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The only other Option...

Posted on 02 May 2010 @ 4:01pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Bridge / Briefing room
Timeline: MD 2

Rico had left Melenie an Cass to pull the Aldebaran's medical logs for the current situation right now he need to fill in the Captain on another problem...Lt Lawrences treatment. As the lift door opened he stepped out on the bridge to see the Captain and Ayren coming out of the Briefing room. "Good you're both here. If we can sir I'd like to discuss Lt. Lawrence."

Nodding he waved back towards the briefing room. "Don you have the Bridge."

Don gathered that it was about Lawrence, and he would have loved to be in that meeting, but would have to be satisfied with a briefing after wards. He nodded and headed towards the bridge.

As the trio re-entered the briefing, Da`nal stood behind his chair. "What have you found?"

"Well sir, last night...with Miss Kellan's assistance we found two things. First an area of his DNA that was hyperstimulated. The second, we found that same stimulation in the memory centers of his brain as well those areas that deal with personality, etc."

"I'm not a physician Doctor, whats happening to him."

"Sir right now he his living two lives. Have you ever heard of Genetic Memory?"

Ayren blinked. It was not something that one founded in every second case. "I have," she said, glancing at D'anal. "Doctor, but isn't it confined to certain species.....?" she asked dumbfounded.

Da`nal nodded in agreement. "Yes I thought that type of thing was only found in lower animals?"

"Normally yes. Take insects for example. Everyone is born knowing what there job is in the hive. However it has been postulated that genetic memory can exist in humaoid species as well. It was based in the idea that people could remember things from what they called past lives."

Shaking his head slightly in dis belief. "Doctor this is all theory and speculation...uhhh", trying to remember the the correct term, "...parapsycology."

"I agree... genetic memory had been found in a selected few humonoid species as well, I can;t even recall which ones it is so rare," Ayren said with a frown. "Unless someone engineered it to be so.....or there is another explanation," Ayren mused.

"Not entirely sir. There have been documented cases of detailed recollections."

"OK. So how does this explain Lt. Lawrences acctions?"

"Sir its my belief that at some point, earlier in his career he was exposed to either a temporal anomoly or radiation that allowed the hyperstimulation of dormant genes. Genes pasted down over generation. These are now active memories then intruded themselves into his personality, most likely on a subconscious level. Essentailly there are two time periods, two points of view, two sets of rules vying to control his mind. His family has a long Naval tradition...going back centuries. With that amount of memory interjecting itself it could be replacing the social norms we all operate under with a narrower and harsher set of social mores."

Ayren was stunned, but it made sense. "How do you get to that conclusion?" she asked. "People with multi-personality disorder behaves pretty much the same, although there were no markers... " she said. She had not tested him for that disorder as she had not done an evaluation herself.

He understood her skepicism...his theory was rather unique, but it was the only thing that really fit. "I reviewed his medical records, psycological profiles...everything. In his early career his record is soptless. Then suddenly, semmingly without cause he begins to have disciplinary issues. At first nothing serious but then it began to get worse. It finally culminated in the events that took place on the Norton and then here." Glancing back at Arryen, "Like you said there were no indication of a mental disorder.

"Whats puzzling is that Old Earth naval tradition was very ridgid, with a strict military code. For example, crewman could be whipped for failing to acknowledge an officer when passing him on deck. The fact the he was disrepectful to anyone of higher rank is a inconsistancy that I belief is a symptom of the struggle within him."

"It is so close to scizophrenia, but he is not delusional," Ayren mused. She looked towards D'anal to explain. "A key symptom of scizophrenia is the fact that delusions are present. Either in the form of voices in their heads, or images they see, which are completely real to them," she explained to D'anal, not assuming he knew about the disorder. It was rare now and Klingons didn't really suffer from it..

"We need to look at his missions to see if we can pin point exposure to any temporal anomaly or being," she continued. "Or have you already?" she asked, looking at possibilities to help Lawrence as she accepted Rico's theory as plausible.

"No I haven't, but in the meantime I can return the hyperstimulated portions of his DNA to normal. That should help but there is no telling whether his conditiion is permanent or not. Either way he is going to need counseling."

"I am prepared to help where I can," Ayren nodded. "I really hope we can find a solution," she said and then smiled at Rico. "I am sorry I sounded sceptical. Your theory is rather remarkable..." she said sincerely.

Grinning he wave off the apology, "Goes with the personality."

"What? Do you also have an anomaly or two?" she asked, purposefully misreading his answer.

Da`nal shook his head slightly. "I believe he was saying the HE, like his theory was remarkable. Proceed with the treatment."

Giving Ayren a humorous smile to which Da`nal took slight offense to as his senses became actually aware of his pheormones. "Aye sir."

Ayren tilted her head as she sensed D'anal's reaction to the pheromones and she suppressed a smile. She also knew that D'anal was a very dangerous man under all that control, so she moved slighty towards him. The pheromones could trigger rather strong reactions sometimes and they did need the CMO in sickbay, not as a patient but as a doctor.

Her act of moving closer calmed his aggitation. "Good you are cleared to proceed Doctor. Keep me advised and contact Ayren when you feel he's ready"

Rico didn't miss her move towards the Captain. ~must be something there~, he thought. "Understood sir. I already have my staff pulling the Aldebaran's medical files. As soon as I finish with Mr. Lawrence I'll review their findings."

Da`nal nodded sharply and stood. "Dismissed Doctor."


Capt Da`nal

LtCmdr Rico Monytoya

Ayren Kelan
CDO/Chief Counselor


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