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Getting back into the swing of things....

Posted on 26 Apr 2010 @ 11:39am by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

804 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Timeline: Backpost / Current - MD 2 1000

Rico had placed Lawrence in isolation while keeping his sedated. The nurse had her instructions on the battery of tests he waanted run and she had begun the process of taking samples and initialing those tests. He was just heading into his office when doors to the main entrance part and a rather shapely and attractive brunette walked in. "Hello Lieutenant. What can I do for you."

"Apparently I used to work here." Melanie looked around trying to find some memory that she could call her own from the sickbay. "I'm Melanie Hemmingway."

"Yes...yes. Come in. I recieved you files earlier. Its been rather busy around here. We have a Department Head with appearant mental instability. At least we hope so, if its not some 'condition' he'll probably be court martialed. But here I'm rambling...where are my manners." With awarm smile he extended a hand, and with a slight extra roll to the 'r' he introduced himself "Names Ricardo Montoya, but you can call me Rico."

Melanie took his hand and smiled. "It is nice to meet you Rico. I'm glad I'm not the one in charge here at the moment, I can sit back and 'relearn' the ropes as it were."

He sat on the corner of his desk as he motioned for her to sit. "I can understand that. The report from SB 47 says your skills are in place so that's no problem. But you feel free to take your time. Dr. Taylor is still on board, she was the one that came up with your treatment. You could always talk to her, see if that brings anything back.

Melanie nodded, "I didn't think of that. Did I know her?" She asked.

With a grin and a tilt to his head he replied. "I'm really the wrong person to ask about that, but I would assume so. Just take it easy, check things out...or if you feel up to it you can do me a huge favor and check on the few patients we have. Maybe there will be a familiar face."

Melanie smiled. "I would love to help out here." She replied and grabbed the nearest medical tricorder and headed to her first patient.

Rico returned to his primary task...Figuring out what happened to Lawrence. He just hoped there was a medical explanation.

[The next morning - 0900]

Rico was on his way back to sickbay. While in the lift the Yellow allert was sounded and when the doors opened he stepped off quickly. When he reached sickbay he called for everyone.

"I want all medical staff in my office..Now!"

Melanie looked up from what she was doing and saw the doctor. She finished checking on her patient and headed to his office.

Cas walked into sickbay, having just got off shift a few hours ago. "Melanie... it's good to see you. The Name is Casiday Taylor."

Melanie turned to see the woman that apparently saved her life. "Casiday...thank you...for everything." She smiled giving the woman a hug.

"Its not a problem... I was doing my job."She said hugging the Doc back. tears fell "i am glad your with us again."

"Casiday please don't cry. I'm back, all but my memories but I'm back ok?'' She soothed.

" I am glad the treatment worked." she said drying her tears.

"Me let's go see Rico before he freaks out on us ok?" She whispered and led Casiday to Rico's office.

Cas laughed at Mel "It's good to have ya back Mel... IT was surprise to see you back." Casiday admitted.

"Yes, you aren't the only one that was surprised to see me back and awake."

Casiday just smiled "welcome home Lieutenant."

"Thank you Cassie. wanted to see us?" She asked.

He was going to mention something about the delay but given the situation with Melanie he decided it could long as it didn't becom a habit.

"Yes, we have a crisis situation. A biological threat has been found and we are at warp nine heading to the system in question. A brief communtcation was recieved from the USS Weatherbey refering to the Cartaris incident. We need to pull all the medical records from the USS Aldeberan, the first ship to encounter this life form. From what the Captain told us it's a sort of biological collective. Pull and review those recods, I have a meeting with the Captain concerning Mr. Lawrence and when I return I want to see what exactly we will be dealing with. Any questions?"

"None from me Rico." Casiday shook her head as her neck cracked.

"I don't believe so." Melanie replied.

"Good, start digging while I go see the boss."


LtCmdr Ricardo Montoya - NPC

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Ltjg Casiday Taylor


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