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Repairs are almost complete....BUT

Posted on 11 Feb 2010 @ 5:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,092 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave

Da`nal had returned from the station after finalizing a few crew transfers in person. He could have easily handled things over the comm but by making the trek in person he got the chance to strech his legs.

Things were running smoothly and the ships repairs were nearly complete. However intstead of dropping anothe project on his already over worked Engineering staff he decided to let them enjoy twhat shore leave remaind and went to find his Chief Intelligence Officer. He was about to enter into the Intel offices but stopped. There was something he needed to get first.

Returning to his ready room he retieved the item and then summoned the individuals he needed. =^= Lt. Eircson and Miss Rhys report to my ready room. =^=

Silonez rolled over in his bunk, he'd been keeping odd hours since their arrival at the starbase, he rolled over and grabbed his comm badge "Acknowleged."

Rhys had been up anyway, and didn't bother to acknowledge the call by comm. She simply showed up at the ready room and rang the chime. Once the door had opened, she leaned against the frame of it and cocked her head to one side with her hair flowing down her shoulder, saying, "You rang?"

Da`nal was just stepping away from the replicator as she spoke. "Ah yes Miss Rhys, come in. Can I get you anything?"

"A Long Island would be nice," Rhys responded, testing the waters as she stepped through the door.

He raised a brow at her selection, that was actually one of Earth's drinks that he liked. If it had been one of his officers, he would have thought them joking but she was a civilian after all. Turning to the replicator, he said, " Long Island Ice Tea." The beverage materialized in the replicator and he handed it to her then motioned the the couch along the portals as they waited on Silonez and before Da`nal could even take a seat the chime sounded. "Enter."

Silonez had arrived at the door to the ready room and pressed the door chime. He half expected to get a new one ripped over being late.

Rhys situated herself on the arm of the sofa comfortably and took a sip of her drink, her eyes moving to the door expressionlessly.

"Lieutenant, I was about to send a search party...have a seat. Oh I don't know if you two have met yet. Lieutenant Silonez Eircson...Miss Rhys, our new Bartender and Morale Officer."

Rhys simply eyed the man and nodded, not saying a thing before looking back to the captain with bored expectation.

Silonez just nodded and took a seat.

"The reason I called both of you two together is for the planning that Miss. Rhys has been conducting. The spaces across from the mess hall need to be combined to mirror the mess hall itself and provide storage for our new bar. Now normally this would be a task for engineering but as they are still tied up with repairs and as the lieutenant here has shown to be quite the engineer himself I would like the two of you to work together."

"Perfect," came Rhys' dry response.

"I could replicate the wall panels on the starbase before we depart, then use the smaller industrial replicator here on the ship to build the rest." Silonez commented

Da`nal looked over to the new member to his crew. "Is there a problem Miss Rhys?"

"I simply said 'perfect', Captain. How could you possibly gather that there may be a problem from that?" Rhys asked, eyeing him carefully.

"Your tone seemed to indicate otherwise, if i was mistaken I apologize. Moving on..."

Silonez looked at the new arrival, "I'll find a few available crew to help out and we'll get going."

"That's an excellent idea. Get whatever crew involved in the creation of the bar that want to participate. I have a few things in the works for supplies so that shouldn't be an issue."

"I will get some general plans drawn up for you," Rhys said casually, looking between the two men, her expression unreadable.

"Well then I will let the two of you get to it then. Dismissed."

Silonez stood already thinking about who to get for this project, he could tell the CO wasn't finished talking though.

Da`nal followed them out and as they moved toward the lift he headed to the Command Chair as his XO rose. But before they could enter the lift he stopped them. "One moment Mister Silonez." Looking to his XO, he nodded.

"Yes sir." Silonez said.

Don looked up and straightened his back even more. "Attention to orders! Lt. Silonez, front and center!" he said sharply as Da'nal had discussed with him earlier.

Silonez snapped to attention and thought ~What the hell now?~

Da`nal took the small box from Don and waited as Silonez cam around and stood before him. "Lieutenant Silonez, this award is long over due and couldn't go to a more deserving officer. You were assigned to this ship as her Chief intellegence Officer. However on numerous occations you stepped up and exceeded that mandate. Your knowledge in engineering has proven invaluable to me and the crew of this ship.

"Before I was even assigned to the Freedom as her commanding officer you saw that the ship was made as ready as possible for battle given the time frame involved. Then during the attack on Deep Space 5 you were a intrical part in maintaining the Freedoms systems and after that engagementyou aided in the ships repairs. Recently you once again went beyond your assigned duties during the recent excursion into Romulan Space.

"For your repeated actions, it is my honor to award you the Federation Service Commendation....with clusters."

Silonez didn't know whether or not to faint or get excited "thank you sir." was all he could muster.

Da`nal almost had to laugh at the dumbfounded expression on the man's face but he held his reserve. "You're Welcome. As I said these should have come sooner, but better late than never." He was sure that was the proper saying...if it wasn't he was sure Don would correct him later.

Don didn't know the man from a bar of soap, but he must have deserved it for Da'nal to hand it to him. He stepped forward to congratulate the officer. "Congratulations Lieutenant," he said.


Captain Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Donovan Killian

Lt. Silonez Eircson

Morale Officer / Bartender


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