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Open Mouth - Insert Foot

Posted on 25 Feb 2010 @ 9:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

688 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Sickbay

Lawrence decided it was time to check in on the new CMO and headed to sickbay.

Rico was getting settled and things were running smoothly. There were several crewmember that were behind on there annual exams but that was nothing out of the ordinary. He could call them in, but the crew was on extended shoreleave and he wasn't about to spoil everyone elses fun by being an ass just after he arrived. He added their names to his calander so that notifications could be sent out once everyone was back on duty. Other than that he was looking forward to meeting the rest of the crew. The Captain seemed balanced enough, for a klingon; the XO was someone he thought would become a good friend in time. He had yet to meet the other Department Heads yet but he was sure that would happen soon enough.

It had been a long day and a tech poked her head into the office. "Sir, you've been here more than long enough. Why don't you call it a night. No need in pushing yourself too hard on your first day, especially with the ship dock and the crew on shoreleave."

He smiled at her concern and stretched a but. "Perhaps you...." At that moment a particularly ridge lieutenant walked in.

"Doctor, I trust eveything is in order? Please allow me to introduce myself I'm lieuteant Sir James Lawrence 10th lord of Oaksey knight of the realm, repsentive of her majesty's goverment, formerly of her majestiy's royal navy, and the chief opertion officers aboard this ship." Lawrence said in arrogant, smug, and superior tone.

Rico cocked his head slightly, ignoring the tone. "My that's certainly a mouthful. I'd hate to have to be the one to try and fit all that on a business card. As to your question, yes. I have my quarters assigned, my belonging have been transfered and I'm going throught things here to see what needs to be caught up on. But you didn't stop by just to check and see if I was all settled in now did you? So what can I do for you 'Sir James'.?"

"I thought I'd drop by and tell a few thing about how thing runs through depaments. I exspect daily and weekly status reports from all depaments all equipent is logged and recored with the qutermaster, and all buniess is to be conducted through formal channels and with the proper forms when time premits." Lawrence responed.

~OH Helllll No!....~ In the windows reflection he saw several of his staff look in the offices direction. "Have a Seat. Lieutenant." As 'der fuhrer' cleared the door Rico keys a sound dampening field to keep prying ears away.

After he sat Rico stood and put both hands on his desk. "Just who in the hell do you think you are?!! You come into MY sickbay and tell me How I'm to run things? Unless you have a few more pips that just happened to fall off your collar you had better explain just where this authority you think you have is coming from."

"It's coming from the fact that pricey equipment, weapons, and system on this ship is my responsibilty. Unless we under fire or some other emergency I will run it in a controled and orderly fashion. And for your information I was a Lieutenant Commander before my current assignment, and I'm a British Lord so watch your tone doctor." Lawrence said sternly.

Slapping the comm on his desk. "Security to Sickbay immediately!" Releasing the button he looked to the officer.

"I don't care if you're the God damned Queen Mother herself! At this time, on this ship I> outrank You. So you are the one that will 'watch your tone'....Lieutenant."

As he finished two security officers arrived. "Take this....officer into custody for insubordination."

Lawrence's surprise was clear and as he was taken away his computer beeped. Appearently his predecessor had an appointment.


Lt Cmdr "Rico" Montoya
CMO - NPC'd by Chris

Lieuteant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer
USS Freedom


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