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Rise and shine

Posted on 29 May 2010 @ 11:06pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Back post to before Arrival

Rico returned from his meeting with the Captain and went straight to work. His job was going to be easy, all he had to do was calm down a little bit of DNA and make sure the memory centers calmed down as well.

After setting up his equipment to monitor his situation he injected the retrovirus that would basically reprogram Lawrences DNA and return the hyperactive areas back to dormancy. He watched as the over active portions of his DNA returned to normal. As they did so the memory centers of his brain also returned to normal activity.

With that done he needed to test his handy work and see what changes if any were immediately appearent. Loading another hypo he administered a stimulant to counter the effectes of the sedative.

As lawrence opened his eyes "Where the bloody hell am I?" he asked as all he could see was a white blur.

Rico prevented him from sitting up. "Taking it easy, your in sickbay. How are you feeling?"

"Like my head was shot out cannon." Lawrence replied still somewhat confused.

Rico grin slightly "Well thats not surprising...especially considering what has been happening to you."

"On that note what exsalty happened that ended up here?" Lawrece asked

"It seems that your have had... well what could almost be called a past life's memories intruding on the present. Portions of your DNA got hyper stimulated. When we haven't been able to determine, but your situation seems to support the premise of genetic memory."

"Well not sure I understand that but I take that you made some progress in treating it." Lawrence replied

The Doc nodded. "We got your DNA and memory centers back to normal. The question is how integrated the past mannerisms had become. Before you were...incopasitated; you were kinda outta control. Miss Kelan is filling in as a counselor for the time being. So she will be evaluating you based and if all goes well you'll be back on duty. Until she clears you Petty Of...I mean Ensign Logan is handling Ops."

"Ensign from Petty Officer 1st class how long was I out??" Lawrence asked.

"Well the Captain promoted her. The Department needed an OIC and I would assume both he and the XO felt she was the best person for the job."

"What!!!...... So even though I had apoointed a secound in command, the captain and XO promoted her over Stiles, Why of alll the......"

"Easy!.... You'd better be careful. I know enough that Logan's been here since the ship was first launched. And from what I've heard and the medical records I've read, this crew has been though more that a few scrapes. Remeber he is a Klingon; loyalty and comradery forged in battle is an important thing. How much interaction has either the XO or the Captain had with Stiles? Besides as far as I know he still is Second in command."

"But Logan running things the way they always been that way is ops was bloody mess it was we took the chief ops postion." Oaskley replied.

Rico took a deep breath. "Well if memory serves it was your way of doing things that got you arrested in the first place. The Captain wouldn't have put her in charge is he did think she could do the job. And if doing things per Fleet regs leaves things in a mess then....well I guess thats a mess the Captain prefers."

Before Lawrence could reply he changed the subject. "I'm releasing you to your quarters. I'll inform Miss. Kelan and she can set this up with you for your evaluation.'

"Very good doctor noW if I can just teach that bloody computer to make a decent cup of tea." Lawrence replied and got off the biobed.

"Have you thought about growing your own leaves?"

"It's not leaves it the brewing that's the key." Lawrence replied as made his way to the exit.

Rico looked as his patient head out. "Ahh...not a tea drinker myself."

Lawrence exited and headed to his quaters

After Lawernce had left he headed over to check on his staff to see how they were doing on their research.


LtCmdr Ricardo 'Rico" Montoya
NPC'd by Chris

Lieutenant Sir James Lawrence
10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer


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