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The hunt begings....again

Posted on 12 Feb 2010 @ 12:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

546 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave

Da`nal was in a particularly good mood this morning. Ayren had surprised him by joining him for his morning workout, and well lets say it was a spirited workout. He had to admit that things were moving right along, but he didn't want to rush into anything. At least not yet.

He was greeted as he stepped on to the bridge, and after a brief report on the evening events...or lack there of, he head of into his ready room. As he entered he saw Lance finishing up the monumental task of keeping the Captain's schedule organized and his desk as cleared as possible.

Lance looked up to see his Commanding Officer standing there. "Morning Sir."

Stepping over to the replicator to allow his Yeoman to finish. "Morning Lance. ra'taj hot. What do you have for me?"

The LAST of the repair orders needing your authorization, and the regular set of morning report...just your standard fair during shore leave. I already reviewed them and put the item for your attention on a summary report."

Da`nal grunted as he shock his head. "You bucking for a promotion?"

Lance simply smiled. "As long as it comes with larger quarters. Oh there was one rather important personnel matter you will need to take care of. It’s the first on you list for this morning."

Now Da`nal was curious, ~Hmm...I wonder what that could be? Probably someone requesting transfer out of Operations,~ he though with a touch of sarcasm. "Very well, Thank you again...Chief." Letting his yeoman know that his promotion was coming.

Lance's head twisted towards the Captain so fast you'd have that it would have flown off. "Chief?!"

"Anyone that can keep MY desk clean more than deserves it. It's not official yet but, its on the way."

"Thank you sir."

"You've earned it. Now take the rest of the day and enjoy yourself."

"Sir? It's not even 0800 yet."

"And? Get out of here...before I change my mind."

"Aye sir." Lance took off as ordered in a complete state of surprise. ~A promotion, AND a day off. The Cap'n is in a rare mood this morning. He won't be once her reads that resignation...~

[Back inside the Ready room]

Da`nal took a seat and picked up the first PADD that Lance had set out for him.

--PADD Contents--

To: Captain Da`nal - Commanding Officer - USS Freedom
From: Lt. Vanya - Chief Medical Officer - USS Freedom

Subject: Resignation


Due to matters of a personal and private nature I must resign my commission in Starfleet. While my time under your command has been brief I wish you the best. My apologies for the inconvenience this will put on you and the ship, but I'm sure you will be able to find a replacement soon enough.


--End Memo--

Da`nal put the PADD down. While the news hadn't completely ruined his mood it certainly put a damper on it. Activating his monitor he spoke to the computer. "Computer, list all unassigned Starfleet personnel, in this sector, capable of holding a Chief Medical Officers billet."

As the list grew he summoned his XO. "Commander Killian, report to my Ready Room."



Capt. Da`nal


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