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Quiet Day at the Office

Posted on 24 Apr 2010 @ 11:51am by

1,390 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Security
Timeline: back post - just prior to departure

Jason Kage studied the reports from all divisions, pleased at how his teams were shaping up. They weren't the Marines, but that was a good thing as well. No need for them on the Freedom really.

Hannah walked into security, a frown on her face. She spotted Lieutenant Kage over in the corner and made her way over. "Let me guess, more drills today?"

"Actually I'm giving everyone a day off from drills. Can't make you all into marines, at least not this week." He replied and smiled. "Though, I could have you learn to speak Reman."

"I think I'd rather do some more drills," she replied, smiling slightly. "So what's happening today?"

"Examining the reports, security is shaping up nicely. Relaxing for a change, which means something will happen soon." Kage replied, turning off the screen.

"Better make the most of it then," Hannah replied. "Did something happen to put you in this good mood or did we just get lucky today?"

"I've been in the same post for a while now and I haven't had to kill anyone or wear an explosive collar. It's a good sensation." Kage explained.

"Yeah that does sound like a good thing... an explosive collar doesn't sound too comfortable," she remarked.

"Penal battalions aren't exactly regular, Ensign. I was in one from a young age until this post."

"Oh," she said, feeling a little awkward. "I didn't know that. That must have been horrible."

Kage shrugged, "Raised in a penal facility, it was my means out. You had a more convential entry I take it."

"Yeah, pretty normal," she replied. "Apart from the whole "repeating a year" thing."

"Yes, I read that in your record. Around that time I was in a Reman POW camp." Kage replied with grin.

She smiled back. "Hence the learning Reman comment, that makes a little more sense now. How did you end up there, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Colonel Fortune needed us to destroy Tal Shiar on the Reman moon. We had to act as POWs for six months before we were assigned and able to destroy it after a long firefight."

"You were in the marines then?" she asked impressed.

"Technically I still am, but subbed into Fleet. It's a weird situation."

"Sounds a little complicated," Hannah agreed. "Still, this place is better than prison. Even if we are stuck doing drills every day."

"Train hard, fight easy, Marshal Sukov, Earth 20th century. Drills are necessary because in combat efficiency drops by a huge percent. " Kage explained, "Sorry to lecture, but Colonel Fortune made me learn a great deal about warfare."

"Really? I always thought the Marines outlook on battle was "Shoot them before they shoot you"," she commented. "Not that I know a great deal about it myself."

"On the whole, you're right. But Fortune believes that a real soldier has to use his brains as well. I was with him for a lot of years." Kage explained.

"He doesn't sound too bad," she replied. "I must admit that I haven't exactly heard pleasant things about Marines before, but everyone has to admit, they're effective."

"I was penal battallion, so my experiences weren't exactly normal. Regular Marines hated my guts, especially when I kept escaping them." He said with a smile. "I'm not trying to make you a Marine, in case you're wondering."

"You seriously haven't had a good time of it, have you?" she said with a smile. "And I wasn't thinking that, but I'll remind you of that if I ever suspect you are."

Kage shrugged, "We play the hand life dealt us. I just need to figure out the actual freedom part. Not good at that area."

"Well you ended up on the right ship then," Hannah joked.

"With the acception of a few, I'm learning that. What do you do on off hours?"

She shrugged. "Nothing much really, I'm pretty boring. What about you?"

"Holosuite and games. I stink at both, but do it to have some fun. First rule of combat is make sure you have some downtime. Otherwise you go nuts." Kage said.

"What sort of games?" she asked, interested to know.

"Anything fun. I avoid intense ones like chess or klin zha, people get too intent on stuff like that."

"I can't understand the idea of playing chess for fun," Hannah admitted with a smile. "But I've never heard of the other one, klin zha?"

"Klingon strategy game. Has many variations and is based in warfare. Their grandmasters are very respected apparently." He explained. "I learned it from a klingon I was imprisoned with for some months."

"A Klingon strategy game? Sounds fun," she said. "I bet it's a little more exciting than chess though, I can't imagine a Klingon playing a game like that."

"You eliminate the other players pieces. In the old days they played the game with live players as the pieces. And it's got many variation to teach styles of combat."

"Live players?" she echoed again. She mentally kicked herself, now she just sounded like a parrot. "That does sound more like a Klingon game now."

"Yeah. I learned it using rocks we stained different colors. Had to remember what each piece, so it got a little heated some days."

"I can imagine," Hannah replied. She was still picturing the image of a Klingon playing chess which made her chuckle to herself.

"You need to find something to keep yourself occupied off hours. All work actually lowers efficiency. Plus you're too interesting a person to become a Fleet 'bot." Kage said with a grin.

"I'll take that as a compliment," she replied, returning the grin. "I do have a few interests, just none that other people would probably find interesting as well."

"Like what?" Kage asked, interested.

She blushed slightly. "Just... things."

Kage smiled slightly, "Interesting reaction, Hannah."

"You'll just laugh," she muttered.

Kage shook his head, "I promise I won't."

She glared at him for a moment, trying to decide whether he would or not. Sighing, she muttered quietly, "I like... dancing."

He looked confused, "Why would I laugh about that?"

Looking relieved, she replied, "Most people find it funny - apparently I'm not the sort of person that people associate with dancing."

Kage looked even more confused, "Maybe I've been in penal facilities too long, but I'm not following."

"It's just that people tend to think of dancers as elegant and graceful and all that," Hannah tried to explain. "And I am the complete opposite of that. People expect me to be more into sports like... kickboxing, stuff like that."

Kage shook his head, "You move very smoothly, I could see it easily. If anyone thinks otherwise they can have a discussion with me on the subject..."

Hannah smiled at him. "Thanks, it's nice to know that some people can see past the temper. Not that you've had much chance to see it yet," she added with a grin.

Kage grinned, "I think I can handle it, but I'll make it a point of being nearby when it erupts. Sounds interesting."

"I'm sure you've seen worse in those prison camps. At least I hope you have... it wouldn't be good to hear that there are serial killers out there with a more pleasant personality than me," she replied laughing.

"Oh darn, you spoiled my clever line while watching you throw a fit. Anyway, where do you do your dancing?"

She shrugged. "Usually the holodeck. What do you mean, I spoiled your line?"

"One you lost your temper I was going to quip that you were scarier than some criminal to be named then and all that. A clever line worthy of Abbott and Costello I should think." He replied.

"Ah right," Hannah replied. "Makes sense now. I'm sure you'll think of another line anyway."

"It's my mission in life now. You hungry?" He asked, standing.

"I could eat," she replied.

"Let's grab something and see if the Romulan Ale is as good as the bartender claims. We're both off-duty in the morning."

"Sounds like a good plan," Hannah said with a smile.

"I have them rarely. Though usually it ends in a huge brawl..."

"Well this time you'll have some back-up," she pointed out.

"First time for everything I guess..."

Lt.Jason Kage
Security Chief

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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