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The task at hand

Posted on 13 Feb 2010 @ 12:53pm by

418 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


Lawrence awoke at 0600 shaved showered ate his breakfast eggs and sausage drink two cups of tea but on uniform inspected himself in the mirror and headed for the bridge. He stepped out of the turbo lift and went up Killian "Commander shall get to the task at hand?" he said in cold calculating voice and heavy British accent it sound more like statement than a question.

Don was going through the roster with one of the security officers. He was still getting to know everyone, but he was still confused. "Sorry Ensign Garlak, I will get there.." he said apologetically when he heard the voice behind him. Only one person had such an accent. "Good morning, Lieutenant," Don said sarcastically as he slowly turned around. "I am still busy, you need to wait till I am finished here," he said and faced the young Garlak again.

"Just change with Martins, he would be free then on Gamma. If the chief is okay with it, we can schedule it in. I'd be happy to help," he said in a friendly tone." Only after she had left, he faced the Ops Chief. "Well Oaksey, what can I do for you?" he asked

"Sir I would like to run a one last full diagnostic on the critical systems and a complete inventory of all the arms and equipment and spare parts before we depart."

"Well, diagnostics will be good. I have not done a final on weapons yet. We have worked on it, but have not completed it" he said. "As far as the inventory is concerned, that job I did for the most part. I have not followed up on science and medical yet and here is a list of the other departments," he said handing him a PaDD. Frankly he was very relieved to hand that little responsibility over as he had to stand in when their was no ops chief. "Oh yes. environmental is waiting for a part, that is being manufactured by the SB plant. They should be done later today and see to it that THEY fit it, then they carry the warranty."

"Of course, " Lawrence replied. "Is there anything else?"

"Get on the weapons diagnostics first, but other than that...nothing for now," Don answered. ~Of course you could have an attitude adjustment....~ he thought to himself, but kept quiet.

"Aye sir." Lawrence replied.


Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord pf Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer
USS Freedom

Lt Cmdr DOn Killian
USS Freedom


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