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Pretty isn't she

Posted on 13 Feb 2010 @ 1:48pm by Colonel Nelle Skykin

1,339 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Hangar Bay
Timeline: Back post

Starbase 47 seemed like an enormous labyrinth to Skykin, she decided to explore the station for a while, seeing as she had little else to do, she had already had a spa treatment today and was in her civilian cloths. Walking along a long and winding corridor Skykin noticed large steel doors. They opened automatically on her approach, she looked in, it was the shuttle bay. Contemplating whether or not to go in, she decided to take a quick look. It seems empty anyway. She took a few steps in, spotting an agile looking craft Skykin let out a low impressed whistle.

"Pretty, isn't she?" Eli said as he stepped up next to the woman standing by the door to the hangar bay. "That's a Razor class Interceptor. Is there something I can do for you?"

Nelle turned sharply on the spot, "Excuse me, my apologies the doors opened and... well I'm one for getting into mischief anyway" She said jokingly, "Yes I thought as much" she said looking back at the craft, "Brilliant design" Nelle turned back to the gentleman beside her and studied him for a moment. "My apologies if I stepped out of turn"

"Not at all," Eli said with a smile. "This part of the Hangar Bay is safe enough. It's when you cross the yellow lines without permission that things get interesting. Were you looking for someone or are you just out sight-seeing?"

"Darn that was my next step, if you hadn't have seen me I would have gotten into an 'interesting' situation" Nelle smirked, "No I was just curious, I'm a ship enthusiast, well not 'religiously' like most, but a general appreciation for a well made ship"

"I could give you a tour if you wish, Miss...?" Eli said to her.

"Ah I'm sorry, my name is Skykin, Lieutenant Nelle Skykin" she replied, "And you?"

"A pleasure to meet you," Eli replied. "I'm Lieutenant Elijah Bell. My friends call me Eli," he added as he extended his hand.

Nelle took his hand and shook it politely, "The pleasure is mine, I am considered a friend? Or do I have to earn the privilege of calling you Eli?" She grinned as she gazed around the open space.

Eli smiled at her and said, "Let me rephrase that. I'm Elijah Bell but you can call me Eli." He smiled again and held her hand a moment longer before letting go. "Are you familiar with the Razor?"

"In that case Eli, you can call me Nelle" She smiled and looked back at the ship, "I'm familiar with the very old Razor, but in my line of work we don't really get the chance to study the crafts. Not as much as I would like I mean."

"Come with me and I'll give you a closer look," Eli said as he walked toward the Razor. "This one is here for routine maintenance so there's no harm in letting you see it better."

"Excellent" Skykin replied as she neared the craft, "I'm assuming you handle things in the hangar bay, or are you trespassing too?" She said absentmindedly as she took a closer look at the sleek design.

"We won't be getting into trouble if I show you around," Eli replied. "Have a look around and when you're ready I should be able to let you get a good look at the cockpit, as long as you promise not to touch anything."

Nelle smirked and looked at Eli with a mock angelic face, "Me? I'll be on my best behavior" She laughed a bit and looked around the elegant craft. Keeping her distance as instructed, the last thing she wanted was to be reported. But she was still grinning slightly.

"You can get closer," Eli said to her. "You won't break it."

-Bet I could- thought Nelle, she had already shattered a fair few shuttles in the past. It was an on going joke for those who knew her, of course it was only done due to flight failures and to save those on board. But she took it light heartedly. She bent down and studied the aerodynamic style, "When was this made?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Eli replied. "Is there a problem?"

"No no I'm just curious" she smiled, "So, what are your responsibilities on this station?" She asked pleasently.

"Does that really matter?" Eli asked.

"Not really, just making pleasantries..." She replied

"Would you like to see the cockpit?" Eli asked as he walked to the side of the craft and opened the canopy.

"Oh yes please" She said egarly as she followed Eli.

"Go ahead and climb in and look around," Eli told her, "But remember not to touch anything."

"I promise" She said as she climbed in.

Eli climbed up and watched her looking around at all the instruments. He wanted to see her reaction but he also wanted to keep an eye on her.

Making sure to keep her hands by her sides, Nelle's eyes lite up at the sight of the sophisticated console systems, it was a look of child like awe on her face. Her blue eyes ran over the smooth surface, she tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear and out of her eyes. She turned to ask Eli something but seen he was lookng at her already, "If your not comfortable with me in your craft I will understand" She said politely, "I was the same for a time."

"You're fine," Eli told her. "I just don't want you to accidently press a button and blow up half the Hanger Bay, although Chief O'Malley is usually pretty good about disabling the weapons systems on the craft that come in for routine maintenance."

"I have several gerations of pilots and enginnering skills, I know what not to touch" She smiled, "But I understand Eli."

Eli was about to point out some of the controls when someone started yelling from the far side of the hanger bay. "Hey! What the hell are you doing over there? Get out of there, now!"

"Crap," Eli said softly. "Better get out of there, Nelle," he said to her as he climbed down to the deck.

"Uh who was that? Or do I even want to know?" She asked quietly as she climbed down after Eli.

Before Eli could respond a man with CWO2 pips on his collar walked around the Razor. "What the hell's going on here. What were you doing in there?"

Nelle stepped forward slightly, "My apologies , Sir, I merely asked this fine gentleman for a tour of the Razor. I didn't mean to cause a disturbance" She said in a soft tone of voice.

Eli stepped forward and said, "She's with me, Chief. We'll be leaving now."

"I should have known you'd have something to do with it, Sir," Chief O'Malley said. "You may be the Wing Commander but this is still MY hanger bay."

"Understood, Chief," Eli said as he turned to leave the area. "Let's find somewhere else to talk, Nelle," he said to her.

"Sounds good to me" Nelle turned and followed Eli, "Seems you have some dominance"

"The Chief is good at what he does and he's very protective of his domain," Eli said. "He's been in Starfleet since before I was born and he's a valuable asset to this base so, even though I'm his boss I usually give him a certain amount of leeway when it comes to the hangar bay. If he doesn't want us around I'm not going to object."

"Of course, respect is vital in life." She replied.

"Is there anything else you would like to see?" Eli asked her.

"Nothing in particular" Nelle said, "Unless theres something spectacular aboard that has never been seen before" She said jokingly.

Eli smiled at her and said, "I can show just about anything you want, although there are a few areas that are off limits to guests."

To Be Continued...

Lieutenant JG Nelle Skykin
USS Freedom

Lieutenant Commander Elijah 'Maestro' Bell
SB 47


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