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Posted on 30 May 2010 @ 12:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

345 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Medical office
Timeline: backpost - between 'Rise and Shine' & 'Arrival'

Rico had finished withed with Lawrence and headed into hs office where Mel and Cas were busy looking through the computer records.

Leaning against the door frame as Mel looked at the monitor over Casiday's shoulder. "So what did you two find?"

Melanie looked up and saw Rico. "I'm not sure yet." She frowned.

Casiday sighed as she yawned. "Sorry Commander."

Waving off the yawn. He'd been in that position not 24 hrs ago so he knew what it was like all to well. "Don't worry about it." Looking to Mel. What aren't you sure about?"

"Well...I have gone back as far as I can and sometimes there are the anomalous readings in some of the files...and then others. I'm just confused." She looked up at Rico and blushed. Melanie didn't like feeling confused but it seemed the more she was around him the more her confusion surfaced.

~Great~ he thought to himself. Taking a place behind Doc Taylor he glanced from Mel to the monitor. "What confusing? Were the logs incomplete?"

"It looks like 15% of them were incomplete and all missing the same part. Why would that be?" She looked up at Rico and frowned.

Any number of reasons could explain the discrepency, from shody procedure right down to the attempt to conceal, but without looking over the records himself there was no way for him to reach a conclusion. "Look over the logs and see if there is a pattern of omission or if there was just a breakdown in procedure."

"Yes sir." Melanie started scanning through the logs over the next few minutes she had her answer. "It wasn't a breakdown of procedure...someone deliberately deleted certain components."

"Great! well let take what we have and see what we can do."

Casiday looked at the screen she had decided to grab a drink "Anyone want a drink?" she asked as she stood.

Rico shook his head. "No...we have work to do."


LtCmdr Ricardo 'Rico' Montoya
CMO - NPC played by Chris

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Ltjg. Casiday Taylor


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