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old file, new case

Posted on 17 Mar 2010 @ 10:32am by

340 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: intel office
Timeline: 900

Silonez walked into the office, he saw Janis at her desk looking over the some reports, Lita was at her work bench repairing a tricorder. Silonez sat down at his desk, he was eager to get back to work, only to have his train of thought interupted by an NCO, who handed him an odd white box, saluted and left.

He looked at the box, it was made of a thin plastic, it looked like one of a mountain of archival boxes that are in Intelligence head quarters archive, but this one had a blue seal on it which ment it was from before 2280, he reached into his desk and pulled out a knife. He slid the knife along the length of the seal, cutting the anicent tape.

He carefull opened the box and looked inside, in it was a stack of old papers an old duotronic memory card and a dark colored plastic bag. He carefully pulled out the stack of papers they were held together by an old style hard folder, he saw the title of the folder; Kzinti: Classified Level 5 access only.

Silonez shuttered, there was no indication of how this file ended up in his possession, nor where it came from. He looked at the memory card, it had a catalog number on it. "Janis can you come over here for a second."

"Whats up boss?" Janis said

"I need you to unlock this old memory card and download whats on it, I'm going to go through this file."

Janis looked at the card, "Duotronic? where did it come from?"

"It came in this box along with a file and a black bag from that courier, this is an old file it dates, it has entries dated back to 2140, I think I need to meet with the captain."

"Who sent this archive file?" Janis said as she began to look at specs for a duotronic card reader.

"I don't know, but one thing is for sure they wanted us to have this file."



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