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See Something You Like?

Posted on 30 May 2010 @ 1:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Lounge
Timeline: back post - prior to Arrival

Wandella's shift had been long and hard and she just was not interested in going home and going to bed, she wanted to have fun. Wandering into the lounge she scanned the place, not really seeing anyone all too familiar, so she decided just to eat and go home. As she sat a melody, more like a driving beat, began to pulsate from the back of the lounge, making Wandella unable to resist the urge to move her body.

As the music took her over she began to writhe and grind sexily to the beat, like a snake on fire and loving every second of it.

Rico was in the corner of the new bar and actually liked what they had built. It had been a long day. First dealing with Lawrence then all the digging through the Alderberan Medical logs. He was finishing off his second Long Island when he say the ships helmsmen move to the music. A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth as he lifted his glass downing the last of his drink and as he chewed a piece of ice he signaled for another as he, and the other crew in the lounge watched the show. As he watched his pheromones began increase and spread out over those in the room.

Wandella could feel the eyes on her, especially the pair from the corner. When the song stopped she felt herself compelled to see who it was. Walking over slowly, more like gliding, Wandella made her way to the table in the far corner and sat straddled across a chair, "Hi, you see something you like there?"

As the ships CMO he had read her file, he knew that she had a 'forward' personality but that didn't come to mind at the present time. "Why yes actually. I always appreciate.... fine movements. Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?"

"Give me one of what you're having." Wandella replied, "Fine movements, huh? Doctor likes how I move then?"

He slid the tall glass across the table after it had been placed on the table. "Another please." He hadn't taken his eyes off the young lieutenant. "Well, as a doctor you could consider me no different than an engineer or mechanic. We each have an appreciation for a well built, fine tuned machine."

"Well, I can only claim credit for the tuning." Wandella giggled as she sipped the strong mixed drink, "Nature is responsible for the building. You know, if you like what you see now, you should see rest of the 'machine.' Wandella guarantees you will enjoy."

Rico raised a brow. "You certainly don't beat around the bush do you?"

"Look at the job we're in." Wandella sighed, "We could all die any second. So, me, I prefer to face death having just gotten laid. I don't know about you, and I can't speak for anyone else, just Wandella."

"Such a morbid outlook for such a beautiful woman, personally I plan to live forever." He stood, offering her his hand. "In the mean time..."

"In the mean time, prepare like you don't have forever." Wandella laughed, taking his hand and downing her drink, ~Well, got something to keep me occupied for a few hours now.~

It wasn't long and they were at his door, senior officer quarters were closer after all.

"So," Wandella cooed as she walked into his quarters, "this is Rico's place? Very nice. Why don't you make a drink for us while I get more comfortable?"

Rico watched her head off and he went over opening a cabinet. He looked over his selection and grinned. He put the wine back and pulled out a bottle of tequila and shot glasses then moved to the replicator for lime and salt setting things out by the couch. Tossing his jacket into the chair opposite.

Wandella shed her uniform and returned in her Academy t-shirt and little else, "Oooooohhh! We're going to do tequila shots? I LOVE tequila shots."

"Better yet....Body shots." He said mischievously.

"I think I like this kind of medicine, Doctor....Rico." Wandella smirked, "What else do you prescribe?"

Moving closer, bottle and glasses in hand. "Well there has to be a detailed examination...before a proper diagnosis can be made."

"Well, I was raised to be a selfless girl, and there's nothing I won't do for medical science." Wandella replied, her voice dripping with sensuality, as she poured herself a shot, downed it, and took Rico's hand, "Come, let's research. For the good of mankind."


LtCmdr 'Rico Suave' Montoya

Ltjg Wandalla Kristere


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