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Here comes the Cavalry

Posted on 09 May 2010 @ 10:34am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

614 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Bridge

As the Freedom warped closer to the system Da`nal both glad to be in the thick of things once again, but apprehensive as well. The simplest solution was to destroy them, but the was no honor in genocide. His discussions with Charg as well as former Captain Lee Draper had given him plenty to consider. They were still several hours away from the system so he sat in his command chair and waited. He hated waiting.

A smile tugged at Ayren's mouth as she sensed D'anal's impatience. She was well aware of his mixed feelings as well and placed her hand on his arm where she was sitting in the counselor's chair, next to him, giving it a light squeeze. "So you are going to sit in this chair and wait?" she said, a bit of mirth in her voice.

Da`nal simply turned towards her with a raisedeyebrow as he thought, ~Smart Ass...~.

"Helm what is our current ETA?"

Ayren suppressed a grin. "Thank you", she mouthed as he had given her a compliments. She looked up as she saw the XO entering the bridge and moving towrds his seat.

Wandella only shook her head and sighed, not even caring what that was all about, "ETA is two hours, Keptin." (altered per my intro...)

"Very well. Mr. Silonez, what about the survey probes?"

Silonez sat at a back work station, "Probe link is established, but I can't give a guarentee on if it will stay stable, theres' something wrong with the signal."

"Can you find the cause?" Don asked him.

Silonez looked at the read out, "Either something is trying to shut us out or someone is attempting to jam the network link, I've never seen this agressive of an attempt to shut us out."

"On screen."

[Bridge - USS Weatherbey]

Those on the bridge were either maintaining the ships systems or manipulating the tractor beam that was positioning the warp core to be reinstalled. The man in the Captain's chair turned his head towards the 'weapons officer' as he became aware that they were being monitored. The ships phasers lept out to destroy probe after probe as the ship orbited the planet. As they destroyed probe after probe the ships shuttlebay opened and two shuttles emerged.

As the cleared the ship they came briefly into sensor range of on of the last remaining probes...before the shuttle opened fire and destroyed it.

[USS Freedom]

"Probes destroyed captain, and the data feed has been terminated, I'm going over the last of the data now." Silonez saw something in the last data chain that was of concern, "I need to go over the download, theres something firmilar on one of the complete data files."

The loss of the signals could only mean one thing. "Put the last data feed on screen."

As the bridge view screen shift from the starfield to a distorted view of the planet from orbit. Two small craft came into view just as a blinding flash, followed by static.

Da`nal didn't hesitate, "Helm take us to 9.8, Lt Kristere, prepare your flight crew."

A grin turned the corner of her mouth as she called of her relief and sent the call to summon her flight crew. "Aye sir."

"As soon as we drop from warp you are to apprehend those shuttles. Disables them and bring them back here. You are authorized to fire only to disable. Do I make my self clear?"

"Perfectly sir."

Da`nal didn't take his eyes off the screen as the ship streaked towards their destination now only moments away.


Captain Da`nal

Ayren Kellan

Lt. Silonez

Ltjg Wandella Kristere


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