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A Meeting

Posted on 13 Feb 2010 @ 1:44pm by

874 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: SB 47 - The Grizzly
Timeline: Back post


Silonez was sitting in a cafe on the main prominade, he was supposed to meet with some of the statinos officers later on, as he sipped on a coffee a figure in a pilots duty uniform came over to the table, "can I help you?"

Eli looked at the man and smiled as he extended his hand. "Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Lieutenant Elijah Bell, Wing Commander and Second Officer here on Starbase 47."

"Silonez Ericson, Uss Freedom Cheif intel officer, can i get you something?" silonez said.

"Thank you but no," Eli replied. "I have to fly soon and it's not a good idea to have a full bladder when you're more than a million kilometers from the nearest restroom." He looked at the other man again as he sat in an empty chair. "What exactly does in Intel officer do on a starship?"

"Mostly, follow up on intelligence reports, keep the senior staff up to speed on matters that may effect operations in a patrol area, and on occaision a watch or two on the bridge." Silonez said "and on occasion breif fighter pilots on any information that they need on an up coming mission."

"I guess that makes sense," Eli said. "Where do you get your information?"

"Intel updates, there usually part of the weekly updates all departments get, its just a case of filtering through the data and finding the useful information." he paused " which class of fighter do you fly?"

"That's very interesting," Eli stated. "I fly a Razor class Interceptor. I love my job and I can't imagine doing anything else, although your job sounds intriguing."

"It can be, there are times that you learn things that you would rather not learn about, but its part of the job, there are trade offs too, alot of the work tends to cut into your social life sometimes."

"I know how that goes," Eli responded thoughtfully. "It's not easy finding someone that will stand by you knowing that every time you take off may be your last." He paused with a far off look in his eyes then continued, "Are you enjoying your time here on SB47?"

"its a welcome break, after almost two weeks in romulan space I'm glad to be back on this side of the neutral zone, the ship took a beating from our welcoming commitee, we lost some good officers." Silonez stopped and took a long pull on his coffee.

"It's never a good thing to lose people on a mission," Eli replied. "I wonder if your mission has anything to do with the Romulan freighter we recovered recently."

"Freighter?" silonez almost choked on his coffee.

"Is there a problem?" Eli asked.

"No, what happened exactly?" Silonez was now very interested.

"We received a distress signal from a Romulan freighter inside the Neutral Zone. We provided assistance and now there's a Romulan Ambassador here on the base to reclaim it. Nothing special."

"I think you have stumbled across a grwoing problem within the romulan empire, I saw a report of a large number of refugees, but nothing like this."

"Very interesting," Eli said to him. "Is there anything we should be aware of considering how close we are to the NZ?"

"You've by now heard about the attack on Deep Space five?" Silonez paused "It was organized by a faction within the Romulan empire, there is little on this group specifically, but they are well equipped."

"What kind of equipment?" Eli asked. His concern for the safety of the base and it's crew was growing.

"Up todate Birds of prey, possibly more, the few troops that were encountered were armed with compression rifles, and their fighters were of an unknown design."

"The fighters are what interest me," Eli said. "Is there anything else you can tell me about them?"

"there compairable in size to the Razor class, but their warp drive is mounted on the s-foils, and the missile content is comparable though, but the disruptors were the odd ball, they couldn't maintain a sustained fire rate."

"That's very interesting," Eli said thoughtfully. "I'll have to instruct my people to be on the lookout for them. Enough about that, though. I didn't mean to talk business when you're suppose to be relaxing. Is there anything we can do for you while you're here?"

"I wouldn't mind sitting in on a preflight breifing, I'm not a fighter jock but I am a pretty good shuttle pilot."

"That can be arranged. There will be a briefing in approximately two hours on the Flight Deck. You're more than welcome to meet me there and observe if you wish," Eli told the man.

"That would be great, thanks" silonez was supposed to be on R and R but he'd rather be working.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Eli asked the other officer.

"No, I'll meet you in two hours." he said as he stood and extended his hand.

"In that case, welcome aboard and don't be afraid to ask if there's anything we can do to make your stay here more enjoyable," Eli said as he shook the man's hand.



Lieutenant Silonez Eircson
CIO - USS Freedom

Lieutenant Commander Elijah 'Maestro' Bell


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