DNA of the person or creature it inhabited.

Once infected the victims brain was literally rewired to allow for appeared to be a mixture of conscious and subconscious mental communication. In th case of those being that had been 'weaponized' to spread the spores; they where nothing more than mindless automitons. These poor creatures where left with only the most basic of mental functionality. The results of the medical exam had found that there was no longer any way to recover the crew of the Weatherbey. Save for the slim chance of finding unaltered DNA in Ltjg Jake Rosenthal and LtCmdr Montoya. Both men lay in isolation as the Freedom's medical staff and EMH worked to save them.

Da`nal set the PADD aside as he waited on Star Fleet Command. He had submitted his proposal to Command and now he waited.

The reply came as he stood staring out at the planet that had been orbiting for almost two days now.
Returning to his desk he swiveled the monitor around....

Plan approved, additional resources enroute. Best of luck

Admiral Rittenhouse
Star Fleet Command

Da`nal had hoped for a more substantial reply, but appearently they trusteed his judgement. Now to see if they would accept the Federations terms.


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