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A trip to the Holodeck

Posted on 13 Feb 2010 @ 1:50pm by Colonel Nelle Skykin

1,119 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: SB 47 - Holodeck 18; Deck 125
Timeline: Current


One of the great things about being assigned to a starbase is the profligacy of the available holodecks and holosuites. Nico's most looked forward to moment of coming aboard 47 was to be able to actually use and get into one of those babies. He may not be an trained engineer, but experience has served as his best and most patient teacher.

Today, Nico's plan was to just get in and look around and maybe check out some of the programs on file. Interestingly enough, he was not the only one with that idea. Almost as soon as he reached the entrance, he noticed a woman, a Trill by the looks of her, approaching from the opposite direction.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you about to enter?" Nico asked, motioning to the holodeck's large and impressive entryway.

"Oh you were here first, I'll wait" Nelle smiled politely and brushed her hair behind her ear.

The cadet vigorously shook his head and waved his arms in protest. "Absolutely not, I couldn't. It's a big starbase, I can find another one..." he eyed the woman's rank pips and was then certain he couldn't dare jump ahead of her, "...Lieutenant."

He was about to walk away, but an idea struck. He crossed his fingers and asked, "Are you a science officer? It's about time this station got one, I wouldn't mind your assistance. Are you the new Chief, then?"

Nelle smiled, "I am a science officer, although not on the station. I'm the new Chief Science Officer for the USS Freedom" She replied and offered her hand.

Nico leaned forward and shook the offered hand, "It's a pleasure. Cadet Nico Mixhaxshi, Diplomatic Department..." he felt the urge to add that, despite the fact that the purple on his cadet uniform was an obvious hint, "...and that's a shame. I've heard that our science department has been placed in the hands of an enlisted linguist. It's not like I've met her or have anything against her at all. But I would figure an officer should be in charge, no? Wait, where are my manners, I haven't even allowed you to introduce yourself." He smiled and awaited, finding the beautiful Trill to be particularly delightful in comparison with a number of inhabitants on the station.

Skykin laughed a bit, "I'm Lt Skykin, just here for shore-leave although I have been eyeing the station's science department. It is very similar to the Freedom's" Nelle smiled politely and noticed that the holodeck doors were open wide.

Nico nodded to indicate he was listening, but he was already at work scanning through the holodeck database via the wall console next to the entrance. Now that he had her ear, he asked, "So, what's your specialty?" He awaited the answer with anticipation, though he kept his eyes on the computer screen.

"Specialty? Hum, thats a good question" She thought for a moment, "I guess its everything I can get my hands on, I enjoy my work. I guess thats my specialty" She laughed a bit.

Nico laughed along with her, "That's impressive, you don't often see a jack-of-all-trades type in the science field." Nico moved away from the console on the wall, but continued the conversation nonetheless, "Well, I'll go ahead and let you take over the holodeck. But I'd like to ask one quick question if you don't mind. You can understand that it can be difficult to get a science officer's thoughts on a station with no permanent department chief."

"Certainly, go for it" Skykin replied.

Nico smiled as this officer was quite friendly and open. Many of the science officers he'd met at the Academy were more standoffish...and less attractive. "Well, you see, I'm doing a bit of side research on this planet called Kin-Oortay, and I was just wondering if the Freedom had done any research in the sector? Specifically on the Woldens. They are the presumably indigenous species, and look like a clump of dirt with tendrils hanging from below. Very ugly. Have you ever encountered any species made of a gas-filled sac and tentacles?" The question wasn't exactly small talk, but Nico saw no problem in asking anyway. Besides, she was the same age as him yet already a junior grand Lieutenant, something which slightly distracted Nico during the whole conversation.

"I don't believe that the Freedom has encountered them, but I have been so fortunate to only experience them briefly" Nelle remembered the very gross memory of her encounter with the odd race. "I could tell you all I know, but its not a lot" She laughed.

Nico eyes lit up as he turned and ran up to the woman. Frankly, he was shocked. In asking about the Woldens, he wasn't expecting a positive reply. It was just a conversation piece. But if she had actually encountered, then his research would be that much easier. "Oh, please, do tell! I'd be very interested in anything you have to say."

"I don't really remember much of the experience, it was a long time ago before I joined the fleet" Nelle racked her brains for memories of use, "they are a pacificist race, and reiterate that they are a race of liars... but as I was a bit younger and less wiser I dont remember much" she said hoping she didnt dampen his spirits too much.

But Nico's spirits were quite the opposite of being dampened, as any piece of information, first-hand or not, was important so early in his research. Nico rubbed his chin as he slowly nodded and stared out towards a window, "Is that so?" He paused for a moment, reflecting on the fact that a pacifist race of liars could actually exist. Lying wasn't a cultural trait that Nico thought was common in non-warlike species, so this added quite the twist to his research. Perhaps he's taken on more than he is able. This project was beginning to look like a full-blown first contact with these Woldens, in all practicality. The lack of availibility of reliable information irritated Nico, but he had to push on. And that included a trip to Astrometrics or a science lab to get planetary information.

"Well, I think I've taken enough of you're time, Lieutenant. Enjoy the Holodeck, but I must be going. Perhaps we'll run into each other again before you're ship leaves?"

"Perhaps" Nelle said, "No doubt you'll find me if you want me" She smiled.

"I'm sure I will." Nico walked off with a smile on his face, happy to know there is no shortage of attractive people on this station.


Lieutenant JG Nelle Skykin
Chief Science Officer
USS Freedom

Cadet Senior Grade Tzotlnico Mixhaxshi
Senior Diplomatic Cadet, Cadet-in-Charge
Starbase 47


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