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Posted on 14 Mar 2010 @ 2:59am by Colonel Nelle Skykin

429 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: USS Freedom
Timeline: current

=^=Taylor to Skykin do have a moment? =^= Casiday said

Skykin herd the disembodied voice and tapped her comm badge, =^= It depends, is it interesting?=^= Skykin said jokingly, she was in the middle of devising a science investigation. tl

=^= yes it is the idea is to modifiy nanites to be used in the future within the medical sector. =^=

=^= Hum, I'll be right over =^= Skykin left the science lab and made her way to Lt. Taylor's location.

Casiday was sitting in the messhall by the window as she waited for the Lt to arrive.

Nelle came to the doors of the mess hall, they opened automatically upon her approach, "Hi there, I don't believe we're met face to face" She smiled.

"Nope I am Medical officer Taylor its a pleasure to meet you to LT."

"Chief of science Lt Skykin, its a pleasure" Nelle said politely.

"Well if it's not a problem can I used a science lab for the research I will be the only one in there i will need to keep it lock to my voice authorisation code."

"Locked? Why all the secrecy?" Nelle asked

"more a precautionary measures so a i can get accurate results b in case something goes wrong like on the Enterprise D. Okay most of the results look promising from their use on our former Chief Medical Officer Dr Hemmingway who had suffered serve injuries."

"Precautionary measures? That doesn't sound comforting" Nelle's brow creased.

"It's only if something goes wrong." Cas smiled... "It is better to be safe than sorry I always say."

"I agree, but how sorry would we be if something was to go wrong?" Nelle was concerned, she was obviously protective over her department, sentimental more than anything. But she was also interested in her work.

"It could go one of two ways 1 t he ship could be taken over like what happened on the Enterprise D or the test subjects could be like borg." she paused "The test subjects we will be using are mice."

"Borg mice? We'll have to get them a collective cage" Nelle joked, "But really, this is a very interesting study but it has a lot of variables" Her voice sounded concerned, "What if something did go wrong and you were locked in the lab, unable to escape because if you did then you would release the nanites or the drone mice, have you ran holodeck simulations? How successful were they?

"They were 99% successful. Do I get the approval or not if I may have a lab out the way it would be greatly accepted?"


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