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A Hard Day's Night

Posted on 17 Feb 2010 @ 9:07am by

870 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Wandella and Tarryn's quarters
Timeline: *Backpost* After Romulan Battle

Wandella had a hard time remembering that last time she was as worn out as she was at that moment, the most recent she could remember was when she was incarcerated and was having to fight off a group of fellow inmates determined to have their way with her, whether she wanted to participate or not. The Romulan ships had done one hell of a number on the Freedom, and especially on the Liberator, and both her Areowing and the ship itself had seen better days, "So have you, Kristere." She laughed at herself.

Walking over to the fridge and peering in after deciding she should eat Wandella didn't find much inside, but there was a bottle of good Romanian vodka chilling out in there, "Very nice for me." She giggled, pouring herself a drink, then grabbing another glass and pouring another, ~Might as well have pretty company for drink, no?~ "Tarryn! Come have drink with Wandella!"

Tarryn was still in her flight suit when she entered the room, read to shower and sleep, but Wandella's invitation was too great a temptation to pass and she grinned a *yes*. She plonked down on the floor unceremoniously, her back against the couch, accepting the glass from her roomie's out stretched hand.

Dirt and lubricants indiscrimminetey stained her hair, face and suit as evidence that she got her hands dirty assisting to fix the damage caused by the Romulan attack. After taking a sip she she raised the glass to her roomie.

"Thanks," she said. "I need this..."

"Me too." Wandella sighed, plopping down next to Tarryn, "What a day, huh?"

"You can say that again.... first time we fly together we are in a battle with the Romulans," she said and then laughed. "Wait till I can tell those bright sparks at the acedemy, who now to very *intense* transport from one frigging ship to another..."

"Yeah." Wandella laughed, those types had always amused and bemused her; their arrogance got under her skin and bothered her, but seeing them kicked in their arrogance always brought her a smile, it was a fragile balance to say the least.

Downing her drink Wandella found drinking was not precisely what she wanted to do at that moment and, without another word or any warning at all, leaned over and kissed Tarryn deep for close to a minute, "There, nice, no?"

She caught Tarryn by surprise, but most certainly not a bad one. "Not bad at all..." she said, her eyes looking closely at the beautiful face of the girl next to her. She wasn't one for playing games and blunt. "I am no good at relationships.... but fun is ok, no?"

"Fun is all I'm looking for right now." Wandella laughed, "Don't panic."

Tarryn felt a bit embarrassed by her inscessant fear of commitment and placed her hand over Wandella's. "Now can I have another one of those?" she asked with grin, referring to the amazing kiss she just had.

"Do you even have to ask?" Wandella giggled, kissing Tarryn deep and pushing her back until Wandella was atop her, "This is where fun starts!"

Tarryn gave her a lazy, sly smile, wiggling herself to be more comfortable. She could feel her body responding rather favourably to this beautiful woman on top of her, while her hands stroke and explore Wandella curves. "I am looking so forward..." she near whispered.

"Well, your wait is almost over." Wandella whispered sexily, nibbling at Tarryn's neck, "And it could be a long night......."

"Good," Tarryn said huskily, moaning at softly and the carreses in her neck as she tilted her head upwards in pleasure, while her hands were seeking and finding Wandella's breasts, exploring their shape through her clothes.

Wandella's body shook from the immense pleasure she derived from Tarryn's touch, enjoying every nanosecond of it, "Ve really should do this more often, Tarryn." She moaned, leaning into what may have been the deepest kiss two women had ever shared, ~Must do this more often!~

The two women, entangled in their pleasure, explored each other, laughed, giggled and shared some intensely satisfying moments. "That was good," Tarryn said grinning as she laid her head on Wandella's breast when they took a breather.

"Yes, very good." Wandella agreed, out of breath after a sexual encounter for the first time in a long time, "You've got very good stamina."

"I am a pilot, I should be fit.." she said grinning, kissing the flesh in front of her. "You are not too bad yourself.."

"Thanks." Wandella giggled, returning the kiss, "Come on, let's rest a bit so we can do this again in the morning." She took Tarryn's hand and led her towards her bed, "Or sooner...."

"I think I need a shower anyway..." Tarryn said and rested on her one elbow. "And then some food," she added when her stomach growled.

"Yeah, I can go for that, too." Wandella smirked, hoping it would be a shower for two.

Tarryn got up, stretching her lithe toned body and put out a hand to Wandella. "Care to join me?"

"Oh, yeah." Wandella smirked, ~Who said the party was over?~

=/=End Transmission=/=

Ens. Wandella Kristere
Aerowing Pilot


Ens. Tarryn Marks
Aerowing Pilot


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