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Posted on 20 May 2010 @ 10:35am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain

[USS Weatherbey]

The 'Captain' sat in his chair as he absorbed the mental images from all over the ship. The warp core was installed and about to be brought back online. The shuttle had just been launched and as soon as power was restored they would be off to deal with the Federation.

With the experiences gained from the beings here on this 'ship' there was no doubt that a vessel would arrive to investigate the situation. Well let them come...they would be ready.

[USS Freedom}

Kristere's replacement looked up from his panel. "Sir we are entering the system."

"Take us out of warp and open the Aerowing bay."

Tarryn punched the launch codes in and flicked her eyes to the tactical next to her. "Liberator ready for launch, all sytems ready," she reported and punched the protocols into the console.

The craft moved forward and cleared the bay into the black sky.

The screen displayed the Liberator as it warped off in pursiut of the shuttle. Glancing back to tactical, "Miss Dawson raise our shields and have our weapons on standby. Do not lock weapons unless ordered."

Ayren walked onto the bridge, in her hand a padd. She took position to the side of D'anal, readying herself for the contact with the Weatherby.

Don looked up from the console at his armrest. "Contineous full sensor scan," he ordered ops, following standard procedure.

"Aye sir."

[USS Weatherbey - Bridge]

They all watched as the Ship had dropped from warp and deploy the craft, and then continue on it way towards them.

~They have raised shield and powered weapons. No weapons lock~

The 'Captain' absorbt the thoughts of the others. ~Bring the Warp core online and bring the ship about to face them so we can fire without a without a target lock.~

[Weatherbey's waverider bay]

Jake was trying his best to cover their rear as best he could but he was loosing ground even as he made his way towards their escape. A crew member rushed him and his high powered phaser blast took hi in chest blasting a charged hole wear the man's heart had been.

His attention moved to the next creature or human that might try to get to him but that was a mistake.... What he had assumed was a lifeless corpse bolted to his feet and pinned him to the wall. Jake's shock and horror, combined with the adreniline charged attacker, left him defensless. The 'dead' crewman pinned him to the wall and ripped off his helmet.

Jakes face was slappered by a green slime as he was thrown into the craft as he gagged and tried in vain to wipe the spores from his face.

[USS Freedom]

Ensign Logan was at ops and scanned the area. "Sir, their warp corp is coming online and shields are being raised." Glancing over to tactical, "No signs of weapons activation."

"Understood. Hail them."

"Channel open."

"This is the Federation Starship USS Freedom, Captain Da`nal of the House of Varal Commanding. We...."

The bridge of the Weatherbey came into view. =^=We hold 20 of this ship crew and if you do not withdraw they will be incorporated.=^=

"To take hostages is..."

=^=They are not hostages. They are prisoners of war.=^=

Ayren frowned what she had been sensing became clearer. "I need to speak to you," she siad quietly to D'anal. "It is urgent."

Turning to Logan he signaled for the channel to be muted. "What is it?"

"Unless that is a ship made up mostly of Betazoids, I would say that there is unusually large telepathic activity going on that ship," she said closing her eyes for a moment as she attempted to make sense of it. "It is a hive.... like I would think a Borg hive would communicate....I can't describe it any other way. And it is malicious... " she added. "I think..."

----- seperation point ------

With Aryen's abrupt pause Da`nal began to issue oerders. Her warning wasn't spoken, but he knew that something was seriously wrong. "RED ALERT. EVASIVE MANUEVERS!"

Just as the ship pulled to starboard torpedoes leapt from the Weatherbey, grazing the shields.

Immediately Hannah's hands shot over the security console as the ship went to red alert. "Lock weapons, sir?"

[USS Weatherbey]

The ship was at full power they had raised their shields and where moving to pursue the larger ship. Their only hope was to disable and try to take the ship. Phasers and topedoes were now locked on a single area of the ship in order punch a hole in the shield.

In the transporter rooms animals and spore pods were be placed on transporter pads to be beamed over.

[USS Freedom]

Hannah's heart sank as another alarm went off on her console. "Sir, the waverider has blown the docking hatch! It's escaping fast!"

"Target their weapons, and Protect that ship!"


Captain Da`nal

Ltjg. Jake Rosenthal - NPC
Security, USS Weatherbey

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Ayren Kelan
CDO/ Counselor
PNPC By Sharon

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer

Ens Tarryn Marks
Aerowing pilot
PNPC by Sharon

Ens. Jessica Logan
Acting COPs - NPC


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