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Isnt she pretty part 2

Posted on 19 Feb 2010 @ 6:47pm by Colonel Nelle Skykin

1,258 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Starbase 47 Promenade

*From SB47*

"Is there anything else you would like to see?" Eli asked her.

"Nothing in particular" Nelle said, "Unless theres something spectacular aboard that has never been seen before" She said jokingly.

Eli smiled at her and said, "I can show just about anything you want, although there are a few areas that are off limits to guests." He turned and saw the Chief looking at them. "Perhaps we should find somewhere else to go," Eli suggested as he lightly put his hand on her back and gently guided her out of the hangar bay.

Feeling Eli's hand on her back Nelle sped up her walking pace, "Well what is the most interesting area of the station?" Nelle asked curiously.

"For me that would be the Hangar Bay," Eli said honestly. "However, most visitors seem attracted to the Observation Lounge, the Promenade, or the Grizzly Bar."

"Surprise me" Nelle replied with a smile.

"Perhaps we can stroll through the Promenade and get something to eat," Eli suggested.

Nelle nodded slowly with a small smirk, "That seems acceptable."

Eli led the way to the turbolift. As they waited, he turned to her and said, "You'll have to forgive me if I'm not doing very well as a tour guide. I've never had to show someone around the base before and I'm not sure what you would find entertaining."

"On the contrary I thought you were doing very well, having never been a tourist I have been entertained well so far," Nelle put a reassuring hand on his arm.

Eli smiled warmly at her. "You're very kind to say so. I am at your service, Nelle," he said to her. "I will show you anything you want to see. All you have to do is ask."

"Alright then, how about we take a stroll along the promenade, then see the observation lounge, then maybe get something to eat?" Nelle asked.

"As you wish," Eli said, smiling broadly. "So, what do you like to do when you aren't working?" he asked as they walked.

Nelle thought for a moment, "Hum, thats tricky. I suppose its anything, I like to keep busy so I paint, or go to the holodeck and recreate a smokey jazz bar and sit in on a few songs." Nelle blushed slightly, "It seems kinda dorky when I say it out loud" she laughed. "But I also enjoy racing, crafts and old formula one cars, yourself?"

"That doesn't sound dorky to me, Nelle," Eli said to her. "I enjoy playing the violin and reading when I'm trying to relax. I also love to cook."

"The violin? Maybe we could play together, I play the piano reasonably" she said "And you cook? Now that is something I have never in all of my lives been able to master."

"I don't know about playing together," Eli told her. "I'm really not very good. As for cooking, I enjoy it and perhaps I can give you some pointers sometime."

"I'm sure your too modest" Nelle laughed a bit. The doors to the turbolift opened to the sight of a busy Promenade.

"Have you tried some of the shops?" Eli asked as he led the way out of the turbolift and gestured to the promenade.

"I haven't, anything you would recommend?"

"There are several art shops," Eli suggested. "You can get supplies from all over the sector."

Nelle perked up instantly, "Really? lets go then" Nelle liked nothing more than to spend time in art shops, they felt relaxing to her.

Eli saw her reaction and smiled. He enjoyed seeing her smile. "There is also a shop that sells a keyboard that rolls up into a small bundle. Makes it easy to take your music with you."

Nelle's eyes were filled with excitement, she had been looking in every planet she visited for a portable keyboard. It was the only instrument that was difficult to travel with. "I think we have shopping to do" She smiled happily.

"You're beautiful when you smile," Eli said, half under his breath as he led her into the art shop.

Nelle turned abruptly, "I uh, thanks" she said, she didnt really know how to reply, "Its always nice to hear" she joked.

Eli saw her discomfort and turned to the displays of supplies. "Is there anything specific you're looking for?"

Nelle was looking at Eli's back, she took a few steps forward and placed her hand on his arm, "I didn't mean to be so... odd, I'm not very good with compliments," she smiled a bit.

"I understand," Eli said as he scanned the available items.

Nelle sighed and moved away to look at some other items, although nothing really seemed to register.

"Do you see anything you like?" Eli asked as he walked to stand close to her.

"I do" Nelle answered unintentionally as she was looking at Eli, turning her head quickly, "Um yes these andorian paints are very nice to work with, haven't seen them in a while..."

Eli smiled at her response and said, "I would love to see you in action. Perhaps you could show me your work sometime."

"I think that would be okay, I need a fresh eye" She said thoughtfully.

"Wonderful," Eli said to her. "Would you like to see the music shops or is there something else here you'd rather see?"

"Hum I believe its off to the music shop" Nelle said excitedly

Eli felt his smile growing wider at her enthusiasm. He was becoming addicted to her smile. "After you," he said, once again placing his hand gently on her back and guiding her to the door.

"Excellent" Nelle stepped out of the shop an back onto the busy promenade.

Eli quickly led her to the music shop. "This is one of my favorite places on the base," he said to her as he paused to look around the shop.

"Its brilliant" she said in awe of the musical space surrounding her.

Eli watched her looking around the shop and smiled yet again. "The piano I was telling you about is right over here," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her to a nearby display.

Nelle was unsure of him taking her hand but she allowed it, she felt oddly at ease with him.

Eli felt his heart race when Nelle didn't pull her hand away. He squeezed her hand and reluctantly let it go as he reached for the rolled keyboard and said, "This is the keyboard I was telling you about."

"Oh perfect!" Nelle exclaimed, she picked up one that particularly caught her eye and took it to the pay area, after paying for it she turned to her companion, "Now I believe we had an option to eat?" Nelle said, her lips curved in the corners slightly.

"Of course," Eli said, admiring her smile. "Would you prefer to get something from one of the establishments here on the Promenade or would you rather have a more private dinner?" The thought of being alone with Nelle both excited and frightened him and he hoped it didn't show on his face.

Nelle looked around the promenade, it was awfully busy and pushy. She then thought of a quite more intimate meal with Eli... "Maybe we should go somewhere more secluded"

"We can go to my quarters and I can cook for you," Eli suggested.

"That sounds great" the thought of a home cooked meal seemed alien to Nelle.

Lieutenant Elijah Bell

Lieutenant JG Nelle Skykin
Chief Science Officer
USS Freedom


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