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Want a job?

Posted on 28 Feb 2010 @ 3:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

436 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Science Lap 2
Timeline: Backpost

Da`nal had just finished speaking with his Chief Engineer and after he had climbed out of the jefferies tube headed off to find Lt. Blaire, the Starbases Engineering liaison.

He was finally back in the corridor and straightned his uniform, "Computer, locate Lt Blaire."

=A= Lt. Blaire is in Science Lab 3.=A= The computer responded.

Blaire was working on the last of the computer gliches in the Science Lab before heading back to the starbase.

Once Da`nal had her location he entered the nearest lif and head for the science lab. Upon his arrival he stood in the enterance and watch a moment as the lieutenant worked on one of the science computers.

"Hard at work I see."

Scarlett was so focused on her work that she didn't here the Captain walk into the lab. She swore under her breath and whiped around. "Ye scared me sir!"

With a wide grin he stepped into the lab and allowed the doors to close. "Well that was not my intentions, but you should be more aware of your surrounds though. You never know what can happen. However I spoke with Lt. Flaherty about your work."

"Ye did?" He now had her full attention. She took great pride in her work and hoped that the lieutenant had good things to say about her work.

"Yes, He had high praises for both your work and your work ethic."

Scarlett looked at the Klingon with suprise. She had always been confident in herself. Though it was good to hear that she was appreiciated. "Thank ye Sir. I'm flattered at the compliment sir, of course, but I was only doing my duty."

Da`nal arched a brow, "Humility as well. I'm beginning to wonder if you have any flaws Lietenant."

Scarlett blushed as red as her name. "Ohh I do sir...beleive me."

"Well regardless I am going to request your transfer to the Freedom as our Assistant Chief Engineer."

Jacob wasn't going to like the idea, but the chance to be number two on a starship was a huge opportunity. And here she wouldn't have to hold back...she could talk with someone and not have to explain things when she fell back into acsent. She bowed her head slightly, "I am honored Captain."

"Excellent. I'll get the transfer started and I'll let you get back to work."

"Aye sir." She watched as the doors closed after the Captain left and she slowly turned back to her work. A smile spread over her face as she thought, ~Assistant Chief Engineer...~


Capt. Da`nal

Ltjg Scarlett Blaire


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