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Here we go again...

Posted on 01 May 2010 @ 2:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

691 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: USS Freedom / Vulcan
Timeline: MD 2 0930

As everyone made their way out of the briefing room Da`nal watched Ayren. It had seemed that they had had so little time together lately. Something he had planned to remedy during their mission, but with this change in assignment...

"What do you think?"

Ayren regarded D'anal for a moment before answering. He seemed slightly distracted, but that could wait. "I think we should be prepared for everything. I have a bad feeling about this..... "she said thoughtfully.

The weight on his shoulders was considerable, especially considering what happend to his friend. What if he was left with no choice but to destroy the Weatherbey? "I think we should contact Charg...he has first hand experience with this life form."

Ayren stood before him, and cupped the side of his face with her hand, sensing the burden he had felt, and nodded. "That is a good idea, go ahead," she said and stepped back, her black eyes troubled.

"Computer, open a secure channel to the USS Merlin, addressed to Lt. Charghwl'IH."

"Stand by" Came the computer's voice as the link was established.

As the ommunications channel was establishe witht he Merlin the monitor on the wall came to life...with a recorded messege. "My apologies, I am currently on leave. If this is an emergency I can be found on Vulcan, or at the Bat'leth tournament on Ogat. Kapla."

Da`nal thought for a moment. ~There was still some time before the tournament, he could still be on Vulcan.~ "Computer redirect that last communications request towards Vulcan. Targt any shuttle or runnabout bearing resitry asociated with the USS Merlin."

"Stand by."

[On Vulcan]

That was convenient he thought, the tournament was in the neigboring system. He quickly calculated the flight, the time needed at Ogat.... "We can leave in the morning then, say...1000 hours. Besides," looking to X'ae, "it is traditional for the guests to prepare the morning meal."

"You and I.... I can't cook Vulcan food..." she objected. Of course she could cook *some* things, but she was far better at eating. "I will help," she offered tentatively.

Charg grinned humorously as he looked to her father. "Was she this...hesitant as a child?"

Before her Karagh could reply Charg's communicator sounded. Pulling it from his pocket he tapped its surface to open the channel. "Lt. Charghwl'IH here."

[USS Freedom]

Hearing his friends voice normally would have lightened his mood, but knowing what he had to ask of him only made it worse. "Charg my friend, I see you are on Vulcan. That a little out of the way from Ogat isn't it?"


~Da`nal..what was he callong for? He sounded to serious to have called to wish him good luck.~ =^=Just a small detour. For what do I have the honor of your call, CAPTAIN Da`nal...=^=

=^= I'm affraid this isn't a personal call my friend...offical business. Can you talk? =^=

=^=One moment.=^= nodding respectfully to his father-in-law, he stepped across the hall to an empty room and sealed the door. =^=Ok...whats the big secret?=^=

[USS Freedom]

Da`nal stood leaning forward on the briefing room table. =^=Starfleet recieved a urgent communication from a former shipmate of yours...Ozwald Goodshire.=^=


Charg knew by the tone coming through that what was coming wasn't good news. "What has happened?=^=

[USS Freedom]

=^= We think he's been infected..... By a similar life form as you encountered on Cartaris.=^=


Anger welled in him at the mention of the incident from his past. He quickly clamped down on it and his anger was replaced by concern for his friend. A friend now lost...his anger rose again at the though of Captain Draper. ~That Fool! Oz might still be here...~ =^=How?=^=

=^=A survey mission, looking for planets for colonization.=^=

Charg nodded, but that was not the how he was interested. How was this happening again.

=^= My friend, I know ths is the last thing you wanted to think about. Especially with the tournament coming up, but I need to know what i'm dealing with. =^=


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Charghwl'IH
CIO - USS Merlin

Ayren Kellan


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