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His Lordship has spoken....

Posted on 02 Mar 2010 @ 12:56pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,054 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Conference Rm 3
Timeline: Backpost

Jessica sat in the mess hall preparing the message to go out to Lieutenants Kage and Flaherty. No doubt they were going to be more than curious as to why an NCO was requesting a cross departmental meeting but there was no way to avoid it. She only hoped that she didn't get her ass chewed once she passed his Lordships.....request.

She hit send on her PADD, then set it down to finishe her dinner.

[The next morning]

Jessica has arrived nearly 20 minutes early for her own meeting, and she still didn't know what she was going to say. In her earlier meeting with Lt. Lawrence, he had mention something about 'the Articles of War as set down by King George'. Well she had the time so she did some digging.

The lieutenant was of human orgin, born and raised on the British Isles. She know that Earth was and had been a united planet for sometime, so she began by referencing King George in Earths history. It appeared there had been an entire line of Georges, but by cross referencing both the name and the subject she found what the Lieutenant had been refering to.

She read the articles, to her utter shock. The Article were archaic in the extreme. Of the 36 articles, governing the behavior of those in the British military in the mid 1700's of Earths calander, violation of 22 could be punishable by death. "And he wants us to abide by these?! He's out of him mind!"

Kage arrived a short time later, looking as relaxed as anyone could despite being in uniform. His uniform was regulation style, but closer to the Marines, with several markings that indicated a longer period of time in that service. "Morning," was all he said.

Jessica's head bolted up hoping he hadn't been over heard, but she stood at the officer's entrance. "Morning Sir. Thank you for coming."

"Your message interested me," Kage said with a slight smile. "I'll be interested in seeing where this discussion heads."

"To be honest sir, I'm knd of afraid of how this might all turn out myself. Lt. Lawrence is making changes through ou tth e department and making demands on others. I called this meeting to hopefully smooth the way."

Kage pushed a PADD across the table, "As Security Chief I've annotated all of the rules that are not going to be used in any way shape or form. You'll find almost all are checked off."

Jessica grimaced slightly as she picked up the PADD. the emphasis on the 'not' was clear and not unexpected. As she read through the notation it almost mirrored her reasoning, that caused her to smile. "Well sir, she said hefting the PADD, "I said nearing the very same thing to his 'Lordship' when he first handed me this assignment.

"I told him that the weapons and the armories where securities domain, to include the invetorying of the arms. I also told him that the demand for prior notification power need was unnecessary. If Security is going to need a reroute or additional power it would either be for a critical situation or part of a project that would need the Captain approval. And in that case Ops wouls already be in the loop any way.

"I'm prety sure with him hearing it from both side I can convince him and reslovve te issue. order to help smooth thing out. I was wondering if you could bend on this one item here." Turning the PADD back to him. If you would agree to route your resupply requests through him I think that I can sell him on everything else....that way it doesn't have to go any higher. The Captain has enough on his plate without having to mediate departmental infighting. Sir."

"No, in fact Hell no is my answer." Kage snarled, his relaxed expression gone. His voice was deeper, harsher and his body language was still very relaxed and controlled...very Marines style...or inmates... "I went through this crap in the past and I won't go through it again. When I was doing front line work the last person who demanded that job started questioning why went through so many bootlaces! I am not playin' begger cause someone wants a job. They want something to do, I'll put 'em to work Marine style and they can clean decks with a boot brush!"

She had been afraid of least she only had to deal with one department head right now than two. She had to keep her calm obout her even if he flew off the handle... "Sir, Don't think he cares about the way, at least I hope not. But your resupply requests have to be submitted anyway, does it really matter who its turned in to?"

Lieutenant Mac Flaherty, clad in his usual heavily greased yellow-collared uniform, stepped into the room casually. He wore the "I'm-here-now-what-do-want' look about his face, not altogether angry or even annoyed at being called away from his station, but moreso confused at why they would want him. "What is this all about?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips.

Jessica looked up as she waited for the Security Chief's reply. "Hello sir, I wanted to go over Lt. Lawrence's....directives. I was tasked to discuss them with you two gentlemen." She took a chance and expressed her opinion on her bosses actions with them. I personally think that most of what he wants is....out of bounds. I requested this meeting to try and find some sort of middle ground."

"Here's the middle ground, his worship gets nothing from my department and likes it." Kage snarled, "Or in Marine terms, he can cram this list up sideways. Understood?"

Jessica let out a huff in defeat. ~Well so much for my mediation efforts.~ "Uderstood Sir. Lt.Flaherty is this position as well?"

"Ya God Damn Rright t'it is. We'r noh abou'ta change procedure jus' because his holiness shows up! And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let his Lordship anywhere near Engineering."

Jess stood and nodded. "Understood. Truth be told sirs," a devilish grin on her face, "I was hoping this would happen."


PO Jessica Logan
NPC'd by Chris

Ltjg. Jason Kage

Lt. MacCallium Flaherty


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