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Sabotage and survival

Posted on 19 May 2010 @ 8:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,316 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: USS Weatherbey

With the fungal members of the Weathery approaching Jake made sure his phaser was set to maximum. He had already tried stunning one before making to the jefferies tubes and it had nearly cost him his life. Setting himself up at the far sid eof the intersection he waited for the tube hatch to open. "How close Doc?"

"Twelve meters and close...whatever has taken them over must have rewired their biochemistry, because there is no way that Andorians are able to move this quickly naturally." Caecus said, the fear of the situation forgotten in the medical anomaly that he was bearing witness to, a tone of deep interest in his voice.

Zachary Mythyis began to clench his hyper spanner prepared to use it as a club if necessary "perhaps we should make a stand here before more come and we find ourselves outnumbered."

Jake knew he was going to have to fire fast and accurate; just wasn't sure if he could in such close quarters. Beside those were their friend....any heistation on his part. HLowered the setting on his phaser and fired. With his phaser he welded the hatch doors closed and the door to the housing...just in case.

"Lets get out of here. If we can get into the tubes running to the bridge we should be able to sever their control of the ship." He grabbed Zach by the shoulder and shoooved his towards the now open tube the doctor had opened. "Let move!"

"Alright I am moving you dont have to be so rough" The engineer looked around and said "alright I know a short cut there from reviewing the blueprints my first day here, follow me."

Opening the other junction hatches to confuse their pursuers, Jake then followed after the others. He was curious as to why they hadn't been beamed out of the tubes....either transpoter were down or internal sensors were offline.

After a intense run they finally made it to the tube that had the bridge control junctions. Out of breath Ensign Zachary knew he couldn't slow down now and immediately pried open the junction box, as his heart raced and hands shook he got under way."I am cutting control to there engines first it might not take much for them to reroute control to engineering but at least we will make it hard on them." the fear and exhaustion was starting to show in his voice "then ill try to see if I can tap into communications to get a message out." Zach then look over his shoulder "one of you guys get to work on cutting some of those cables over there it should cut the power for some decks and might take out the internal sensors."

Jake shouted. "STOP! As soon as the first connection is lost they will know exactly were we are."
He pulled out his backup, type 1 phaser, and held it up. "I'll set this on a slow build up to overload. That should give us enough time to get far enough away."

The engineer look up and stepped out of the way "If you do that I can not promise I will be able to get a communication out."

"We can use one of the shuttles...better yet we can make our way down to the waverider. We can use it to send a signal."

"That may take to much time and there may be a better chance we could get caught, plus we would lose a phaser with your plan giving us only one left." Zach then looked at the admiral as if looking for backup "We could use some parts from the tricorder I could then set it up as a delayed destruction and that way we would be able to control what is destroyed rather than vaporizing everything."

"Making it to the shuttlebay yea...too far too risky. The waverider is only two decks down at the
ventral side of the saucer. Rig to tricorder to detonate the phaser. When it blows we can gain access to the waverider and fly out of here. By the time they manage to get control routed to engineering we'll be away."

"Well actually we wouldn't need the phaser just the tricorder we have no reason to throw away a phaser, then we will go to the waverider even though I think we would have a better chance hiding in the tubes" the engineer looked at the doctor again "I will need that tricorder."

Reluctantly the doctor handed over his tricorder, after pulling the memory stick from it and placing it in one of the utility pockets on his suit "Alright so we have a plan...we just have to get to the shuttle."

How he was going to blow the Jefferies tube without the phaser he didn't know, but he kept the phaser ready. "How are you plan on doing enough damage with just the tricorder?"

the ensign smiled that was barely seen threw the environmental "simple the tricorder will simply be used for timing, I plan on using the main power rail for the bridge and reroute the power to the various circuits that allow control of the ship from the bridge considering the power rail will have over 40,000 volts and the circuits are rated at 20volt maximum, the circuits will be completely fried and unrepairable, its good because we wont lose a phaser and can choose specifically what is destroyed."

As they debated their movements had been track. The opening of hatch after hatch and them the Ensigns opening of the access panel had given those watching the final destination. It wasn't long after the panel being opened that other were dispatch to their location...

The proximatrly alarm on the Doctor's tricorder sounded. "Where are they!", Jake demanded as he turned to look back down the jefferies tube, phaser in hand.

Caecus grabbed his tricorder back and quickly went though the scanners findings. "Multiple contacts moving fast. If wee don't get out of here they are going to cut us off. We need to get our of here...NOW."

The engineer looked at the open circuit than back to the admiral, "which way is the fastest to get to the waverider?"

"Two decks down...lets get out of here!!"

[Waveridder docking hatch]

Jake was trying his best to cover their rear as best he could but he was loosing ground even as he made his way towards their escape. A crew member rushed him and his high powered phaser blast took hi in chest blasting a charged hole wear the man's heart had been.

His attention moved to the next creature or human that might try to get to him but that was a mistake.... What he had assumed was a lifeless corpse bolted to his feet and pinned him to the wall. Jake's shock and horror, combined with the adreniline charged attacker, left him defensless. The 'dead' crewman pinned him to the wall and ripped off his helmet.

Jakes face was slappered by a green slime as he was thrown into the craft as he gagged and tried in vain to wipe the spores from his face.

Caesus was powering up the craft when a shout came from the from behind him.

Ensign Zachary was out of breath he knew they were right behind him but he didn't want to look once he got on board the waverider he turned around expecting to see Jake behind him but what he saw made him go numb with fear "Admiral they got the lieutenant."

"Computer level 10 containment field around Lt. Rosenthal!" Turning back to the contols he used the emergency explosives to blast the bay doors away and the small craft flew out....right into the middle of a fire fight.


Ltjg Jake Rosenthal - NPC

Adm Caecus Romehl Ret.

Ens. Zachary Mythyis


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