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The Sentence is Death

Posted on 18 Mar 2010 @ 5:21pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Security / Brig

Rico was unpacking while he tried to get his mind off that ass and what had happened, when he heard is name over the comm. =^=Commander Montoya and Lieutenant Kage report to the security office.=^=

The voice was familiar, he tried to place it..... ~The Captain.~ He didn't have to quess why he was being summoned to security. Tossing his things on the couch he headed out. =^=Montoya here. Acknowledged.=^=

Once in security Don greeted Rico who had just walked in. He kept his distance from him, as he had to get used to the pheromones and their effect on him. he called up an image of Rhys and grinned to himself. That helped.

The moment Ayren stepped into the room, and Rico came in, she felt a strong attraction to him as teh whiff of pheromones assaulted her. Her senses warned her, so she simply smiled at the very attractive man.~Crap!~ Ayren thought. ~Deltan! Her eyes shifted to D'anal, who was next to her, to look if he had noticed anything. "I am Ayren Kelan, Chief Diplomat," she said stretching her hand out to Montoya.

As Aryen introduced herself Da`nal gave the Doctor a once over his sences too picked up on the 1/2 Deltans pheromones. ~This ought to be interesting.~ He too introduced himself, "It is an honor to finaly meet you Commander."

The honor is mine sir, I only wish our first meeting was under better circumstances."

"Indeed, just aboard and stirring up trouble." Da`nal said with a grin. "However there is something I want to discuss with you while we wait on Mr. Kage to return."

Rico was intrigued and completely surprised as the Captain laid out what was going to happen and what the Captain wanted him to do.

Ayren's betazoid senses only intensified her reaction to the Doctor and she felt a rush of gentle heat flooding her body. She stood close to D'anal, ut addressed Rico. "I am afraid, I react quite strongly to you, Doctor, so if I keep a distance from you it is for that reason," she said clearing her throat.

Rico chuckled, actually thankful for the levety, given the current situation. "Not to worry Ms. Kelan. Your lucky you weren't on the USS Skylx when I was there. I got exposed to a chemical that amplified my pheromones. For a while I had to use a containment suit just to work. Before we figured out what was happening I had to use site to site transport and ducking into jefferies tube to get away from those affected by my condition.

Ayren chuckled briefly, "Poor you... and every other man's dream," she commented dryly.


Hannah cast a glance over at the man in the cell, he seemed to have quietened down, for now anyway.

"Can't a man get a decent cup tea on the barge of heathens!!" Lawrence began to yell.

She rolled her eyes and ignored him. ~Thought it was too good to be true...~

[Security Office]

Don looked at Da'nal. "Shall we begin Sir?" he asked, anxious to get it over with.

"Shall we begin what?" Kage asked as he entered, straightening his uniform slightly.

"We are going to execute Lawrence," Don said dryly. Seeing the confused expression on Kage's face, he continued. "No really." He fingered the phase pistol and then with an *ahhh ok* expression, he explained their plan to Kage.

"Yeah, we did that for real once in the penal battalion. But then again we did everything different there," Kage replied with a half-smile.

Now that everyone was up to speed Da`nal led then in to the Brig

"Someone get me the bloody hell out of this cage bastards." Lawrence bellowed

Da`nal walked in followed by the others. He glanced at the Ensign on duty, ~...Dawson? Yes that was her name. ~

"Ensign Dawson, good to see you again. How is your guest?"

Hannah cast a disgusted look at Lawrence out of the corner of her eye and replied, "A little noisy, sir."

Da`nal had thought as much. Fixing Lawrence with a steely gaze. "On your Feet Lieutenant!" Taking several step forward he began. "Lieutenant Lawrence. I allowed you to come aboard my ship...even knowing your record. Since that time you have turn a smoothly operated vessel upside down."

"If smoothly you mean an undiscplined ragtag group of pirates could run it." Lawrence snapped

Da`nal snapped at the officer. "SILENCE!!

"The departments on this ship have been following the procedures layed out by Starfleet Command. You have no authoriy to change them just because you don't like the way thing are run. If you have a suggestion on improving procedure you are to take that to the XO, who will bring it to me with his recommendation.

"You violated both protocol and regulation. The senior officers and I have met and have reach a verdicit. On the multiple charges of insubordination....Guilty. On the charge of resisting arrest...Guilty. On the charges of Maltreatment of subordinate personnel...Guilty. You also held your staff to another standard, The Articles of War. As a Commding officer you should not hold anyone to something you won't hold yourself too. As such I am holding you to that same standard and you have been found in violation of Article 22."

Da`nal glanced to his XO. "Commander."

"Well at least someone got some of the point I trying to make, there is a PADD on the desk to left as you enter my quarters the contains my wishes and such in event of death." Lawrence said solmenly.

Don lifted the weapon and pointed to Lawrence's face, there it would have the most damage.

"Wait. Give it to me." Da`nal took raised the phaser leveling it at Lawrence.

"For queen and country." Lawrence said as he waited for the phaser to fire.

Da'nal had expected at least some kind of protest. But the lack of any didn't cuase his to hestitaste and he fired. However the phaser wasn't set to kill, it was set on a high stun.

Lawrence fell like a stone as the energy flew into his body. Rico was already on the move to check his vital signs. "He'll be ok, sir."

"Good, get him to sickbay and find out way in the name of Kahless is wrong with him."

"I am not sure it had the impact you planned. I sensed no remorse, not even a bit of anxiety," Ayren said with some sadness. Unless sickbay found a physical cause, she feared he might be discharged from the fleet on psychological grounds.

"That man will get fragged by his own men, sir. He's a muitny waiting to happen." Kage said, shaking his head.

"Of that I would agree. Had this been a Klingon ship I would have expected Logan or Montoya to have killed him."

Rico huffed at the comment as he began to follow anti-grav gurney out of the brig. "Don't tempt me."

Da`nal looked about at those about him. "Thank all for your participation, Dismissed."

He stayed behind, looking from the cell to the phaser in his hand. Ayren was still at the door. "You are right...not at all the effect I had anticipated."


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Commander Donovan Killian

Ayren Kelan
CDO and Counselor when needed

Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Lt. Jason Kage
Security Chief

Lt Commander 'Rico" Montoya

Lieuteant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Operations Officer
USS Freedom

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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