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Arrival Pt. 2

Posted on 04 Jun 2010 @ 9:29am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

387 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain

[USS Freedom]

Hannah's heart sank as another alarm went off on her console. "Sir, the waverider has blown the docking hatch! It's escaping fast!"

"Target their weapons, and Protect that ship!"

Da'nal looked to Aryen to confirm that the shuttle occupants were needing protection as the ship came around.

Ayren galnced back at him and nodded. "There are humans on that ship.. they are trying to escape," she said and refocussed her attention on the seemingly hapless shuttle.

The shuttle was between the two starships and was being fired on, confirming Ayren's report. Before the Freedom could get into position a blast rocked the small craft and it began to vent plasma as it slid to port.

[Wavrerider shuttle]

Caesus ducked as sparks erupted from the console as the small craft took another hit. "Zach keep that field up or this will all be for nothing."

"understood admiral" just as the Ensign spoke smoke began pouring out of an over head vent he quickly pried it open and put out a few flames "the shuttle wont survive another direct hit"

[USS Freedom]

"Beam them out of there", Da`nal ordered.

"Sir there is a level 10 field active around one of the occupatants..."

"Prepare to beam the shuttle into our shuttle bay."

Don got up and looked the Security chief. "Assemble a security team and meet me in the Shuttle bay!" he ordered.

Jess swallowed. "I've got a lock...but to bring them in we'll have to lower our shield..."

With a start, Hannah realised he was talking to her and nodded quickly. "Yes, sir!"

Addressing Logan's concerns Da`nal spoke as his XO and CSEC headed to the lift. "I realize that Ensign. Open a channel to all decks."


"Crew of the Freedom! Will will be lowering our shields in order to rescue survivors. Arm yourselfs and prepare to be borded!"

Da`nal looked to Dawsons replacement. "Target their weapon and shields, fire as soon as we lower the shields.

Don impatiently waited for the lift to reach the deck and rushed to the shutle bay, meeting a security team who came in through the other door. =^=Killian to D'anal, we are ready Sir. =^=



Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Ens. Zachery Mythyis


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