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Reliving the past - Bitter Memories

Posted on 21 May 2010 @ 7:56am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

701 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Vulcan
Timeline: Backpost - before 'Calvaly' post

=^= My friend, I know this is the last thing you wanted to think about. Especially with the tournament coming up, but I need to know what i'm dealing with. =^=


Charghwl'IH's memories swirled. From the intitial attack on the station and the fight to get back to the ship, the disaster at the air lock when one of his security detail disobeyed orders and got trigger happy, to the incident on the bridge and the events at the trial.

Those memories flashed briefly through his consciousness....

Xaedell blinked as the memories flooded her senses through their link. Most didn't make sense as she had no context, but from what she had gathered, it was very disturbing. She felt her mate's control of his thoughts again, but it had left her unsettled.

After a few moments he focused on the matter at hand.

=^= There seemed to be two types or levels of infection. One that controlled the hosts and another that spread more spores my exploding the head of whoever or what ever. They are also extremely fast and strong.

They can also act completely normal so if it gets on the ship... =^=

=^= Understood. Thank you. How are thing there? =^=

Charg almost laughed at the shift in the discussion. =^= Oh just fine...we ran into X'ae's father on the way here...=^=

"Very funny," X'ae grumbled as she elbowed Charg.

Charg's smile was brief as he shifted the subject back to the purpose of his friends call. "Da`nal...I thank you for the distraction but you have to realize what you are facing. These things can act totally normal. Look for increased adreanal functions to tell the infected from those that are not. How they communicate...Draper's actions never allowed that to be figured out."

Looking to Aryen, Charg's redirecting of the subject only added to his concern. =^=I see. Well that is a mystery that we will have to solve then. I have my medical staff going over the Aldeberan's log as we speak. Hopefully they will find something.=^=

"What is he talking about?" Ayren asked, sensing the concern in D'anal. "There is more isn't there..."

"There's something that isn't in the medical logs....Again thanks to Draper. This organism can reanimate the dead."

=^=That isn't possible!=^=

"All I know is was I saw. When we were on the station the dead attacked us. Oz theorized that as long as the body still had electrical activity it could be controled."

=^=Why was there nothing in the medical logs about this?=^=

"Draper never allowed the medical staff a chance to study anything beyond an initail autopsy. As everything from the station was destroyed."

Ayren shivered, feeling as if someone poured an ice cube down her spine. "This is worse than expected," she said thoughtfully.

Da`nal nodded gravely. It seemed the more he learn the less likely it seemed he would be able to follow his orders. =^=Thank you may friend. I will be monitoring the standing at the tournament. QAPLA!=^=

"Qapla, Captain"

[USS Freedom]

Da`nal leaned back in his chair pulling at his beard. His orders said he had to enforce the quarentine, but he also had to protect and recover the Weatherbey's crew if possible. '..If possible.' From what he heard if the came to a fight, it was looking more and more like 'possible' was turning into imposible.

"What are you thinking?" Ayren asked.

"That our job just got a lot more difficult....and that we haven't been told the whole situation by Starfleet."

Ayren nodded in agreement. "When the times comes, you will know what to do, D'anal. Trust your gut, you will need it...." she said thoughtfully.

Da`nal offered her his hand and as she took it he pulled her closer. "I'm glad you are here."

Ayren smiled looking up at him. They had not been able to spend much time together, yet she felt secure in what was between them. Her hand went up to touch the side fo his face. "Me too," she said softly.


Capt. Da`nal

Ayren Kelan
PNPC by Sharon

Lt. Charghwl'IH
USS Merlin

Lt X'aedell Kelan
USS Merlin
By Sharon


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