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The Recruitment speech

Posted on 25 Feb 2010 @ 1:55pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,380 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Rudious 4 / Captain Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Rico looked the man in the eye. He knew that this time would have come eventually, perhaps it was time to get back on the horse. Patting the neck of his mount he swung back up into the saddle. "Well Commander you didn't come all this way for nothing. Let me drop her back at the stables and I'll meet you back at my place."

"You are quite right," Don said admiring the unusual steed, his hand gliding along the massive neck. "Till then.."

Rico nodded to Killian and then looked to Rhys, "Miss Rhys." With that he galloped off.

[A short time later]

When Rico made it back to what had been his home for the last few month he found both of his visitors waiting for him. Before he even left the walkway, "Its not locked, make yourselves at home."

"Thank you, " Don said and opened the door for Rhys.

Following them inside he escorted them to the living room. "Please have a seat. Can I get either of you anything?"

"A beer if you have anything like that," Don said. "But anything cold will do," he said looking around. "Interesting animal you riding. I take part in equestrian sport, so that always catches my eye..." he commented.

Handing him a cold beer he opened his and leaned against the wall. "I noticed the same thing. They take some getting used to but once you get the hang of it its pretty simple. They are an extremely powerful animal. But you didn't beam down to take about this planets equestrians now did you."

"True, but I wouldn't have minded.." he replied. "To business... we need a CMO and you are whom Captain Da'nal wants and after reading your resume, I am in full agreement," Don came to the point.

While it wasn't a complete surprise he was going to play it as he was. "Let me get this straight. You came down here to recruit me. If Captain Da`nal was so interested why didn't he either beam down or have me come aboard?"

"Captain D'anal is not exactly in transporter range," Don said dryly. "We came with a shuttle."

"OH? If the 'Freedom' isn't here...where is it?"

"Starbase 47, gives you an idea how desperate we are to get you," Don commented as dryly as before. but watching Montoya closely. He had now gotten used to the pheromones, but stayed close to Rhys, just in case.

The surprise on Rico's face was evident. "Well. You two came all this way just for me...the least I can do is speak with your Captain." Adding with a bit of humor, "May I use your shuttle to make a long distance call?"

Rhys glanced at Don with a question in her eyes but she continued to not say a word. She hoped he understood what she was asking in regards to the shuttle even without her saying anything.

Don was clueless at that point, just too happy that he had a positive reaction from the attractive man. He shook his head, when he realized thet teh pheromones were affecting him again, "Sure, the shuttle isn't far, just close to the circle when you enter from the main road. He looked back at Rhys, who obviously was trying to tell him something. "What?" he mouthed wordlessly.

Rico caught the gestures between the two, but thought nothing of it. "Well make yourselves at home, I shouldn't be long." With that Rico head out towards the shuttle.

"Did you get the shuttle cleaned out after our...escapades...?" Rhys asked in an urgent whisper.

A mental picture of what the shuttle looked like, formed in Don's mind and he smiled with pursed lips. "No...." he mouthed. "Uhh," he said lamely half jogging behind Rico. "I will set up the channel so long...I will call you when it's done," he said looking over his shoulder towards Rhys.

Rhys chuckled and nodded, the corners of her mouth turning up in amusement.

Don stopped, deciding with an evil grin to get back at her. "Hey! What are you laughing at, you made that mess I am trying to keep the Doctor from!" he said loud enough for Rico to hear. "Sorry man.... I am actually trying to delay you so I can clean up a bit.." he said to Rico.

Well that comfirmed what Rico had assume was true at their first encounter on the beach. He laughed at the little tit-for-tat going on between them, "Not to worry." Rico closed the door he had almost stepped through and headed back into his bedroom, returning with a commbadge. "Your shuttles designation?"

Seeing the badge, Don realized there was some plan here. "Charlie 22.1 Firefly," he said watching him.

After linking his combadge to the terminal in his townhouse he hailed the shuttles computer. "Computer link with Shuttle Firefly, and open a channel to the USS Freedom."

Don smiled surprised, realizing what the Doc was going to do.

Seeing the expression on the Commanders face. "My best friend was an engineer...I picked up a few tricks for him."

"Impressive.." Don commented. "For a Doctor that is..."

"Link established. Awaiting responce."

[USS Freedom]

Petty Officer Logan had just stepped into his office when the hail came in. "Sir, we are receiving a hail from the shuttle ???." Seeing that it was from the shuttle Don had taken to go, and hopefullyget, their new CMO he took the call. "Just one moment Miss Logan."

"Put it through."

When the monitor came alive it wasn't the image he had expected. Instead of seeing his XO it was his prospective CMO. =^=Dr. Montoya, this is an unexpected honor.=^=

=^=Thank you Captain. I was just speaking with your First Officer. He tells me you are in need of a Chief Medical Officer.=^=

=^=That is true. Shortly after her arrival our last CMO was transferred. With our repairs nearly complete we will no doubt be getting new orders soon. The Chief Medical Officer is not a position I want open when we leave Starbase.=^=

An understanding grin formed on Rico's features. =^=That I completely understand. I sure your aware that I've had the last year off so to speak.=^=

=^=That I am. I am also aware that an officer with your record wouldn't go a year without keeping himself proficient. Or am I wrong in that Commander.?=^=

Again Rico grinned. This Captain was of course correct. He had been volunteering at the local hosital and at his previous local he had been even more 'active'. =^=You assume correctly sir. If I may ask; why me?=^=

=^=Well to be honest Doctor; one are unassigned, are in the area, are the most qualified in the sector...on or off duty, and finally...we need you.=^=

Rico thought for a moment as he listened and he arched a brow as his head nodded slightly. Truth be told he WAS wanting to get back into the swing of things. "Well sir, I guess you have a CMO. If you don't mind giving your XO a little time off while I wrap up things here; I can return with them."

~Them?...~ Da`nal thought ~...Don must have taken Miss Rhys with him.~ =^=Well we ARE still officially on shore leave. Don, I assume you have no objections?=^=

=^=In this case, Captain, absolutely not,=^= Don grinned and glanced at Rhys with a meaningful grin.

Da`nal grinned a coy grin, =^=I thought not....Permission granted. Out.=^=

As the channel closed Da`nal turned back to the Petty Officer. "Now what did you want to see me about?" From her expression it wasn't anything he was going to like.

[Rudious 4]

"I think I am going to like you..." he said to Rico. "Well not the way your pheromones catch me," he added good-heartedly.

Grinning he returning the barb with one of his own. "Well they're not meant for you anyway." He then turn to Rhys, "So do you have any plans for the next 5 or 6 hours?" he asked jokingly with a wink.

Looking at Don and rolling her eyes at Rico, Rhys responded coyly, "Yes, actually, I do..."


Lt Cmdr Don Killian

Capt. Da'nal

LtCmdr "Rico" Montoya
NPC'd by Chris



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