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Intruder Alert

Posted on 08 Jun 2010 @ 11:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

367 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: USS Freedom


"Crew of the Freedom! Will will be lowering our shields in order to rescue survivors. Arm yourselfs and prepare to be borded!"

Da`nal looked to Dawsons replacement. "Target their weapon and shields, fire as soon as we lower the shields.

Don impatiently waited for the lift to reach the deck and rushed to the shutle bay, meeting a security team who came in through the other door. =^=Killian to D'anal, we are ready Sir. =^=


-- ON --

As the words left his mouth he through out an urgent order. "COMPUTER, ISOLATE ALL INCOMING TRANSPORTS BEHIND A LEVEL 10 CONTAINMENT FIELD!!"


A spore pod materialized along with two of the Weatherbey's crew. The first phaser blast took an engineer in the chest sending him over the railing next to the warp core, but as the pod exploded the field was active and contained the spores as they slowly settled to the floor.

[Shuttle bay]

The wave ride took up nearly the entire shuttle bay as materialize before the XO and the security team. However as it did another beam had locked onto the the bay and as the two conflicting transports merged the large bear-like creature materialized inside the wing of the Weatherbey's auxillery craft and was dead as soon as the cycle completed.


The same was repeated itself all over the ship. Pods, animals, and personnel transported the second the Freedom's shields where dropped, only to materialize into a trap....for the most part.


A powerful dark skinned panther-like animal lept an Rico before the field was inplace. Rico grabbed the creature as it came at him and the field surrounded them both but its 'weaponize' partner that the creature had been there to protect wasn't so lucky and had been contained instantly.

The field shimmered as Rico pressed his back against it trying to keep as much distance as possible from the animal, but there was no way to get out of the creatures reach. However it was its claws he needed to worry about and it roared as it head exploded and Rico gagged and clawed at hiss throat.




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