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Duty and Tradtion

Posted on 06 May 2010 @ 6:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,091 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: HMS Replisal Altantic ocean
Timeline: April 12 1820


[In Lawence's head while sedated in sickbay]

Lawrence awakened to familiar rocking and creeking sounds of Brittish warship. As he got to his feet and put on unifrom of a Ship's frist lieuteant and headed up on deck, one the hand caleed out "OFFicer on deck."as all the hands snapped to attenion "As your were." Lawrence replied, feeling the cool sea air on his face the ship rocked subtly with the waves, he was thoughly enjoying the breeze we the look called " Sail hooo; 3 points to starboard flying french colors!!!" Lawrence puleed his glass to confrim "Helm 4 point to starboard Clear for action." with the deck brust into flurry of active as well below deck man ran about primer and prepaering the cannons to frie to marines got their riffles and made the way up on deck.

As the ship beat to Quarters the Captain put on his long coat, belted on his sword and grabbing his hat, proceeded above deck. The deck was a rushed organized caios as the men prepared the ship glancing up he saw the Marines climbing to their positions aloft. "Report Lieutenant."

Lawrence salute and sir "Sir French friget sight 3 points to starbaord 1200 yards."

Lifting his glass he confirmed the sighting. "Excellent job Mr. Lawrence." The Repisal was approaching the French ship. While there approach minimized the target his ship presented, it wouldn't be long before they where spotted and their enemy either tried to evade or turned into them to fight.

"Quietly now Mr. Lawrence..."

"Aye sir." Lawrence responsed as he used hand and harm signals to tell to marines to get low and for hand arm signals only to used to comunicate.

Still watching them through his glass he called for full sail in order to close the gap on his prey. "Full canvas."

The hands moved quickly and quietly to stations once they were in place Lawrence gave to signal to unfurrel the sail

As the sail's dropped they fillied quickly with the wind and the ship surged forward, but the French ship had spotted them and the alarm was sounded..."Forward guns Fire! Sweep th e deck lads!"

"Marines fire at will; starboard battery prepare for broad side!!" Lawrence barked the orders as if this were another drill his confindence in the crew and captain as well as own abilties and tactics were undoubtable.

The Captain stood tall staring straight ahead. "Hard to Port! Starboard batteries Fire!"

"Aim for her mast !!" Lawrence ordered as the wer now close enough to see her markings and he relized she was the french flag ship.

Smoke filled the air and musket fire and blunderbuss continued to pop from aloft. Along the rails both fore and aft falconets fired grapeshot, peppering both man and sail. "Bring us around for another run. 200 degrees to starboard!" The angle of approach would bring them up behind them passing at a 50 degree angle, allowing the ship to fire a broadside before the French could bring their weapons fully to bare.

The Reprisal took fire from the aft cannon as well as the port-side aft battery; to be expected. "Fire!" The Reprisal's cannon opened up and the aft mast splintered and crashed to the deck. "Bring us along side...Prepare to board! Lieutenant..."

"Aye Sir, Man the ladders take the officers alive if at all posable." Lawrence ordered as the boarding assemblemed on deck. As the ship came along side and the ladder were laid Lawrence and the boarding parties stormed abord. Swords clanged and pistoled fried, the deck ran with blood french and brit alike fell wounded dying. Lawrence caught sight of enemy captain across the deck and charge his way over cutting down a number of Frenchmen on the way.

The French Captain couldn't miss the charging invader. He dispatched the British crewman that had attacked him and stood his ground as the office neared his positon...~another man wanting to meet his makers...~ He stepped up to the top of the ladderwell to meet the young officer while keeping himself the advantage of the high ground.

As their sword wizzed through the air the meet each other with thunderous clang, lawrence lifted the hilt of his and ramed the point into the French captain's arm.

Retreating slightly at the attack, he looked quickly at the wound and laughed. "Next time try stabing more flesh...and less cloth, Messieur." With that he attacked diving the young man back. He was pushing the British invader hard and had him. As he moved in for the kill a mucket shot hit him in the shoulder knocking his to the deck.

Lawrence took advantage of this by leaping to his feet and putting the tip of sword to the Frenchman throat and "Now what was about stabbing more flesh Messieur." with that the French sundered and other the rest of crew to so as well, as the last of the prisoners we taken aboard the Reprisal Lawrence began to prepare his report to the captain as he was the last to return from the enemy vessel as he came aboard he found captain. "Sir Ship’s 3rd Lawrence reporting the enemy vessel has-been taken 3 British sailors dead another 12 wounded over the action was a success." Lawrence said with salute.

During the boarding action, several French officers and sailors tryed to widen the battle by boarding the Reprisal but that had been put down. They had been lucky. The Reprissal had caught the the enemies crew off guard and unprepared. No doubt had the battle gone the other way the officer of the watch would have been put to death.

"Excellently done Lieutenent." From behind Lawrence the French Captain stood, bleeding from his wound and holding his sword. The Captain stepped foward and relinqueshed his sword. Nodding as he accepted the token of his surrender he looked to one of the Marines flanking him. "Take him to our surgeon and see to his wounds."

[A short time later]

Returning to the quarterdeck the Captain looked for and spotted Mr. Lawrence and his XO over seeing the preperation to get underway. "Mr. Lawrence is our prize ready to go?"

"Aye sir justing waiting on your order sir." Lawrence replied

"Then get aboard Lieutenant and take command." Handing him several papers. "Here are your orders. We will follow and escort you in, but the ship is yours to command."

"Aye sir." Lawrence replied before making his way to captured ship. Duty has its rewards...


British & French Captain's
NPC'd by Chris

Lt. Lawrence


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