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Good 'ol fashioned Favoritism

Posted on 02 Mar 2010 @ 1:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

744 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Operation Office


Jessica woke early feeling surprisingly rested after her meeting with Lt's Flaherty and Kage. It was good to know that they weren't going to be crusifying her when she'd relay his highness's wishes. Now all she had to do was tell him they wanted nothing to do with his....directives.

After a quiet breakfast she dress and pulled up the days duty schedule. She read the PADD as she finished her glass of juice, her eyes went wide and shr slammed the gleass down and bolted from the room. ~Why that holier than thou son-of-a-bitch!!~

She was fuming as she entered the lift and announced her destination.


Lawrence was in his office reviewing the reports from the other deaprment heads.

[Deck 3]

There was no one in the XO's office and after an asking the computer she discovered that he wasn't on the ship or the station. "Crap!" If she had been new to the ship she'd have gone to the Captain, but she knew how he was. If she had take this to him without going through her chain of command she'd get no where.

She had no choice. She had to go deal with this head on. Back in the lift she headed down to Operations and pressed the chime on the door to her bosses door.

"Enter." he replied ~bloody hell I her one complaint about room assiments~ he thought to himself.

Taking a deep breath she tugged at her jacket and entered. "Sir there is something I'd like to discuss with you."

"Make it quick Miss Logan I have a meeting with several other depamnet heads shortly." he replied in his heavy Britsh accent."

~Oh I'll make it quick alright.~ That was just the 'permission' she needed to get right to the point. "Why am I no longer listed as the departs NCOIC?"

"I gave Stiles that job as welll he has served with me before and he knows how I operate how I want things done, until Stiles is no longer capable of perfrping thoses duties you are the depament ANCOIC." Lawrence replied coldly.

"With all due respect sir, thats a slap in the face to my position. Even though we have the same rank, he's a Quartermaster. I am a bridge certified Operations NCO, I know this crew and I know how the Captain wants things done. And I've worked with the other Operations officers to try and keep thing running smoothly with out a proper Department head since this shipp was launched. If this is merely a matter of familiarity with how you want things done, shouldn't Stiles be the assistant?" She knew she was borderline, but the facts were facts. As long as she had her ducks in a row she knew she would be the long run.

"Miss Logan, Stiles is the quarter master and a bridge certifed opertions officer I made sure of that, and if you presist in this tone you can go back to back being just an opertations officer, and I'll worry about the Captain and whether or not our styles clash and such, the matter is closed do I make my self clear."

She knew his type all too well. No amount of for 'discussion' was going to get him to budge. She had fullfilled he obligations to the chain of command and as soon as th XO got back she was going to take it up the chain. This was Bullsh** and there was no other way to slice it. This wasn't done...not by a long shot. But Jessica played nice and came to attention; "Yes SIR."

"Good, dismissed. Lawrence responded as gather up the PADDs for his meeting.

Jessica stopped in the doorway as she left. "Oh one other thing SIR. I met with both Security and Engineering Department Heads about the procedurse you wanted them to follow."

He did say anything but his express was one that he expected her to continue.

"Well the meeting didn't go well. Lt. Kage said you could..." a slight grim fromed on her face, " 'cram it up sideways'....sir."

As she had already been dismissed she stepped through and let the door close. ~Hell he can cram it and give it a twist for all I care. Hmmm, I wonder if I could get a transfer to either Security or Engineering?~


Lt. Sir James Lawrence
Chief Operation Officer

PO Jessica Logan
NPC'd by Chris


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