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Figuring out what happened

Posted on 26 Apr 2010 @ 5:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

866 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M4: The Cartaris Strain
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 2 - 1205

It was the following afternoon after she saw the Captain on the Starbase. Being back on the ship didn't stir up any memories. She knew that she was supposed to know the people around her but all she could do was smile and nod when they greeted her in the corridors.

She rang the chime to the Captain's office and waited for admittance.

Da`nal looked up fron the reports on the Cartaris incident, he was reviewing the logs from the Aldebaran to be sure he hadn't missed anything when the chime sounded. When it did he recalled Dr. Hemminway's lunch 'appointment'.


"Hello." She greeted as she entered and saw that he was working. "I can come back at another time?" Melanie asked.

No no come in, I was just reviewing some information, Help yourself to the replicator while I close out these files and we can talk."

Melanie grabbed a cup of tea and sat down in front of him. She wasn't much in the mood for eating, there was too much on her mind that her stomach felt like it was in knots. Melanie began sipping her tea as she waited for Da'nal to finish up.

As he rose from his desk he saw that she only had something to drink. He was famished but took a seat on the couch. "So what do you remember?"

"I know we are supposed to be having lunch so if you are hungry, please eat. " She started.


"I remember getting my orders to join the Freedom as quickly as possible and after that...I don't remember..."

"Did you get your orders before or after the attack on Deep Space 5? Of course he knew knew that answer he just wanted to see for himself exactly where he memory loss was.

"I was on the island and..." Her mind was blank after that. Melanie couldn't even remember Talar even though she wore the bracelet he had given her as an egagement present. The bracelet itself puzzled her but she wasn't sure she was prepared for the answers. For now it was a blessing she didn't know she had.

"So you don't remember your time on DS5?" Depending on how one looked at it that could be a good thing. Not remebering the stress of be helpless buring the attack and the loss that came with it. However without the knowing your past you could not honor the memories of those lost to you. He returned to his desk to retrieve a padd that was set off to the side. "Here is some information that might help. It tracks your movements and has onformation on people that you associated with over the past several months. "

He handed her tha PADD as he retook his seat. "as to you earlier question. You were crically injured while serving on this ship. At the time we were in Romulan space on a Diplomatic mission when we came under attack."

"Anytime I have been in the vicinity of a Romulan I seem to have come into some kind of danger or worse...I have nearly died." Melanie said looking back at Da'nal and then back at the PADD. She had no idea why she would have contact with any of these people and it made her head ache trying to remember what had happened.

Hearing the frustration in her voice. "Ican understand your frustration, but I would be lying if I said I understood what you are going through. You werre releaced back to us with the hope that familiar surroundings would help restore your short term memory." Da`nal braced a slightly as he continued to speak. "My first wife was a doctor and though we were only together for a short while I did pick up a few things. No doubt you have heard this from multiple sources...don't try to force it. Let things come back to you in good time."

He drew on parallels from what he did know. "A wise warrior will not rush blindly into you must not rush into thing trying to force yourself to recall things you may not be ready to remember. All wounds take time to heal."

Melanie nodded. "May I ask you one more thing?" She blushed slightly, "When you put her hand on my shoulder...your touch felt familiar to me...were we friends?" She asked.

"I would like to think so. You ran into some personal difficulties just as you arrived aboard and you had sought my counsel."

"It seems I am here again for my counsel. Please sir...don't tell me what those difficulties were. I don't think I could handle anything more at the moment."

"You have enough burdens to bear right now...That is why I didn't metion it earlier." He paused slightly. "When you are ready...the answers will come. In the mean time we have a crisis to prepare for."

"I'm heading back to sickbay now. Thank you for your time." She smiled and left. Melanie was glad to know that she had at least one other friend aboard the ship.

Capt Da`nal

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway



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