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Posted on 30 May 2010 @ 1:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

885 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Timeline: current

Even though one of the shuttles could have traveled faster it had been decided that they should travel together for in order to give them a better chance of success. However the shuttles long range sensors began to chime. There was a ship closing on them and fast, together they dropped from warp and waited on their pursuer to arrive.

Tarryn was in her element, at the helm of the Aerowing. Though not the fastest, it had a powerful punch. "I am in pursuit of the shuttles," she informed the Freedom.

They watched as the shuttle dropped from warp and as the subspace spilled out with the craft and they opened fire.

"We are taking fire!" She yelled as she steered hard to starboard to avoid a full phaser blast from one of the shuttles. The Liberator shook as it took fire from the weapons of the shuttle closest to them. "Shields are holding!" shouted Durk at tactical. "The Hunley class is getting away," he said frustrated.

Tarryn saw that they seemed to be splitting up. "Target the engines!" she instructed and swung after it. "They cannot be allowed to make warp!" They took more fire from the other shuttle, but it seemed to be heading to the planet. She had to make a decision and flew the aerowing at maximum impulse after the Hunley to give tactical the best possible shot.

"Got a lock!"

"Fire!" Tarryn yelled.

"Their starboard nacelle took damage!" Durk said. They won't get to warp!"

Those piloting the Type 9 shuttle saw that their companion was disabled. In an instant they reached consensus and turned sharply head for their target while the occupants of the Hunley continued to fire on their pursuer to cover their retreat.

Tarryn swung the Liberator around in pursuit of the other shuttle which was on their way to the planet. "Warn the planetary defense!" she instructed ops.

[Defense Platform 9]

Jarvn sat at his console, he needed to move and walk thing off, but he couldn’t leave his station. Everyone manning the platforms was a nervous wreck and there had already been an unmanned transport lost on the other side of the planet because someone had gotten jumpy. He nearly jumped through the deck plating when his console beeped. Scrambling he opened a channel to the Defense Ministry headquarters. “Federation shuttle approaching at warp 5.8; no reply to perimeter warnings!â€

However there was no reply, the Headquarters staff was scrambling themselves. Every old satellite and piece of space junk was settling off alerts.

Jarvn watched the shuttles approach nervously. The shuttle dropped from warp almost in front of him and the subspace energy blinded his sensors for a moment. As he compensated the shuttle dove underneath his platform heading straight for the planet. He had no choice. Rotating his turrets he opened fire on the shuttle destroying it and any large piece of debris. His and shook has he leaned back away from his console.

[Shuttle Liberator]

As the smalled shuttle neared the planet, the defence system took it out, in an array of phaser fire. "We didn't need to," .Durk said dryly.

[Defense Ministry Headquarters]

Reports of the shuttle destruction sent everyone scrambling. The debris was still burning up in the atmosphere when the another proximity alarm sounded. “Federation runabout. This is the Otegran Defense Ministry. Halt your approach or you will be fired upon.â€

"This is Ensign Marks from the Shuttle Liberator of the USS Freedom," Tarryn said as she brought the Aerowing to a full stop.

“This is Defense Minister Hasan. We are sorry for the loss of the federation shuttle but is violated our defense grid, refused communication.â€

"The shuttle was in violation of orders," Tarryb responded. "We were in trying to stop it," she explained.

“I see, well as the loss was not your fault I’m sure your Captain will not hold it against you. I will forward a copy of our sensor readings and a full report of the incident to you Captain as soon as it is compiled.â€

"THank you Minister," Tarryn said, already bring the Liberator around.

Nodding ceremoniously Hasan bid them farewell. “Good Journey.â€

"Now we need to get to that damn Hanley!" Tarryn said as she changed course.

They sped to the fleeing shuttle, who limped as far away from thenm as possible, but the engine damage gave them half impulse only.

"We are within weapons range," the tactical officer informed Tarryn. "They're locking weapons!"

"Shields!" Tarryn ordered, staeering hard to port to avoid a direct hit, The Liberator rocked when their shield were grazed by the aft fire from the shuttle.

"Shields are holding!"

"Lock your weapons and target their shields! These guys are serious... Dammit!" Tarryn said as another volley headed towards them.

The fleeing shuttle desperately tried to shake the Liberator, but after two more volleys the Hunley's shields finally succomed to the superior fire power of the Aerowing. With a final two blasts Tarryn took out the shuttles weapons and engines.

"Lock on a tractor beam" Tarryn ordered.

"Tractor beam locked, their not going anywhere we don't want them to."

Tarryn nodded as she headed back to the Freedom with half of their quarry in tow.


Rogue Shuttles &
Planetary defences Played by:

Ens Tarryn Marks
Aerowing Pilot played by Sharon


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